Created by: dragon515
具体的复现信息如下: /home/user/anaconda3/envs/mmlab/bin/python /home/user/PaddleDetection-release-0.1/tools/train.py -c ../configs/dcn/cascade_rcnn_cls_aware_r200_vd_fpn_dcnv2_nonlocal_softnms.yml --use_tb=True --tb_log_dir=../tb_1206_1452_cascade_rcnn_cls_aware_r200_vd_fpn_dcnv2_nonlocal_softnms/scalar --eval CascadeBBoxAssigner: [32mclass_aware[0m: true batch_size_per_im: 512 bbox_reg_weights:
- 10
- 20
- 30 bg_thresh_hi:
- 0.5
- 0.6
- 0.7 bg_thresh_lo:
- 0.0
- 0.0
- 0.0 fg_fraction: 0.25 fg_thresh:
- 0.5
- 0.6
- 0.7 num_classes: 81 shuffle_before_sample: true CascadeBBoxHead: [32mhead[0m: CascadeTwoFCHead [32mnms[0m: MultiClassSoftNMS num_classes: 81 CascadeRCNNClsAware: [32mbackbone[0m: ResNet [32mrpn_head[0m: FPNRPNHead bbox_assigner: CascadeBBoxAssigner bbox_head: CascadeBBoxHead fpn: FPN roi_extractor: FPNRoIAlign CascadeTwoFCHead: [32mmlp_dim[0m: 1024 FPN: freeze_norm: false has_extra_convs: false max_level: 6 min_level: 2 norm_type: null num_chan: 256 spatial_scale:
- 0.03125
- 0.0625
- 0.125
- 0.25
rpn_batch_size_per_im: 256
rpn_fg_fraction: 0.5
rpn_negative_overlap: 0.3
rpn_positive_overlap: 0.7
rpn_straddle_thresh: 0.0
min_size: 0.0
nms_thresh: 0.7
post_nms_top_n: 1000
pre_nms_top_n: 1000
min_size: 0.0
nms_thresh: 0.7
post_nms_top_n: 2000
pre_nms_top_n: 2000
- 32
- 64
- 128
- 256
- 512 aspect_ratios:
- 0.5
- 1.0
- 2.0 stride:
- 16.0
- 16.0 variance:
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 1.0 anchor_start_size: 32 max_level: 6 min_level: 2 num_chan: 256 num_classes: 1 FPNRoIAlign: [32mbox_resolution[0m: 14 [32msampling_ratio[0m: 2 canconical_level: 4 canonical_size: 224 mask_resolution: 14 max_level: 5 min_level: 2 FasterRCNNEvalFeed: [32mbatch_transforms[0m:
- !PadBatch pad_to_stride: 32 [32mdataset[0m: annotation: annotations/instances_val2017.json dataset_dir: dataset/coco image_dir: val2017 [32msample_transforms[0m:
- !DecodeImage to_rgb: true with_mixup: false
- !NormalizeImage
is_channel_first: false
is_scale: true
- 0.485
- 0.456
- 0.406 std:
- 0.229
- 0.224
- 0.225
- !ResizeImage
interp: 1
max_size: 2000
- 1200 use_cv2: true
- !Permute channel_first: true to_bgr: false batch_size: 1 drop_last: false enable_aug_flip: false enable_multiscale: false fields:
- image
- im_info
- im_id
- im_shape
- gt_box
- gt_label
- is_difficult image_shape:
- null
- 3
- null
- null num_scale: 1 num_workers: 2 samples: -1 shuffle: false use_padded_im_info: true FasterRCNNTestFeed: [32mbatch_transforms[0m:
- !PadBatch pad_to_stride: 32 [32mdataset[0m: annotation: dataset/coco/annotations/instances_val2017.json batch_size: 1 drop_last: false fields:
- image
- im_info
- im_id
- im_shape image_shape:
- null
- 3
- null
- null num_workers: 2 sample_transforms:
- !DecodeImage to_rgb: true with_mixup: false
- !NormalizeImage
is_channel_first: false
is_scale: true
- 0.485
- 0.456
- 0.406 std:
- 0.229
- 0.224
- 0.225
- !ResizeImage interp: 1 max_size: 1333 target_size: 800 use_cv2: true
- !Permute channel_first: true to_bgr: false samples: -1 shuffle: false use_padded_im_info: true FasterRCNNTrainFeed: [32mbatch_transforms[0m:
- !PadBatch pad_to_stride: 32 [32mdataset[0m: annotation: annotations/instances_train2017.json dataset_dir: dataset/coco image_dir: train2017 [32msample_transforms[0m:
- !DecodeImage to_rgb: true with_mixup: false
- !RandomFlipImage is_mask_flip: false is_normalized: false prob: 0.5
- !NormalizeImage
is_channel_first: false
is_scale: true
