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# Train gru4rec model with FedAvg Strategy
# Example to train gru4rec model with FedAvg Strategy
This doc introduce how to use PaddleFL to train model with Fl Strategy.
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ python setup.py install
### Datasets
We use [Rsc15](https://2015.recsyschallenge.com) dataset as our data.
Public Dataset [Rsc15](https://2015.recsyschallenge.com)
#download data
......@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ sh download.sh
### How to work in PaddleFL
PaddleFL has two period , CompileTime and RunTime. In CompileTime, define a federated learning task by fl_master. In RunTime, train a federated learning job by fl_server and fl_trainer .
sh run.sh
### How to work in CompileTime
In this example, we implement it in fl_master.py
......@@ -70,7 +74,7 @@ python -u fl_server.py >server0.log &
python -u fl_trainer.py 0 data/ >trainer0.log &
python -u fl_trainer.py 1 data/ >trainer1.log &
fl_trainer.py define the reader.
fl_trainer.py can define own reader according to data.
r = Gru4rec_Reader()
train_reader = r.reader(train_file_dir, place, batch_size=10)
......@@ -87,18 +91,17 @@ wget https://paddle-zwh.bj.bcebos.com/gru4rec_paddlefl_benchmark/gru4rec_benchma
| Dataset | single/distributed | distribute mode | recall@20|
| --- | --- | --- |---|
| all data | single | - | 0.508 |
| all data | distributed 4 node | parameter server | 0.501 |
| all data | distributed 4 node | Parameter Server | 0.504 |
| all data | distributed 4 node | FedAvg | 0.504 |
| 1/4 part-0 | single | - | 0.286 |
| 1/4 part-1 | single | - | 0.277 |
| 1/4 part-2 | single | - | 0.269 |
| 1/4 part-3 | single | - | 0.282 |
We can find Distributed mode PS and FedAvg is equal in recall@20 , and more data could offer better result.
<p align="center">
<img src="fl_benchmark.png" height=300 width=500 hspace='10'/> <br />
fl benchmark
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