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Merge pull request #1 from frankwhzhang/master

add  gru4rec doc 
# Gru4Rec for session-based recommendation
# Example to train gru4rec model with FedAvg Strategy
This document introduces how to use PaddleFL to train a model with Fl Strategy.
[Graph Convolutional Network \(GCN\)](https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.02907) is a powerful neural network designed for machine learning on graphs. Based on PGL, we reproduce GCN algorithms and reach the same level of indicators as the paper in citation network benchmarks.
### Simple example to build GCN
### Dependencies
- paddlepaddle>=1.6
To build a gcn layer, one can use our pre-defined ```pgl.layers.gcn``` or just write a gcn layer with message passing interface.
import paddle.fluid as fluid
def gcn_layer(graph_wrapper, node_feature, hidden_size, act):
def send_func(src_feat, dst_feat, edge_feat):
return src_feat["h"]
### How to install PaddleFL
Please use python which has paddlepaddle installed
python setup.py install
def recv_func(msg):
return fluid.layers.sequence_pool(msg, "sum")
### Model
[Gru4rec](https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06939) is a classical session-based recommendation model. Detailed implementations with paddlepaddle is [here](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/models/tree/develop/PaddleRec/gru4rec).
message = graph_wrapper.send(send_func, nfeat_list=[("h", node_feature)])
output = graph_wrapper.recv(recv_func, message)
output = fluid.layers.fc(output, size=hidden_size, act=act)
return output
### Datasets
Public Dataset [Rsc15](https://2015.recsyschallenge.com)
The datasets contain three citation networks: CORA, PUBMED, CITESEER. The details for these three datasets can be found in the [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.02907).
#download data
cd example/gru4rec_demo
sh download.sh
### Dependencies
### How to work in PaddleFL
PaddleFL has two period , CompileTime and RunTime. In CompileTime, a federated learning task is defined by fl_master. In RunTime, a federated learning job is executed on fl_server and fl_trainer in distributed cluster .
- paddlepaddle>=1.4 (The speed can be faster in 1.5.)
- pgl
sh run.sh
### Performance
### How to work in CompileTime
In this example, we implement it in fl_master.py
# please run fl_master to generate fl_job
python fl_master.py
In fl_master.py, we first define FL-Strategy, User-Defined-Program and Distributed-Config. Then FL-Job-Generator generate FL-Job for federated server and worker.
# define model
model = Model()
# define JobGenerator and set model config
# feed_name and target_name are config for save model.
job_generator = JobGenerator()
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=2.0)
[x.name for x in model.inputs], [model.loss.name, model.recall.name])
# define FL-Strategy , we now support two flstrategy, fed_avg and dpsgd. Inner_step means fl_trainer locally train inner_step mini-batch.
build_strategy = FLStrategyFactory()
build_strategy.fed_avg = True
build_strategy.inner_step = 1
strategy = build_strategy.create_fl_strategy()
# define Distributed-Config and generate fl_job
endpoints = [""]
output = "fl_job_config"
strategy, server_endpoints=endpoints, worker_num=2, output=output)
We train our models for 200 epochs and report the accuracy on the test dataset.
| Dataset | Accuracy | Speed with paddle 1.4 <br> (epoch time) | Speed with paddle 1.5 <br> (epoch time)|
| --- | --- | --- |---|
| Cora | ~81% | 0.0106s | 0.0104s |
| Pubmed | ~79% | 0.0210s | 0.0154s |
| Citeseer | ~71% | 0.0175s | 0.0177s |
### How to work in RunTime
python -u fl_server.py >server0.log &
python -u fl_trainer.py 0 data/ >trainer0.log &
python -u fl_trainer.py 1 data/ >trainer1.log &
fl_trainer.py can define own reader according to data.
r = Gru4rec_Reader()
train_reader = r.reader(train_file_dir, place, batch_size=10)
### How to run
### Performance
An experiment simulate the real scenarios in which everyone has only one part of the whole dataset. To evaluate the FedAvg Strategy's effectiveness, we construct baselines through simulated experiments. First baseline is the traditional way which all data stored together. We compare the single mode and distribute Parameter Server mode. The results below show that FedAvg Strategy with spilted data is same effective with traditional way. Second baseline trains model with only one part data and results show smaller data reuslt in worse precision.
For examples, use gpu to train gcn on cora dataset.
python train.py --dataset cora --use_cuda
# download code and readme
wget https://paddle-zwh.bj.bcebos.com/gru4rec_paddlefl_benchmark/gru4rec_benchmark.tar
#### Hyperparameters
| Dataset | single/distributed | distribute mode | recall@20|
| --- | --- | --- |---|
| all data | single | - | 0.508 |
| all data | distributed 4 node | Parameter Server | 0.504 |
| all data | distributed 4 node | FedAvg | 0.504 |
| 1/4 part-0 | single | - | 0.286 |
| 1/4 part-1 | single | - | 0.277 |
| 1/4 part-2 | single | - | 0.269 |
| 1/4 part-3 | single | - | 0.282 |
- dataset: The citation dataset "cora", "citeseer", "pubmed".
- use_cuda: Use gpu if assign use_cuda.
<img src="fl_benchmark.png" height=300 width=500 hspace='10'/> <br />
### View the Code
See the code [here](gcn_examples_code.html)
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