For an overview of trainer's role, please refer to [distributed training design doc]( In this design doc, we will discuss the parameter server's client library, which will manage communication with parameter servers. The library will be implemented in [Go]( and made available as a static or dynamic library with a C header file.
## Parameter Partition
Each parameter will be partitioned into parameter chunks to make the parameters evenly distributed on parameter servers. The partition is done automatically by the client library. The *sparse parameter* require a little different treatment:
### Sparse Parameter
The sparse parameter is a parameter that is updated sparsely. The name is somewhat misleading, it does not have a sparse representation, it is conceptually a dense vector.
Because a sparse parameter is updated sparsely, the trainer will have to partition the sparse parameter. Because the parameter server will merge all sparse parameter shard into the same file when saving the parameter. It needs special naming convention:
If a sparse parameter is partitioned into n shards, they should be named as:
## Gradient Optimization
There are two ways to perform model optimization according to gradients:
- On Client
The client does forward and backward update multiple steps. In each step, the gradients are calculated each step and a new model is generated. After some steps, the client will calculate the difference between the newest model and the old model at step 0. The difference will be updated to parameter servers. Parameter servers will just update parameters according to the difference without any optimization using gradients (such as Adam and L1 regularization).
- On Parameter Server
The client will send gradients to parameter servers, the parameter server will do the optimization using gradients.
## L1 and L2 Regularization
PaddlePaddle allows L1 or L2 regularizations to be specified per parameter, so when the trainer initializes the parameter. When the parameter server is doing the optimization, the trainer needs to pass a parameter configuration to parameter servers to indicate the Regularization.
## Parameter Initialization
The parameters on parameter servers need to be initialized. To provide maximum flexibility, we need to allow trainer initialized the parameters. Only one trainer will do the initialization, the other trainers will wait for the completion of initialization and get the parameters from the parameter servers.