未验证 提交 5e3ca2d5 编写于 作者: B buchongyu 提交者: GitHub

fix deeplabv3p_xception65_humanseg inference client bug (#1914)

上级 185ba23d
......@@ -131,34 +131,35 @@
- 配置好服务端,以下数行代码即可实现发送预测请求,获取预测结果
import requests
import json
import cv2
import base64
import numpy as np
def cv2_to_base64(image):
data = cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)[1]
return base64.b64encode(data.tostring()).decode('utf8')
def base64_to_cv2(b64str):
data = base64.b64decode(b64str.encode('utf8'))
data = np.fromstring(data, np.uint8)
data = cv2.imdecode(data, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
return data
# 发送HTTP请求
data = {'images':[cv2_to_base64(cv2.imread("/PATH/TO/IMAGE"))]}
headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
url = ""
r = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, # 保存图片
mask =cv2.cvtColor(base64_to_cv2(r.json()["results"][0]['data']), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
rgba = np.concatenate((org_im, np.expand_dims(mask, axis=2)), axis=2)
cv2.imwrite("segment_human_server.png", rgba)
- ```python
import requests
import json
import cv2
import base64
import numpy as np
def cv2_to_base64(image):
data = cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)[1]
return base64.b64encode(data.tostring()).decode('utf8')
def base64_to_cv2(b64str):
data = base64.b64decode(b64str.encode('utf8'))
data = np.fromstring(data, np.uint8)
data = cv2.imdecode(data, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
return data
org_im = cv2.imread("/PATH/TO/IMAGE")
# 发送HTTP请求
data = {'images':[cv2_to_base64(org_im)]}
headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
url = ""
r = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))# 保存图片
mask =cv2.cvtColor(base64_to_cv2(r.json()["results"][0]['data']), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
rgba = np.concatenate((org_im, np.expand_dims(mask, axis=2)), axis=2)
cv2.imwrite("segment_human_server.png", rgba)
## 五、更新历史
......@@ -128,34 +128,35 @@
- With a configured server, use the following lines of code to send the prediction request and obtain the result
- ```python
import requests
import json
import cv2
import base64
import numpy as np
def cv2_to_base64(image):
data = cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)[1]
return base64.b64encode(data.tostring()).decode('utf8')
def base64_to_cv2(b64str):
data = base64.b64decode(b64str.encode('utf8'))
data = np.fromstring(data, np.uint8)
data = cv2.imdecode(data, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
return data
# Send an HTTP request
data = {'images':[cv2_to_base64(cv2.imread("/PATH/TO/IMAGE"))]}
headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
url = ""
r = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers,
mask =cv2.cvtColor(base64_to_cv2(r.json()["results"][0]['data']), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
rgba = np.concatenate((org_im, np.expand_dims(mask, axis=2)), axis=2)
cv2.imwrite("segment_human_server.png", rgba)
- ```python
import requests
import json
import cv2
import base64
import numpy as np
def cv2_to_base64(image):
data = cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)[1]
return base64.b64encode(data.tostring()).decode('utf8')
def base64_to_cv2(b64str):
data = base64.b64decode(b64str.encode('utf8'))
data = np.fromstring(data, np.uint8)
data = cv2.imdecode(data, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
return data
org_im = cv2.imread("/PATH/TO/IMAGE")
# Send an HTTP request
data = {'images':[cv2_to_base64(org_im)]}
headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
url = ""
r = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
mask =cv2.cvtColor(base64_to_cv2(r.json()["results"][0]['data']), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
rgba = np.concatenate((org_im, np.expand_dims(mask, axis=2)), axis=2)
cv2.imwrite("segment_human_server.png", rgba)
## V. Release Note
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