Created by: 17695996717
为什么路径都填完,还是会自动下载数据集呢,可以帮我看看哪里填错了吗 dataset ├──voc ├──VOCdevkit ├──VOC2007 │ ├── Annotations │ ├── xxx.xml │ ├── JPEGImages │ ├── xxx.jpg │ ├── ImageSets │ ├── Main │ ├── trainval.txt │ ├── test.txt
TrainReader: dataset: !VOCDataSet dataset_dir: dataset/voc anno_path: trainval.txt use_default_label: true with_background: false
EvalReader: inputs_def: fields: ['image', 'im_size', 'im_id', 'gt_bbox', 'gt_class', 'is_difficult'] num_max_boxes: 50 dataset: !VOCDataSet dataset_dir: dataset/voc anno_path: test.txt use_default_label: true with_background: false
TestReader: dataset: !ImageFolder use_default_label: true with_background: false
2020-09-02 13:33:35,559-INFO: If regularizer of a Parameter has been set by 'fluid.ParamAttr' or 'fluid.WeightNormParamAttr' already. The Regularization[L2Decay, regularization_coeff=0.000500] in Optimizer will not take effect, and it will only be applied to other Parameters! 2020-09-02 13:33:39,539-INFO: Dataset D:\studydemo\YOLO\PaddleDetection-release-0.4\tools\dataset\voc is not valid for reason above, try searching C:\Users\96436/.cache/paddle/dataset or downloading dataset... 2020-09-02 13:33:39,539-INFO: Downloading VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar from http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/voc2012/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar 0%| | 216/1952773 [00:04<23:44:04, 22.85KB/s]