# SOLOv2 (Segmenting Objects by Locations) for instance segmentation
# SOLOv2 for instance segmentation
## Introduction
## Introduction
- SOLOv2 is a fast instance segmentation framework with strong performance: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.10152](https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.10152)
- SOLOv2 (Segmenting Objects by Locations) is a fast instance segmentation framework with strong performance. We reproduced the model of the paper, and improved and optimized the accuracy and speed of the SOLOv2.Among them, `Light-R50-VD-DCN-FPN` model reached 38.6 FPS on single Tesla V100, and mask ap on the COCO-val reached 38.8.
title={SOLOv2: Dynamic, Faster and Stronger},
author={Xinlong Wang and Rufeng Zhang and Tao Kong and Lei Li and Chunhua Shen},
## Model Zoo
## Model Zoo
| Backbone | Multi-scale training | Lr schd | Inf time (fps) | Mask AP | Download | Configs |
| Backbone | Multi-scale training | Lr schd | Inf time (V100) | Mask AP | Download | Configs |