未验证 提交 0f79a355 编写于 作者: G Guanghua Yu 提交者: GitHub

fix some docs link error (#686)

* fix some docs link error

* rename config_doc
上级 4309b572
......@@ -97,14 +97,14 @@
- [安装说明](docs/tutorials/INSTALL_cn.md)
- [快速开始](docs/tutorials/QUICK_STARTED_cn.md)
- [训练/评估/预测流程](docs/tutorials/GETTING_STARTED_cn.md)
- [常见问题汇总](docs/tutorials/FAQ.md)
- [常见问题汇总](docs/FAQ.md)
### 进阶教程
- [数据预处理及自定义数据集](docs/advanced_tutorials/READER.md)
- [搭建模型步骤](docs/advanced_tutorials/MODEL_TECHNICAL.md)
- 模型参数配置:
- [配置模块设计和介绍](docs/advanced_tutorials/CONFIG_cn.md)
- [RCNN模型参数说明](docs/advanced_tutorials/RCNN_PARAMS_DOC.md)
- [模型参数配置](docs/advanced_tutorials/config_doc):
- [配置模块设计和介绍](docs/advanced_tutorials/config_doc/CONFIG_cn.md)
- [RCNN模型参数说明](docs/advanced_tutorials/config_doc/RCNN_PARAMS_DOC.md)
- [迁移学习教程](docs/advanced_tutorials/TRANSFER_LEARNING_cn.md)
- [IPython Notebook demo](demo/mask_rcnn_demo.ipynb)
- [模型压缩](slim)
......@@ -111,16 +111,16 @@ The following is the relationship between COCO mAP and FPS on Tesla V100 of repr
- [Installation guide](docs/tutorials/INSTALL.md)
- [Quick start on small dataset](docs/tutorials/QUICK_STARTED.md)
- [Train/Evaluation/Inference](docs/tutorials/GETTING_STARTED.md)
- [FAQ](docs/tutorials/FAQ.md)
- [FAQ](docs/FAQ.md)
### Advanced Tutorial
- [Guide to preprocess pipeline and custom dataset](docs/advanced_tutorials/READER.md)
- [Models technical](docs/advanced_tutorials/MODEL_TECHNICAL.md)
- [Transfer learning document](docs/advanced_tutorials/TRANSFER_LEARNING.md)
- Parameter configuration:
- [Introduction to the configuration workflow](docs/advanced_tutorials/CONFIG.md)
- [Parameter configuration for RCNN model](docs/advanced_tutorials/RCNN_PARAMS_DOC.md)
- [Parameter configuration](docs/advanced_tutorials/config_doc):
- [Introduction to the configuration workflow](docs/advanced_tutorials/config_doc/CONFIG.md)
- [Parameter configuration for RCNN model](docs/advanced_tutorials/config_doc/RCNN_PARAMS_DOC.md)
- [IPython Notebook demo](demo/mask_rcnn_demo.ipynb)
- [Model compression](slim)
- [Model compression benchmark](slim)
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ The following is the relationship between COCO mAP and FPS on Tesla V100 of repr
PaddleDetection is released under the [Apache 2.0 license](LICENSE).
## Updates
v0.3.0 was released at `05/2020`, add anchor-free, EfficientDet, YOLOv4, etc. Launched mobile and server-side practical and efficient multiple models, refactored predictive deployment functions, and improved ease of use, fix many known bugs, etc.
v0.3.0 was released at `05/2020`, add anchor-free, EfficientDet, YOLOv4, etc. Launched mobile and server-side practical and efficient multiple models. For example, the YOLOv3-MobileNetv3 mobile side model is accelerated 3.5 times, the server side has optimized the two-stage model, and the speed and accuracy have high cost performance. We also refactored predictive deployment functions, and improved ease of use, fix many known bugs, etc.
Please refer to [版本更新文档](docs/CHANGELOG.md) for details.
## Contributing
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ from .darknet import *
- 为了在yaml配置文件中灵活配置网络,所有Backbone、模型组件与architecture类需要利用`ppdet.core.workspace`里的`register`进行注册,形式请参考如上示例;
- 在Backbone中都需定义`__init__`函数与`__call__`函数,`__init__`函数负责初始化参数,在调用此Backbone时会执行`__call__`函数;
- `__shared__`为了实现一些参数的配置全局共享,具体细节请参考[配置文件说明文档](CONFIG_cn.md#faq)
