未验证 提交 649ac294 编写于 作者: L LokeZhou 提交者: GitHub

fix deploy/python/clrnet_postprocess.py import error (#8323)

上级 22778048
...@@ -16,8 +16,90 @@ import numpy as np ...@@ -16,8 +16,90 @@ import numpy as np
import paddle import paddle
import paddle.nn as nn import paddle.nn as nn
from scipy.special import softmax from scipy.special import softmax
from ppdet.modeling.lane_utils import Lane from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
from ppdet.modeling.losses import line_iou
def line_iou(pred, target, img_w, length=15, aligned=True):
Calculate the line iou value between predictions and targets
pred: lane predictions, shape: (num_pred, 72)
target: ground truth, shape: (num_target, 72)
img_w: image width
length: extended radius
aligned: True for iou loss calculation, False for pair-wise ious in assign
px1 = pred - length
px2 = pred + length
tx1 = target - length
tx2 = target + length
if aligned:
invalid_mask = target
ovr = paddle.minimum(px2, tx2) - paddle.maximum(px1, tx1)
union = paddle.maximum(px2, tx2) - paddle.minimum(px1, tx1)
num_pred = pred.shape[0]
invalid_mask = target.tile([num_pred, 1, 1])
ovr = (paddle.minimum(px2[:, None, :], tx2[None, ...]) - paddle.maximum(
px1[:, None, :], tx1[None, ...]))
union = (paddle.maximum(px2[:, None, :], tx2[None, ...]) -
paddle.minimum(px1[:, None, :], tx1[None, ...]))
invalid_masks = (invalid_mask < 0) | (invalid_mask >= img_w)
ovr[invalid_masks] = 0.
union[invalid_masks] = 0.
iou = ovr.sum(axis=-1) / (union.sum(axis=-1) + 1e-9)
return iou
class Lane:
def __init__(self, points=None, invalid_value=-2., metadata=None):
super(Lane, self).__init__()
self.curr_iter = 0
self.points = points
self.invalid_value = invalid_value
self.function = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
points[:, 1], points[:, 0], k=min(3, len(points) - 1))
self.min_y = points[:, 1].min() - 0.01
self.max_y = points[:, 1].max() + 0.01
self.metadata = metadata or {}
def __repr__(self):
return '[Lane]\n' + str(self.points) + '\n[/Lane]'
def __call__(self, lane_ys):
lane_xs = self.function(lane_ys)
lane_xs[(lane_ys < self.min_y) | (lane_ys > self.max_y
)] = self.invalid_value
return lane_xs
def to_array(self, sample_y_range, img_w, img_h):
self.sample_y = range(sample_y_range[0], sample_y_range[1],
sample_y = self.sample_y
img_w, img_h = img_w, img_h
ys = np.array(sample_y) / float(img_h)
xs = self(ys)
valid_mask = (xs >= 0) & (xs < 1)
lane_xs = xs[valid_mask] * img_w
lane_ys = ys[valid_mask] * img_h
lane = np.concatenate(
(lane_xs.reshape(-1, 1), lane_ys.reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1)
return lane
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.curr_iter < len(self.points):
self.curr_iter += 1
return self.points[self.curr_iter - 1]
self.curr_iter = 0
raise StopIteration
class CLRNetPostProcess(object): class CLRNetPostProcess(object):
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