- M and L models use distillation, please refer to [distill](distill) for details.
### End-to-end Speed
@@ -92,6 +101,14 @@ PP-YOLOE is composed of following methods:
- The Details for multiple machine and multi-gpu training, see [DistributedTraining](../../docs/tutorials/DistributedTraining_en.md)
- For Objects365 dataset download, please refer to [objects365 official website](http://www.objects365.org/overview.html). The specific category list can be downloaded from [objects365_detection_label_list.txt](https://bj.bcebos.com/v1/paddledet/data/objects365/objects365_detection_label_list.txt) organized by PaddleDetection team. It should be stored in `dataset/objects365/`, and each line represents one category. The categories need to be read when exporting the model or doing inference. If the json file is not exist, you can make the following changes to `configs/datasets/objects365_detection.yml`:
-`--slim_config`: Specify the compression policy profile.
- If you want to use distillation, please refer to [Distillation Doc](distill/README.md) for specific distillation methods and more distillation of detection models.