@@ -29,12 +29,25 @@ Nothing else. Not even Python and GCC, because you can install all build tools
docker run -v$PWD:/paddle paddle:dev
This builds a CUDA-enabled version and writes all binary outputs to directory `./build` of the local computer, other than the Docker container. If we want to build only the CPU part, we can type
docker run -eWITH_GPU=OFF -v$PWD:/paddle paddle:dev
4. Run unit tests.
To run all unit tests using the first GPU of a node:
docker run -v$PWD:/paddle paddle:dev "cd/build; ctest"
NV_GPU=0 nvidia-docker run -v$PWD:/paddle paddle:dev bash -c"cd /paddle/build; ctest"
If we used `WITH_GPU=OFF` at build time, it generates only CPU-based unit tests, and we don't need nvidia-docker to run them. We can just run
docker run -v$PWD:/paddle paddle:dev bash -c"cd /paddle/build; ctest"