未验证 提交 fa437c1f 编写于 作者: jm_12138's avatar jm_12138 提交者: GitHub

update porn_detection_gru (#2103)

上级 b2853121
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- ### 1、环境依赖
- paddlepaddle >= 1.6.2
- paddlehub >= 1.6.0 | [如何安装PaddleHub](../../../../docs/docs_ch/get_start/installation.rst)
- ### 2、安装
......@@ -42,45 +42,45 @@
- ```shell
$ hub run porn_detection_gru --input_text "黄片下载"
- 或者
- ```shell
$ hub run porn_detection_gru --input_file test.txt
- 其中test.txt存放待审查文本,每行仅放置一段待审核文本
- 通过命令行方式实现hub模型的调用,更多请见 [PaddleHub命令行指令](../../../../docs/docs_ch/tutorial/cmd_usage.rst)
- ### 2、预测代码示例
- ```python
import paddlehub as hub
porn_detection_gru = hub.Module(name="porn_detection_gru")
test_text = ["黄片下载", "打击黄牛党"]
results = porn_detection_gru.detection(texts=test_text, use_gpu=True, batch_size=1) # 如不使用GPU,请修改为use_gpu=False
for index, text in enumerate(test_text):
results[index]["text"] = text
for index, result in enumerate(results):
# 输出结果如下:
# {'text': '黄片下载', 'porn_detection_label': 1, 'porn_detection_key': 'porn', 'porn_probs': 0.9324, 'not_porn_probs': 0.0676}
# {'text': '打击黄牛党', 'porn_detection_label': 0, 'porn_detection_key': 'not_porn', 'porn_probs': 0.0004, 'not_porn_probs': 0.9996}
- ### 3、API
- ```python
def detection(texts=[], data={}, use_gpu=False, batch_size=1)
- porn_detection_gru预测接口,鉴定输入句子是否包含色情文案
- **参数**
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
- ```python
import requests
import json
# 待预测数据
text = ["黄片下载", "打击黄牛党"]
......@@ -179,7 +179,11 @@
* 1.2.0
移除 Fluid API
- ```shell
$ hub install porn_detection_gru==1.1.0
$ hub install porn_detection_gru==1.2.0
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- ### 1、Environmental dependence
- paddlepaddle >= 1.6.2
- paddlehub >= 1.6.0 | [How to install PaddleHub](../../../../docs/docs_ch/get_start/installation.rst)
- ### 2、Installation
......@@ -42,45 +42,45 @@
- ```shell
$ hub run porn_detection_gru --input_text "黄片下载"
- or
- ```shell
$ hub run porn_detection_gru --input_file test.txt
- test.txt stores the text to be reviewed. Each line contains only one text
- If you want to call the Hub module through the command line, please refer to: [PaddleHub Command line instruction](../../../../docs/docs_ch/tutorial/cmd_usage.rst)
- ### 2、Prediction Code Example
- ```python
import paddlehub as hub
porn_detection_gru = hub.Module(name="porn_detection_gru")
test_text = ["黄片下载", "打击黄牛党"]
results = porn_detection_gru.detection(texts=test_text, use_gpu=True, batch_size=1) # If you do not use GPU, please set use_gpu=False
for index, text in enumerate(test_text):
results[index]["text"] = text
for index, result in enumerate(results):
# The output:
# {'text': '黄片下载', 'porn_detection_label': 1, 'porn_detection_key': 'porn', 'porn_probs': 0.9324, 'not_porn_probs': 0.0676}
# {'text': '打击黄牛党', 'porn_detection_label': 0, 'porn_detection_key': 'not_porn', 'porn_probs': 0.0004, 'not_porn_probs': 0.9996}
- ### 3、API
- ```python
def detection(texts=[], data={}, use_gpu=False, batch_size=1)
- prediction api of porn_detection_gru,to identify whether input sentences contain pornography
- **Parameter**
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
- ```python
import requests
import json
# data to be predicted
text = ["黄片下载", "打击黄牛党"]
......@@ -177,7 +177,11 @@
Improves prediction performance and simplifies interface usage
* 1.2.0
移除 Fluid API
- ```shell
$ hub install porn_detection_gru==1.1.0
$ hub install porn_detection_gru==1.2.0
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import math
import os
import six
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import paddlehub as hub
from paddlehub.common.paddle_helper import get_variable_info
from paddlehub.module.module import moduleinfo, serving
from paddlehub.reader import tokenization
from porn_detection_gru.processor import load_vocab, preprocess, postprocess
summary="Baidu's open-source Porn Detection Model.",
import paddlehub as hub
from .processor import load_vocab
from .processor import postprocess
from .processor import preprocess
from paddlehub.compat.task import tokenization
from paddlehub.module.module import moduleinfo
from paddlehub.module.module import serving
summary="Baidu's open-source Porn Detection Model.",
class PornDetectionGRU(hub.NLPPredictionModule):
def _initialize(self):
def __init__(self):
initialize with the necessary elements
......@@ -42,41 +36,6 @@ class PornDetectionGRU(hub.NLPPredictionModule):
def context(self, trainable=False):
Get the input ,output and program of the pretrained porn_detection_gru
trainable(bool): whether fine-tune the pretrained parameters of porn_detection_gru or not
inputs(dict): the input variables of porn_detection_gru (words)
outputs(dict): the output variables of porn_detection_gru (the sentiment prediction results)
main_program(Program): the main_program of lac with pretrained prameters
place = fluid.CPUPlace()
exe = fluid.Executor(place)
program, feed_target_names, fetch_targets = fluid.io.load_inference_model(
dirname=self.pretrained_model_path, executor=exe)
with open(self.param_file, 'r') as file:
params_list = file.readlines()
for param in params_list:
param = param.strip()
var = program.global_block().var(param)
var_info = get_variable_info(var)
shape=var_info['shape'], dtype=var_info['dtype'], name=var_info['name'])
for param in program.global_block().iter_parameters():
param.trainable = trainable
for name, var in program.global_block().vars.items():
if name == feed_target_names[0]:
inputs = {"words": var}
# output of sencond layer from the end prediction layer (fc-softmax)
if name == "@HUB_porn_detection_gru@layer_norm_0.tmp_2":
outputs = {"class_probs": fetch_targets[0], "sentence_feature": var}
return inputs, outputs, program
def detection(self, texts=[], data={}, use_gpu=False, batch_size=1):
......@@ -134,28 +93,3 @@ class PornDetectionGRU(hub.NLPPredictionModule):
self.labels = {"porn": 1, "not_porn": 0}
return self.labels
if __name__ == "__main__":
porn_detection_gru = PornDetectionGRU()
# porn_detection_gru = hub.Module(name='porn_detection_gru')
test_text = ["黄片下载", "打击黄牛党"]
results = porn_detection_gru.detection(texts=test_text)
for index, text in enumerate(test_text):
results[index]["text"] = text
for index, result in enumerate(results):
if six.PY2:
print(json.dumps(results[index], encoding="utf8", ensure_ascii=False))
input_dict = {"text": test_text}
results = porn_detection_gru.detection(data=input_dict)
for index, text in enumerate(test_text):
results[index]["text"] = text
for index, result in enumerate(results):
if six.PY2:
print(json.dumps(results[index], encoding="utf8", ensure_ascii=False))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import io
import numpy as np
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