- `__shared__`为了实现一些参数的配置全局共享,具体细节请参考[配置文件说明文档](config_doc/CONFIG_cn.md#faq)
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
.. note:: 文中超链接以GitHub中展示为准,如出现超链接无法访问,请点击网页右上角「Edit on github」查看源文件进行索引,有任何问题欢迎在 `GitHub <https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection>`_ 上提issue。
......@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
:maxdepth: 2
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ list below can be viewed by `--help`
| FLAG | script supported | description | default | remark |
| :----------------------: | :------------: | :---------------: | :--------------: | :-----------------: |
| -c | ALL | Select config file | None | **The description of configure can refer to [CONFIG.md](../advanced_tutorials/CONFIG.md)** |
| -c | ALL | Select config file | None | **The description of configure can refer to [CONFIG.md](../advanced_tutorials/config_doc/CONFIG.md)** |
| -o | ALL | Set parameters in configure file | None | `-o` has higher priority to file configured by `-c`. Such as `-o use_gpu=False max_iter=10000` |
| -r/--resume_checkpoint | train | Checkpoint path for resuming training | None | `-r output/faster_rcnn_r50_1x/10000` |
| --eval | train | Whether to perform evaluation in training | False | |
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ list below can be viewed by `--help`
##### NOTES
- `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` can specify different gpu numbers. Such as: `export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3`. GPU calculation rules can refer [FAQ](./FAQ.md)
- `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` can specify different gpu numbers. Such as: `export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3`. GPU calculation rules can refer [FAQ](../FAQ.md)
- Dataset will be downloaded automatically and cached in `~/.cache/paddle/dataset` if not be found locally.
- Pretrained model is downloaded automatically and cached in `~/.cache/paddle/weights`.
- Checkpoints are saved in `output` by default, and can be revised from save_dir in configure files.
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ python tools/infer.py -c configs/faster_rcnn_r50_1x.yml --infer_img=demo/0000005
| FLAG | 支持脚本 | 用途 | 默认值 | 备注 |
| :----------------------: | :------------: | :---------------: | :--------------: | :-----------------: |
| -c | ALL | 指定配置文件 | None | **配置模块说明请参考[配置模块](../advanced_tutorials/CONFIG_cn.md)** |
| -c | ALL | 指定配置文件 | None | **配置模块说明请参考[配置模块](../advanced_tutorials/config_doc/CONFIG_cn.md)** |
| -o | ALL | 设置配置文件里的参数内容 | None | 使用-o配置相较于-c选择的配置文件具有更高的优先级。例如:`-o use_gpu=False max_iter=10000` |
| -r/--resume_checkpoint | train | 从某一检查点恢复训练 | None | `-r output/faster_rcnn_r50_1x/10000` |
| --eval | train | 是否边训练边测试 | False | |
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ python tools/infer.py -c configs/faster_rcnn_r50_1x.yml --infer_img=demo/0000005
- `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` 参数可以指定不同的GPU。例如: `export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3`. GPU计算规则可以参考 [FAQ](./FAQ.md)
- `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` 参数可以指定不同的GPU。例如: `export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3`. GPU计算规则可以参考 [FAQ](../FAQ.md)
- 若本地未找到数据集,将自动下载数据集并保存在`~/.cache/paddle/dataset`中。
- 预训练模型自动下载并保存在`〜/.cache/paddle/weights`中。
- 模型checkpoints默认保存在`output`中,可通过修改配置文件中save_dir进行配置。
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