- 0.485
- 0.456
- 0.406 std:
- 0.229
- 0.224
- 0.225
- !ResizeImage
interp: 1
max_size: 1800
- 416
- 448
- 480
- 512
- 544
- 576
- 608
- 640
- 672
- 704
- 736
- 768
- 800
- 832
- 864
- 896
- 928
- 960
- 992
- 1024
- 1056
- 1088
- 1120
- 1152
- 1184
- 1216
- 1248
- 1280
- 1312
- 1344
- 1376
- 1408 use_cv2: true
- !Permute channel_first: true to_bgr: false batch_size: 1 bufsize: 10 class_aware_sampling: false drop_last: false fields:
- image
- im_info
- im_id
- gt_box
- gt_label
- is_crowd image_shape:
- null
- 3
- null
- null memsize: null num_workers: 2 samples: -1 shuffle: true use_process: false LearningRate: [32mschedulers[0m:
- !PiecewiseDecay
gamma: 0.1
- 340000
- 440000 values: null
- !LinearWarmup start_factor: 0.1 steps: 1000 base_lr: 0.01 MultiClassSoftNMS: background_label: 0 keep_top_k: 300 normalized: false score_threshold: 0.01 softnms_sigma: 0.5 OptimizerBuilder: optimizer: momentum: 0.9 type: Momentum regularizer: factor: 0.0001 type: L2 ResNet: [32mdcn_v2_stages[0m:
- 3
- 4
- 5 [32mdepth[0m: 200 [32mnonlocal_stages[0m:
- 4 [32mnorm_type[0m: bn [32mvariant[0m: d feature_maps:
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5 freeze_at: 2 freeze_norm: true norm_decay: 0.0 weight_prefix_name: '' architecture: CascadeRCNNClsAware eval_feed: FasterRCNNEvalFeed log_smooth_window: 20 max_iters: 460000 metric: COCO num_classes: 81 pretrain_weights: https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/ResNet200_vd_pretrained.tar save_dir: output snapshot_iter: 10000 test_feed: FasterRCNNTestFeed train_feed: FasterRCNNTrainFeed use_gpu: true weights: output/cascade_rcnn_cls_aware_r200_vd_fpn_dcnv2_nonlocal_softnms/model_final
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/user/PaddleDetection-release-0.1/tools/train.py", line 341, in main() File "/home/user/PaddleDetection-release-0.1/tools/train.py", line 129, in main train_fetches = model.train(feed_vars) File "/home/user/PaddleDetection-release-0.1/ppdet/modeling/architectures/cascade_rcnn_cls_aware.py", line 178, in train return self.build(feed_vars, 'train') File "/home/user/PaddleDetection-release-0.1/ppdet/modeling/architectures/cascade_rcnn_cls_aware.py", line 88, in build body_feats = self.backbone(im) File "/home/user/PaddleDetection-release-0.1/ppdet/modeling/backbones/resnet.py", line 432, in call res = self.layer_warp(res, i) File "/home/user/PaddleDetection-release-0.1/ppdet/modeling/backbones/resnet.py", line 383, in layer_warp nonlocal_name + '_{}'.format(i), int(dim_in / 2) ) File "/home/user/PaddleDetection-release-0.1/ppdet/modeling/backbones/nonlocal_helper.py", line 152, in add_space_nonlocal conv = space_nonlocal(input, dim_in, dim_out, prefix, dim_inner) File "/home/user/PaddleDetection-release-0.1/ppdet/modeling/backbones/nonlocal_helper.py", line 101, in space_nonlocal t_re = fluid.layers.reshape(t, shape=list(theta_shape), actual_shape=theta_shape_op ) File "/home/user/anaconda3/envs/paddle/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paddle/fluid/layers/nn.py", line 8976, in reshape attrs["shape"] = get_attr_shape(shape) File "/home/user/anaconda3/envs/paddle/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paddle/fluid/layers/nn.py", line 8949, in get_attr_shape "be -1. But received shape[%d] is also -1." % dim_idx) AssertionError: Only one dimension value of 'shape' in reshape can be -1. But received shape[2] is also -1.
Process finished with exit code 1