RuntimeError: resnet50_vd_10w does not support dynamic graph mode yet.
Created by: zachary-zheng
I tried the demo:
But the result and Error as following:
E:\Python\Python37-64\python.exe "E:/Python/Pycharm/my work/AI_study/Learning_from_Github/04 paddlepaddle-learn/03 Paddle_hub/PaddleHub-release-v1.7/demo/image_classification/"
[2020-06-10 22:40:34,848] [ INFO] - Installing resnet50_vd_10w module
[2020-06-10 22:40:34,868] [ INFO] - Module resnet50_vd_10w already installed in C:\Users\admin\.paddlehub\modules\resnet50_vd_10w
[2020-06-10 22:40:34,871] [ INFO] - Dataset C:\Users\admin\.paddlehub\dataset\flower_photos already cached.
[2020-06-10 22:40:36,859] [ INFO] - Dataset label map = {'roses': 0, 'tulips': 1, 'daisy': 2, 'sunflowers': 3, 'dandelion': 4}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:/Python/Pycharm/my work/AI_study/Learning_from_Github/04 paddlepaddle-learn/03 Paddle_hub/PaddleHub-release-v1.7/demo/image_classification/", line 89, in <module>
File "E:/Python/Pycharm/my work/AI_study/Learning_from_Github/04 paddlepaddle-learn/03 Paddle_hub/PaddleHub-release-v1.7/demo/image_classification/", line 66, in finetune
pred = resnet(imgs)
File "E:\Python\Python37-64\lib\site-packages\paddle\fluid\dygraph\", line 461, in __call__
outputs = self.forward(*inputs, **kwargs)
File "E:/Python/Pycharm/my work/AI_study/Learning_from_Github/04 paddlepaddle-learn/03 Paddle_hub/PaddleHub-release-v1.7/demo/image_classification/", line 29, in forward
feature_map = self.backbone(imgs)
File "E:\Python\Python37-64\lib\site-packages\paddle\fluid\dygraph\", line 461, in __call__
outputs = self.forward(*inputs, **kwargs)
File "E:\Python\Python37-64\lib\site-packages\paddlehub\module\", line 254, in forward
RuntimeError: resnet50_vd_10w does not support dynamic graph mode yet.
W0610 22:40:34.892999 3416] Please NOTE: device: 0, CUDA Capability: 50, Driver API Version: 11.0, Runtime API Version: 10.0
W0610 22:40:34.904000 3416] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 7.6.
Process finished with exit code 1
I just cannot believe that "RuntimeError: resnet50_vd_10w does not support dynamic graph mode yet." Would you please take a look at it and help me? Appreciate it.