@@ -81,6 +81,24 @@ PP-tracking provides an AI studio public project tutorial. Please refer to this
- FairMOT HRNetV2-W18 used 8 GPUs for training and mini-batch size as 4 on each GPU, and trained for 30 epoches. Only ImageNet pre-train model is used, and the optimizer adopts Momentum. The crowdhuman dataset is added to the train-set during training.
- FairMOT here is for ablation study, the training dataset is the 5 datasets of MIX(Caltech,CUHKSYSU,PRW,Cityscapes,ETHZ) and the first half of MOT17 Train, and the pretrain weights is CenterNet COCO model, the evaluation is on the second half of MOT17 Train.
- BYTETracker adapt to other FairMOT models of PaddleDetection, you can modify the tracker of the config like this: