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add rcnn export_onnx doc (#6143)

上级 5c72d5a1
......@@ -4,21 +4,31 @@ PaddleDetection模型支持保存为ONNX格式,目前测试支持的列表如
| 模型 | OP版本 | 备注 |
| :---- | :----- | :--- |
| YOLOv3 | 11 | 仅支持batch=1推理;模型导出需固定shape |
| PPYOLO | 11 | 仅支持batch=1推理;MatrixNMS将被转成NMS,精度略有变化;模型导出需固定shape |
| PPYOLOv2 | 11 | 仅支持batch=1推理;MatrixNMS将被转换NMS,精度略有变化;模型导出需固定shape |
| PPYOLO-Tiny | 11 | 仅支持batch=1推理;模型导出需固定shape |
| PP-YOLO | 11 | 仅支持batch=1推理;MatrixNMS将被转换NMS,精度略有变化;模型导出需固定shape |
| PP-YOLOv2 | 11 | 仅支持batch=1推理;MatrixNMS将被转换NMS,精度略有变化;模型导出需固定shape |
| PP-YOLO Tiny | 11 | 仅支持batch=1推理;模型导出需固定shape |
| PP-YOLOE | 11 | 仅支持batch=1推理;模型导出需固定shape |
| PP-PicoDet | 11 | 仅支持batch=1推理;模型导出需固定shape |
| FCOS | 11 |仅支持batch=1推理 |
| PAFNet | 11 |- |
| TTFNet | 11 |-|
| SSD | 11 |仅支持batch=1推理 |
| PicoDet | 11 |仅支持batch=1推理 |
| PP-TinyPose | 11 | - |
| Faster RCNN | 16 | 仅支持batch=1推理, 依赖0.9.7及以上版本|
| Mask RCNN | 16 | 仅支持batch=1推理, 依赖0.9.7及以上版本|
| Cascade RCNN | 16 | 仅支持batch=1推理, 依赖0.9.7及以上版本|
| Cascade Mask RCNN | 16 | 仅支持batch=1推理, 依赖0.9.7及以上版本|
## 导出教程
### 步骤一、导出PaddlePaddle部署模型
导出步骤参考文档[PaddleDetection部署模型导出教程](./EXPORT_MODEL.md), 以COCO数据集训练的YOLOv3为例,导出示例如下
导出步骤参考文档[PaddleDetection部署模型导出教程](./EXPORT_MODEL.md), 导出示例如下
- 非RCNN系列模型, 以YOLOv3为例
cd PaddleDetection
python tools/export_model.py -c configs/yolov3/yolov3_darknet53_270e_coco.yml \
......@@ -36,17 +46,45 @@ yolov3_darknet
> 注意导出时的参数`TestReader.inputs_def.image_shape`,对于YOLO系列模型注意导出时指定该参数,否则无法转换成功
- RCNN系列模型,以Faster RCNN为例
RCNN系列模型导出ONNX模型时,需要去除模型中的控制流,因此需要额外添加`export_onnx=True` 字段
cd PaddleDetection
python tools/export_model.py -c configs/faster_rcnn/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco.yml \
-o weights=https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco.pdparams \
export_onnx=True \
--output_dir inference_model
├── infer_cfg.yml # 模型配置文件信息
├── model.pdiparams # 静态图模型参数
├── model.pdiparams.info # 参数额外信息,一般无需关注
└── model.pdmodel # 静态图模型文件
### 步骤二、将部署模型转为ONNX格式
pip install paddle2onnx
# YOLOv3
paddle2onnx --model_dir inference_model/yolov3_darknet53_270e_coco \
--model_filename model.pdmodel \
--params_filename model.pdiparams \
--opset_version 11 \
--save_file yolov3.onnx
# Faster RCNN
paddle2onnx --model_dir inference_model/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco \
--model_filename model.pdmodel \
--params_filename model.pdiparams \
--opset_version 16 \
--save_file faster_rcnn.onnx
......@@ -4,20 +4,30 @@ PaddleDetection Model support is saved in ONNX format and the list of current te
| Model | OP Version | NOTE |
| :---- | :----- | :--- |
| YOLOv3 | 11 | Only batch=1 inferring is supported. Model export needs fixed shape |
| PPYOLO | 11 | Only batch=1 inferring is supported. A MatrixNMS will be converted to an NMS with slightly different precision; Model export needs fixed shape |
| PPYOLOv2 | 11 | Only batch=1 inferring is supported. MatrixNMS will be converted to NMS with slightly different precision; Model export needs fixed shape |
| PPYOLO-Tiny | 11 | Only batch=1 inferring is supported. Model export needs fixed shape |
| PP-YOLO | 11 | Only batch=1 inferring is supported. A MatrixNMS will be converted to an NMS with slightly different precision; Model export needs fixed shape |
| PP-YOLOv2 | 11 | Only batch=1 inferring is supported. MatrixNMS will be converted to NMS with slightly different precision; Model export needs fixed shape |
| PP-YOLO Tiny | 11 | Only batch=1 inferring is supported. Model export needs fixed shape |
| PP-YOLOE | 11 | Only batch=1 inferring is supported. Model export needs fixed shape |
| PP-PicoDet | 11 | Only batch=1 inferring is supported. Model export needs fixed shape |
| FCOS | 11 |Only batch=1 inferring is supported |
| PAFNet | 11 |- |
| TTFNet | 11 |-|
| SSD | 11 |Only batch=1 inferring is supported |
| PP-TinyPose | 11 | - |
| Faster RCNN | 16 | Only batch=1 inferring is supported, require paddle2onnx>=0.9.7|
| Mask RCNN | 16 | Only batch=1 inferring is supported, require paddle2onnx>=0.9.7|
| Cascade RCNN | 16 | Only batch=1 inferring is supported, require paddle2onnx>=0.9.7|
| Cascade Mask RCNN | 16 | Only batch=1 inferring is supported, require paddle2onnx>=0.9.7|
The function of saving ONNX is provided by [Paddle2ONNX](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle2ONNX). If there is feedback on related problems during conversion, Communicate with engineers in Paddle2ONNX's Github project via [ISSUE](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle2ONNX/issues).
## Export Tutorial
### Step 1. Export the Paddle deployment model
Export procedure reference document[Tutorial on PaddleDetection deployment model export](./EXPORT_MODEL_en.md), take YOLOv3 of COCO dataset training as an example
Export procedure reference document[Tutorial on PaddleDetection deployment model export](./EXPORT_MODEL_en.md), for example:
- Models except RCNN series, take YOLOv3 as example
cd PaddleDetection
python tools/export_model.py -c configs/yolov3/yolov3_darknet53_270e_coco.yml \
......@@ -35,17 +45,45 @@ yolov3_darknet
> check`TestReader.inputs_def.image_shape`, For YOLO series models, specify this parameter when exporting; otherwise, the conversion fails
- RCNN series models, take Faster RCNN as example
The conditional block needs to be removed in RCNN series when export ONNX model. Add `export_onnx=True` in command line
cd PaddleDetection
python tools/export_model.py -c configs/faster_rcnn/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco.yml \
-o weights=https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco.pdparams \
export_onnx=True \
--output_dir inference_model
The derived models were saved in `inference_model/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco/`, with the structure as follows
├── infer_cfg.yml # Model configuration file information
├── model.pdiparams # Static diagram model parameters
├── model.pdiparams.info # Parameter Information is not required
└── model.pdmodel # Static diagram model file
### Step 2. Convert the deployment model to ONNX format
Install Paddle2ONNX (version 0.6 or higher)
Install Paddle2ONNX (version 0.9.7 or higher)
pip install paddle2onnx
Use the following command to convert
# YOLOv3
paddle2onnx --model_dir inference_model/yolov3_darknet53_270e_coco \
--model_filename model.pdmodel \
--params_filename model.pdiparams \
--opset_version 11 \
--save_file yolov3.onnx
# Faster RCNN
paddle2onnx --model_dir inference_model/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco \
--model_filename model.pdmodel \
--params_filename model.pdiparams \
--opset_version 16 \
--save_file faster_rcnn.onnx
The transformed model is under the current path`yolov3.onnx`
The transformed model is under the current path`yolov3.onnx` and `faster_rcnn.onnx`
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