train ppyolo errror for voc format
train ppyolo errror for voc format
Created by: toplinuxsir
python tools/ -c ./configs/ppyolo/ppyolo.yml
The error below :
2020-08-28 11:02:56,336-WARNING: The actual image width: 2304 is not equal to the width: 3456.0 in annotation, and update sample['w'] by actual image width.
2020-08-28 11:02:56,633-WARNING: recv endsignal from outq with errmsg[consumer[consumer-796-1] exits for reason[consumer[consumer-796-4] exits for reason[consumer[consumer-796-0] exits
for reason[consumer[consumer-796-7] exits for reason[consumer[consumer-796-6] exits for reason[consumer[consumer-796-5] exits for reason[consumer[consumer-796-2] failed to map with er
ror:[index 61 is out of bounds for axis 3 with size 52]]]]]]]]
2020-08-28 11:02:58,517-WARNING: recv endsignal from outq with errmsg[consumer[consumer-796-3] exits for reason[consumer[consumer-796-1] exits for reason[consumer[consumer-796-4] exits
for reason[consumer[consumer-796-0] exits for reason[consumer[consumer-796-7] exits for reason[consumer[consumer-796-6] exits for reason[consumer[consumer-796-5] exits for reason[cons
umer[consumer-796-2] failed to map with error:[index 61 is out of bounds for axis 3 with size 52]]]]]]]]]
2020-08-28 11:02:58,517-WARNING: Your reader has raised an exception!
Exception in thread Thread-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 870, in run
Created by: heavengate
Created by: penghaoran
@penghaoran 自己写了一个脚本,我是从yolo转到VOC 格式,如果你正好也是从yolo转换来的格式,我可以共享给你。
谢谢你的回复哦。我是直接用labelimg生成的VOC, 已经找到原因了,图片太大了,我把图片质量降低后就没出现这个问题。可能是他们源码对高清图处理上有点问题。
标注文件里的height和width和python cv2.imead读入的height和width一致么
Created by: wangxinxin08
@penghaoran 请问图片多大,我们测试看下。
4032*3024 5MB
为什么我的标注和图片的实际宽高是一样的,但是代码打印出来,程序把宽高都读成了宽。 'im_id': array([136]), 'h': 4032, 'w': 4032.0,
@wangxinxin08 没有修改过代码诶,我再试试