提交 33f02d99 编写于 作者: D dengkaipeng

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上级 0f148a62
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def get_isr_p_func(pos_iou_thresh=0.25, bias=0, k=2):
weight_factor = np.clip(max_l_num - l_max_iou_rank, 0.,
None) / max_l_num
weight_factor = np.power(bias + (1 - bias) * weight_factor, k)
pos_weights[l_inds] *= weight_factor * 1.2
pos_weights[l_inds] *= weight_factor
pos_weights = pos_weights / np.mean(pos_weights)
all_pos_weights[pos_mask] = pos_weights
......@@ -142,21 +142,24 @@ class YOLOv3Loss(object):
iou = self._calc_iou(output, target, gt_box, anchors, batch_size,
num_classes, downsample, scale_x_y)
# sorted_iou, sorted_gt_inds = fluid.layers.argsort(iou, axis=-1, descending=True)
# max_iou = sorted_iou[:, :, 0:1]
# gt_inds = fluid.layers.cast(sorted_gt_inds[:, :, 0:1], dtype='float32')
# pred_cls = fluid.layers.argmax(cls, axis=-1)
# pred_cls = fluid.layers.reshape(pred_cls, [batch_size, -1, 1])
# pred_cls = fluid.layers.cast(pred_cls, dtype='float32')
# isr_p_input = fluid.layers.concat([max_iou, gt_inds, pred_cls], axis=-1)
# isr_p = get_isr_p_func()
# pos_weights = fluid.layers.zeros_like(max_iou)
# fluid.layers.py_func(isr_p, isr_p_input, pos_weights)
# tobj_shape = fluid.layers.shape(tobj)
# pos_weights = fluid.layers.reshape(pos_weights, (-1, an_num, tobj_shape[2],
# tobj_shape[3]))
# tobj = tobj * pos_weights
sorted_iou, sorted_gt_inds = fluid.layers.argsort(
iou, axis=-1, descending=True)
max_iou = sorted_iou[:, :, 0:1]
gt_inds = fluid.layers.cast(
sorted_gt_inds[:, :, 0:1], dtype='float32')
pred_cls = fluid.layers.argmax(cls, axis=-1)
pred_cls = fluid.layers.reshape(pred_cls, [batch_size, -1, 1])
pred_cls = fluid.layers.cast(pred_cls, dtype='float32')
isr_p_input = fluid.layers.concat(
[max_iou, gt_inds, pred_cls], axis=-1)
isr_p = get_isr_p_func()
pos_weights = fluid.layers.zeros_like(max_iou)
fluid.layers.py_func(isr_p, isr_p_input, pos_weights)
tobj_shape = fluid.layers.shape(tobj)
pos_weights = fluid.layers.reshape(pos_weights, (
-1, an_num, tobj_shape[2], tobj_shape[3]))
tobj = tobj * pos_weights
# isr_tobj = tobj * pos_weights
# loss_cls = fluid.layers.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(cls, tcls)
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