提交 a0669ead 编写于 作者: D dongzhihong

Merge remote-tracking branch 'reyoung/feature/backward' into feature/backward

......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ add_custom_target(framework_py_proto_init ALL COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch
add_dependencies(framework_py_proto framework_py_proto_init)
cc_library(net SRCS net.cc DEPS op_registry)
cc_test(net_op_test SRCS net_op_test.cc DEPS net add_op mul_op sigmoid_op softmax_op fc_op)
cc_test(net_op_test SRCS net_op_test.cc DEPS net)
cc_library(backward SRCS backward.cc DEPS net)
cc_test(backward_test SRCS backward_test.cc DEPS backward)
......@@ -73,9 +73,18 @@ class NetOp : public OperatorBase {
void AddOp(const std::shared_ptr<OperatorBase>& op) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(!add_op_done_, "Cannot AddOp when this network is sealed");
PADDLE_ENFORCE(op != nullptr, "Cannot Insert Null op");
void InsertOp(size_t pos, const std::shared_ptr<OperatorBase>& op) {
"Cannot InsertOp when this network is sealed");
PADDLE_ENFORCE(op != nullptr, "Cannot Insert Null op");
PADDLE_ENFORCE(pos <= ops_.size(), "Out of range");
ops_.insert(ops_.begin() + pos, op);
void CompleteAddOp(bool calculate = true);
std::string DebugString() const override;
......@@ -3,11 +3,6 @@
#include <paddle/framework/op_registry.h>
#include <paddle/framework/operator.h>
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
......@@ -26,6 +21,13 @@ class TestOp : public OperatorBase {
class EmptyOp : public OperatorBase {
void InferShape(const std::shared_ptr<Scope>& scope) const override {}
void Run(const std::shared_ptr<Scope>& scope,
const platform::DeviceContext& dev_ctx) const override {}
template <typename T>
void AssertSameVectorWithoutOrder(const std::vector<T>& expected,
const std::vector<T>& actual) {
......@@ -72,20 +74,17 @@ TEST(OpKernel, all) {
ASSERT_THROW(net->AddOp(op2), paddle::platform::EnforceNotMet);
//! TODO(yuyang18): Refine Backward Op.
// TEST(AddBackwardOp, TestGradOp) {
// auto net = std::make_shared<NetOp>();
// ASSERT_NE(net, nullptr);
// net->AddOp(framework::OpRegistry::CreateOp("mul", {"X", "Y"}, {"Out"}, {}));
// net->AddOp(
// framework::OpRegistry::CreateOp("add_two", {"X", "Y"}, {"Out"}, {}));
// net->AddOp(framework::OpRegistry::CreateOp("add_two", {"X", "Y"}, {""},
// {}));
// auto grad_ops = AddBackwardOp(net);
// for (auto& op : grad_ops->ops_) {
// op->DebugString();
// }
TEST(Net, insert_op) {
NetOp net;
auto op1 = std::make_shared<EmptyOp>();
op1->inputs_ = {"x", "w1", "b1"};
op1->outputs_ = {"y"};
net.InsertOp(0, op1);
ASSERT_EQ(2UL, net.ops_.size());
net.InsertOp(2, op1);
ASSERT_EQ(3UL, net.ops_.size());
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle
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