Execute compile commands, where `PYTHON_EXECUTABLE` is path to the python binary where the PaddlePaddle is installed, and `PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS` is the corresponding python include directory. You can get the `PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS` via the following command:
Execute compile commands, where `PYTHON_EXECUTABLE` is path to the python binary where the PaddlePaddle is installed, 'g++_path' is the path of G++ and `PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS` is the corresponding python include directory. You can get the `PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS` via the following command:
# Example in Recognize Digits with Secure Aggragate
This document introduces how to use PaddleFL to train a model with Fl Strategy: Secure Aggregation. Using Secure Aggregation strategy, the server can aggregate the model parameters without learning the value of the parameters.
### Dependencies
- paddlepaddle>=1.6
- paddlepaddle>=1.8
### How to install PaddleFL
Please use python which has paddlepaddle installed
This document introduces how to use PaddleFL to train a model with Fl Strategy.
### Dependencies
- paddlepaddle>=1.8
### How to install PaddleFL
Please use pip which has paddlepaddle installed
pip install paddle_fl
### How to work in PaddleFL
PaddleFL has two phases , CompileTime and RunTime. In CompileTime, a federated learning task is defined by fl_master. In RunTime, a federated learning job is executed on fl_server and fl_trainer in distributed clusters.
sh run.sh
#### How to work in CompileTime
In this example, we implement compile time programs in fl_master.py
python fl_master.py
In fl_master.py, we first define FL-Strategy, User-Defined-Program and Distributed-Config. Then FL-Job-Generator generate FL-Job for federated server and worker.
In fl_server.py, we load and run the FL server job.
server = FLServer()
server_id = 0
job_path = "fl_job_config"
job = FLRunTimeJob()
job.load_server_job(job_path, server_id)
job._scheduler_ep = "" # IP address for scheduler
server._current_ep = "" # IP address for server
In fl_trainer.py, we load and run the FL trainer job, then evaluate the accuracy with test data and compute the privacy budget. The DataSet is ramdomly generated.
This document introduces how to use PaddleFL to train a model with Fl Strategy: DPSGD.
### Dependencies
- paddlepaddle>=1.8
### How to install PaddleFL
Please use pip which has paddlepaddle installed
pip install paddle_fl
### Model
The simplest Softmax regression model is to get features with input layer passing through a fully connected layer and then compute and ouput probabilities of multiple classifications directly via Softmax function [[PaddlePaddle tutorial: recognize digits](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/tree/develop/02.recognize_digits#references)].
### Datasets
Public Dataset [MNIST](http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/)
The dataset will downloaded automatically in the API and will be located under `/home/username/.cache/paddle/dataset/mnist`:
| train-images-idx3-ubyte | train data picture, 60,000 data |
| train-labels-idx1-ubyte | train data label, 60,000 data |
| t10k-images-idx3-ubyte | test data picture, 10,000 data |
| t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte | test data label, 10,000 data |
### How to work in PaddleFL
PaddleFL has two phases , CompileTime and RunTime. In CompileTime, a federated learning task is defined by fl_master. In RunTime, a federated learning job is executed on fl_server and fl_trainer in distributed clusters.
sh run.sh
#### How to work in CompileTime
In this example, we implement compile time programs in fl_master.py
python fl_master.py
In fl_master.py, we first define FL-Strategy, User-Defined-Program and Distributed-Config. Then FL-Job-Generator generate FL-Job for federated server and worker.
To show the effectiveness of DPSGD-based federated learning with PaddleFL, a simulated experiment is conducted on an open source dataset MNIST. From the figure given below, model evaluation results are similar between DPSGD-based federated learning and traditional parameter server training when the overall privacy budget *epsilon* is 1.3 or 0.13.
This document introduces how to use PaddleFL to train a model with Fl Strategy: FedAvg.
### Dependencies
- paddlepaddle>=1.8
### How to install PaddleFL
Please use pip which has paddlepaddle installed
pip install paddle_fl
### Model
An CNN model which get features with two convolution layers and one fully connected layer and then compute and ouput probabilities of multiple classifications directly via Softmax function.
### Datasets
Public Dataset FEMNIST in [LEAF](https://github.com/TalwalkarLab/leaf)
### How to work in PaddleFL
PaddleFL has two phases , CompileTime and RunTime. In CompileTime, a federated learning task is defined by fl_master. In RunTime, a federated learning job is executed on fl_server and fl_trainer in distributed clusters.
sh run.sh
#### How to work in CompileTime
In this example, we implement compile time programs in fl_master.py
python fl_master.py
In fl_master.py, we first define FL-Strategy, User-Defined-Program and Distributed-Config. Then FL-Job-Generator generate FL-Job for federated server and worker.
