Failed to map with error:[target_ not in samples]]错误
Created by: kriswangjie
Ubuntu机器上在训练网络时,我用的VOC格式的数据集,一直卡在一条log这不往下走,log的内容是“2020-09-04 19:21:32,589-WARNING: recv endsignal from outq with errmsg[consumer[consumer-5cf-4] failed to map with error:[target_ not in samples]] ”。我用的是自定义的loss去掉了obj_loss输出中(5+num_class)改成了(4+num_class)以及更改了合适的yolo_box后出现现在的问题,请问如何才能解决这个问题?我的yml如下:
architecture: YOLOv3_tiny
use_gpu: true
max_iters: 500000
log_smooth_window: 20
save_dir: output_v2_sar
snapshot_iter: 500
metric: VOC
map_type: 11point
num_classes: 1
use_fine_grained_loss: true
architecture: YOLOv3_tiny
use_gpu: true
max_iters: 500000
log_smooth_window: 20
save_dir: output_v2_sar
snapshot_iter: 500
metric: VOC
map_type: 11point
num_classes: 1
use_fine_grained_loss: true
image_shape: [1, -1, -1]
fields: ['image', 'gt_bbox', 'gt_class']
num_max_boxes: 50
use_fine_grained_loss: true
但是依然是这个错误。 在debug过程中发现是在如下语句中报错:
train-> train_stats = TrainingStats(cfg.log_smooth_window, train_keys)
我们在class Gt2YoloTarget()类中做了如下修改:
for sample in samples:
# im, gt_bbox, gt_class, gt_score = sample
im = sample['image']
gt_bbox = sample['gt_bbox']
gt_class = sample['gt_class']
# gt_score = sample['gt_score']
for i, (
mask, downsample_ratio
) in enumerate(zip(self.anchor_masks, self.downsample_ratios)):
grid_h = int(h / downsample_ratio)
grid_w = int(w / downsample_ratio)
target = np.zeros(
(len(mask), 6 + self.num_classes, grid_h, grid_w),
for b in range(gt_bbox.shape[0]):
gx, gy, gw, gh = gt_bbox[b, :]
cls = gt_class[b]
# score = gt_score[b]
if gw <= 0. or gh <= 0. :
# find best match anchor index
best_iou = 0.
best_idx = -1
for an_idx in range(an_hw.shape[0]):
iou = jaccard_overlap(
[0., 0., gw, gh],
[0., 0., an_hw[an_idx, 0], an_hw[an_idx, 1]])
if iou > best_iou:
best_iou = iou
best_idx = an_idx
gi = int(gx * grid_w)
gj = int(gy * grid_h)
# gtbox should be regresed in this layes if best match
# anchor index in anchor mask of this layer
if best_idx in mask:
best_n = mask.index(best_idx)
# x, y, w, h, scale
target[best_n, 0, gj, gi] = gx * grid_w - gi
target[best_n, 1, gj, gi] = gy * grid_h - gj
target[best_n, 2, gj, gi] = np.log(
gw * w / self.anchors[best_idx][0])
target[best_n, 3, gj, gi] = np.log(
gh * h / self.anchors[best_idx][1])
target[best_n, 4, gj, gi] = 2.0 - gw * gh
# objectness record gt_score
# target[best_n, 5, gj, gi] = score
# classification
target[best_n, 4 + cls, gj, gi] = 1.
# For non-matched anchors, calculate the target if the iou
# between anchor and gt is larger than iou_thresh
if self.iou_thresh < 1:
for idx, mask_i in enumerate(mask):
if mask_i == best_idx: continue
iou = jaccard_overlap(
[0., 0., gw, gh],
[0., 0., an_hw[mask_i, 0], an_hw[mask_i, 1]])
if iou > self.iou_thresh:
# x, y, w, h, scale
target[idx, 0, gj, gi] = gx * grid_w - gi
target[idx, 1, gj, gi] = gy * grid_h - gj
target[idx, 2, gj, gi] = np.log(
gw * w / self.anchors[mask_i][0])
target[idx, 3, gj, gi] = np.log(
gh * h / self.anchors[mask_i][1])
target[idx, 4, gj, gi] = 2.0 - gw * gh
# objectness record gt_score
# target[idx, 5, gj, gi] = score
# classification
target[idx, 4 + cls, gj, gi] = 1.
sample['target{}'.format(i)] = target