未验证 提交 eae35b28 编写于 作者: K Kaipeng Deng 提交者: GitHub

update install doc (#2685)

* update install doc
上级 22e6f271
......@@ -20,36 +20,7 @@ For general information about PaddleDetection, please see [README.md](https://gi
## Instruction
It is recommened to install PaddleDetection and begin your object detection journey via docker environment. Please follow the instruction below and if you want to use your local environment, you could skip step 1.
### 1. (Recommended) Prepare docker environment
For example, the environment is CUDA10.1 and CUDNN 7.6
# Firstly, pull the PaddlePaddle image
sudo docker pull paddlepaddle/paddle:latest-dev-cuda10.1-cudnn7-gcc82
# Switch to the working directory
cd /home/work
# Create a container called ppdet and
# mount the current directory which may contains the dataset
# to /paddle directory in the container
sudo nvidia-docker run --name ppdet -v $PWD:/paddle --privileged --shm-size=4G --network=host -it paddlepaddle/paddle:latest-dev-cuda10.1-cudnn7-gcc82 /bin/bash
You can see [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/r/paddlepaddle/paddle/tags/) to get the image that matches your machine.
# ctrl+P+Q to exit docker, to re-enter docker using the following command:
sudo docker exec -it ppdet /bin/bash
For more docker usage, please refer to the PaddlePaddle [document](https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/documentation/docs/en/install/docker/fromdocker_en.html).
### 2. Install PaddlePaddle
### 1. Install PaddlePaddle
# CUDA9.0
......@@ -80,8 +51,24 @@ python -c "import paddle; print(paddle.__version__)"
1. If you want to use PaddleDetection on multi-GPU, please install NCCL at first.
### 3. Install PaddleDetection
### 2. Install PaddleDetection
PaddleDetection can be installed in the following two ways:
#### 2.1 Install via pip
**Note:** Installing via pip only supports Python3
# install paddledet via pip
pip install paddledet==2.0 -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
# Download and use the configuration files and code examples in the source code
git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection.git
cd PaddleDetection
#### 2.2 Compile and install from Source code
# Clone PaddleDetection repository
......@@ -117,8 +104,6 @@ Ran 12 tests in 2.480s
OK (skipped=2)
## Inference demo
**Congratulation!** Now you have installed PaddleDetection successfully and try our inference demo:
......@@ -17,35 +17,7 @@
## 安装说明
### 1. (推荐)准备docker环境
已CUDA10.1, CUDNN7.6为例
# 首先拉去PaddlePaddle镜像
sudo docker pull paddlepaddle/paddle:latest-dev-cuda10.1-cudnn7-gcc82
# 切换到工作目录
cd /home/work
# 创建ppdet容器
# 将存放数据的当前目录映射到容器中的/ppdet目录中
sudo nvidia-docker run --name ppdet -v $PWD:/paddle --privileged --shm-size=4G --network=host -it paddlepaddle/paddle:latest-dev-cuda10.1-cudnn7-gcc82 /bin/bash
可以在[DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/r/paddlepaddle/paddle/tags/) 中找到匹配您机器环境的镜像
# ctrl+P+Q 退出容器, 使用如下命令重新进入docker环境:
sudo docker exec -it ppdet /bin/bash
### 安装PaddlePaddle
### 1. 安装PaddlePaddle
# CUDA9.0
......@@ -73,7 +45,24 @@ python -c "import paddle; print(paddle.__version__)"
1. 如果您希望在多卡环境下使用PaddleDetection,请首先安装NCCL
### 3. 安装PaddleDetection
### 2. 安装PaddleDetection
#### 2.1 通过pip安装
**注意:** pip安装方式只支持Python3
# pip安装paddledet
pip install paddledet==2.0 -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
# 下载使用源码中的配置文件和代码示例
git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection.git
cd PaddleDetection
#### 2.2 源码编译安装
# 克隆PaddleDetection仓库
......@@ -8,3 +8,6 @@ scipy
# extension OPs for rotation bbox
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import os.path as osp
import glob
import shutil
from setuptools import find_packages, setup
from paddle.utils import cpp_extension
def readme():
......@@ -59,17 +60,25 @@ packages = [
if __name__ == "__main__":
# install extension APIs for rotation bbox
from paddle.utils import cpp_extension
'ppdet/ext_op/rbox_iou_op.cc', 'ppdet/ext_op/rbox_iou_op.cu'
packages=find_packages(exclude=("configs", "tools", "deploy")),
package_data={'ppdet.model_zoo': package_model_zoo()},
description='Object detection and instance segmentation toolkit based on PaddlePaddle',
......@@ -88,4 +97,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Topic :: Utilities'
license='Apache License 2.0',
ext_modules=[], )
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