This document introduces how to use PaddleFL to train a model with Fl Strategy.
### Dependencies
- paddlepaddle>=1.8
### How to install PaddleFL
Please use pip which has paddlepaddle installed
pip install paddle_fl
### Model
[Gru4rec](https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06939) is a classical session-based recommendation model. Detailed implementations with paddlepaddle is [here](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/models/tree/develop/PaddleRec/gru4rec).
### Datasets
Public Dataset [Rsc15](https://2015.recsyschallenge.com)
#download data
sh download.sh
### How to work in PaddleFL
PaddleFL has two phases , CompileTime and RunTime. In CompileTime, a federated learning task is defined by fl_master. In RunTime, a federated learning job is executed on fl_server and fl_trainer in distributed clusters.
sh run.sh
### How to work in CompileTime
In this example, we implement compile time programs in fl_master.py
# please run fl_master to generate fl_job
python fl_master.py
In fl_master.py, we first define FL-Strategy, User-Defined-Program and Distributed-Config. Then FL-Job-Generator generate FL-Job for federated server and worker.
# define model
# define JobGenerator and set model config
# feed_name and target_name are config for save model.
To show the concept and effectiveness of horizontal federated learning with PaddleFL, a simulated experiment is conducted on an open source dataset with a real world task. In horizontal federated learning, a group of organizations are doing similar tasks based on private dataset and they are willing to collaborate on a certain task. The goal of the collaboration is to improve the task accuracy with federated learning.
The simulated experiment suppose all organizations have homogeneous dataset and homogeneous task which is an ideal case. The whole dataset is from small part of [Rsc15] and each organization has a subset as a private dataset. To show the performanc e improvement under federated learning, models based on each organization's private dataset are trained and a model under distributed federated learning is trained. A model based on traditional parameter server training is also trained where the whole dataset is owned by a single organization.
From the table and the figure given below, model evaluation results are similar between federated learning and traditional parameter server training. It is clear that compare with models trained with only private dataset, models' performance for each organization get significant improvement with federated learning.
# Example in Recognize Digits with Secure Aggragate
This document introduces how to use PaddleFL to train a model with Fl Strategy: Secure Aggregation. Using Secure Aggregation strategy, the server can aggregate the model parameters without learning the value of the parameters.
### Dependencies
- paddlepaddle>=1.8
### How to install PaddleFL
Please use pip which has paddlepaddle installed
pip install paddle_fl
### Model
The simplest Softmax regression model is to get features with input layer passing through a fully connected layer and then compute and ouput probabilities of multiple classes directly via Softmax function [[PaddlePaddle tutorial: recognize digits](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/tree/develop/02.recognize_digits#references)].
### Datasets
Public Dataset [MNIST](http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/)
The dataset will downloaded automatically in the API and will be located under `/home/username/.cache/paddle/dataset/mnist`:
| train-images-idx3-ubyte | train data picture, 60,000 data |
| train-labels-idx1-ubyte | train data label, 60,000 data |
| t10k-images-idx3-ubyte | test data picture, 10,000 data |
| t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte | test data label, 10,000 data |
### How to work in PaddleFL
PaddleFL has two phases , CompileTime and RunTime. In CompileTime, a federated learning task is defined by fl_master. In RunTime, a federated learning job is executed on fl_server and fl_trainer in distributed clusters.
sh run.sh
#### How to work in CompileTime
In this example, we implement compile time programs in fl_master.py
python fl_master.py
In fl_master.py, we first define FL-Strategy, User-Defined-Program and Distributed-Config. Then FL-Job-Generator generate FL-Job for federated server and worker.
In fl_server.py, we load and run the FL server job.
server = FLServer()
server_id = 0
job_path = "fl_job_config"
job = FLRunTimeJob()
job.load_server_job(job_path, server_id)
In fl_trainer.py, we prepare the MNIST dataset, load and run the FL trainer job, then evaluate the accuracy. Before training , we first prepare the party's private key and other party's public key. Then, each party generates a random noise using Diffie-Hellman key aggregate protocol with its private key and each other's public key [1]. If the other party's id is larger than this party's id, the model parameters add this random noise. If the other party's id is less than this party's id, the model parameters subtract this random noise. So, and the model parameters is masked before uploading to the server. Finally, the random noises can be removed when aggregating the masked parameters from all the parties.
print("Test with Epoch %d, avg_cost: %s, acc: %s"%(epoch_id,avg_loss_val,acc_val))
[1] Aaron Segal, Antonio Marcedone, Benjamin Kreuter, Daniel Ramage, H. Brendan McMahan, Karn Seth, Keith Bonawitz, Sarvar Patel, Vladimir Ivanov. **Practical Secure Aggregation for Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning**, The 24th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (**CCS**), 2017