Flip of original image `image_flip` not used in mstest
Created by: sbl1996
Using 2 scales with their flips, I tried to put fluid.layers.Print
in build_multi_scale
of CascadeRCNNClsAware
(line 184), and found that only image
, image_scale_0
and image_flip_scale_0
are printed, but not image_flip
. If this behavior is expected, could you tell me where is image_flip
used? The related config is pasted below.
EvalReader: inputs_def: fields: ['image', 'im_info', 'im_id', 'im_shape'] multi_scale: true num_scales: 4 use_flip: true dataset: !COCODataSet image_dir: images anno_path: train_val.json dataset_dir: /home/hrvvi/29831 sample_transforms:
- !DecodeImage to_rgb: true
- !NormalizeImage is_channel_first: false is_scale: true mean: [0.485,0.456,0.406] std: [0.229, 0.224,0.225]
- !MultiscaleTestResize origin_target_size: 1440 origin_max_size: 2560 target_size: [960] max_size: 2560 use_flip: true
- !Permute channel_first: true to_bgr: false batch_transforms:
- !PadMultiScaleTest pad_to_stride: 32 batch_size: 1 shuffle: false drop_empty: false worker_num: -1 use_process: false