未验证 提交 fcfac754 编写于 作者: T Tao Luo 提交者: GitHub

refine benchmark log (#1512)

上级 dd1e05d7
......@@ -258,8 +258,8 @@ def main():
logs = train_stats.log()
if it % cfg.log_iter == 0 and (not FLAGS.dist or trainer_id == 0):
ips = float(cfg['TrainReader']['batch_size']) / time_cost
strs = 'iter: {}, lr: {:.6f}, {}, batch_cost: {:.5f} s, eta: {}, ips: {:.5f} images/sec'.format(
it, np.mean(outs[-1]), logs, time_cost, eta, ips)
strs = 'iter: {}, lr: {:.6f}, {}, eta: {}, batch_cost: {:.5f} sec, ips: {:.5f} images/sec'.format(
it, np.mean(outs[-1]), logs, eta, time_cost, ips)
# NOTE : profiler tools, used for benchmark
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