提交 80b47b1b 编写于 作者: J jerrywgz 提交者: GitHub

fix mask eval for multi-batch (#2772)

上级 cc59e56a
......@@ -144,13 +144,13 @@ def mask2out(results, clsid2catid, resolution, thresh_binarize=0.5):
masks = t['mask'][0]
im_shape = t['im_shape'][0][0]
s = 0
# for each sample
for i in range(len(lengths)):
num = lengths[i]
im_id = int(im_ids[i][0])
im_shape = t['im_shape'][0][i]
bbox = bboxes[s:s + num][:, 2:]
clsid_scores = bboxes[s:s + num][:, 0:2]
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