ppyoloe_plus_distill_l_to_m.yml 903 字节
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# teacher and slim config
_BASE_: [
depth_mult: 1.0
width_mult: 1.0

architecture: PPYOLOE
  backbone: CSPResNet
  neck: CustomCSPPAN
  yolo_head: PPYOLOEHead
  post_process: ~
  for_distill: True

pretrain_weights: https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_80e_coco.pdparams
find_unused_parameters: True
for_distill: True

slim: Distill
slim_method: PPYOLOEDistill
distill_loss: DistillPPYOLOELoss

DistillPPYOLOELoss: # L -> M
  loss_weight: {'logits': 4.0, 'feat': 1.0}
  logits_distill: True
  logits_loss_weight: {'class': 1.0, 'iou': 2.5, 'dfl': 0.5}
  feat_distill: True
  feat_distiller: 'fgd' # ['cwd', 'fgd', 'pkd', 'mgd', 'mimic']
  feat_distill_place: 'neck_feats'
  teacher_width_mult: 1.0  # L
  student_width_mult: 0.75  # M
  feat_out_channels: [768, 384, 192]  # The actual channel will multiply width_mult