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# 基于PaddleHub Serving的服务部署
# 基于 PaddleHub Serving 的服务部署
└─ __init__.py 空文件,必选
└─ config.json 配置文件,可选,使用配置启动服务时作为参数传入
└─ module.py 主模块,必选,包含服务的完整逻辑
└─ params.py 参数文件,必选,包含模型路径、前后处理参数等参数
PaddleClas 支持通过 PaddleHub 快速进行服务化部署。目前支持图像分类的部署,图像识别的部署敬请期待。
## 目录
- [1. 简介](#1-简介)
- [2. 准备环境](#2-准备环境)
- [3. 下载推理模型](#3-下载推理模型)
- [4. 安装服务模块](#4-安装服务模块)
- [5. 启动服务](#5-启动服务)
- [5.1 命令行启动](#51-命令行启动)
- [5.2 配置文件启动](#52-配置文件启动)
- [6. 发送预测请求](#6-发送预测请求)
- [7. 自定义修改服务模块](#7-自定义修改服务模块)
<a name="1"></a>
## 1. 简介
hubserving 服务部署配置服务包 `clas` 下包含 3 个必选文件,目录如下:
├── __init__.py # 空文件,必选
├── config.json # 配置文件,可选,使用配置启动服务时作为参数传入
├── module.py # 主模块,必选,包含服务的完整逻辑
└── params.py # 参数文件,必选,包含模型路径、前后处理参数等参数
## 快速启动服务
### 1. 准备环境
<a name="2"></a>
## 2. 准备环境
# 安装paddlehub,请安装2.0版本
pip3 install paddlehub==2.1.0 --upgrade -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
# 安装 paddlehub,建议安装 2.1.0 版本
python3.7 -m pip install paddlehub==2.1.0 --upgrade -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
### 2. 下载推理模型
<a name="3"></a>
## 3. 下载推理模型
* 分类推理模型结构文件:`PaddleClas/inference/inference.pdmodel`
* 分类推理模型权重文件:`PaddleClas/inference/inference.pdiparams`
* 模型文件路径可在`PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/clas/params.py`中查看和修改:
* 模型文件路径可在 `PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/clas/params.py` 中查看和修改:
"inference_model_dir": "../inference/"
* 我们也提供了大量基于ImageNet-1k数据集的预训练模型,模型列表及下载地址详见[模型库概览](../../docs/zh_CN/models/models_intro.md),也可以使用自己训练转换好的模型。
* 模型文件(包括 `.pdmodel``.pdiparams`)的名称必须为 `inference`
* 我们提供了大量基于 ImageNet-1k 数据集的预训练模型,模型列表及下载地址详见[模型库概览](../../docs/zh_CN/algorithm_introduction/ImageNet_models.md),也可以使用自己训练转换好的模型。
### 3. 安装服务模块
* 在Linux环境下,安装示例如下:
cd PaddleClas/deploy
# 安装服务模块:
hub install hubserving/clas/
<a name="4"></a>
## 4. 安装服务模块
* 在Windows环境下(文件夹的分隔符为`\`),安装示例如下:
* 在 Linux 环境下,安装示例如下:
cd PaddleClas/deploy
# 安装服务模块:
hub install hubserving/clas/
cd PaddleClas\deploy
# 安装服务模块:
hub install hubserving\clas\
* 在 Windows 环境下(文件夹的分隔符为`\`),安装示例如下:
cd PaddleClas\deploy
# 安装服务模块:
hub install hubserving\clas\
<a name="5"></a>
## 5. 启动服务
<a name="5.1"></a>
### 5.1 命令行启动
该方式仅支持使用 CPU 预测。启动命令:
### 4. 启动服务
#### 方式1. 命令行命令启动(仅支持CPU)
$ hub serving start --modules Module1==Version1 \
--port XXXX \
--use_multiprocess \
--workers \
hub serving start \
--modules clas_system
--port 8866
这样就完成了一个服务化 API 的部署,使用默认端口号 8866。
|--modules/-m| [**必选**] PaddleHub Serving预安装模型,以多个Module==Version键值对的形式列出<br>*`当不指定Version时,默认选择最新版本`*|
|--port/-p| [**可选**] 服务端口,默认为8866|
|--use_multiprocess| [**可选**] 是否启用并发方式,默认为单进程方式,推荐多核CPU机器使用此方式<br>*`Windows操作系统只支持单进程方式`*|
|--workers| [**可选**] 在并发方式下指定的并发任务数,默认为`2*cpu_count-1`,其中`cpu_count`为CPU核数|
| 参数 | 用途 |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| --modules/-m | [**必选**] PaddleHub Serving 预安装模型,以多个 Module==Version 键值对的形式列出<br>*`当不指定 Version 时,默认选择最新版本`* |
| --port/-p | [**可选**] 服务端口,默认为 8866 |
| --use_multiprocess | [**可选**] 是否启用并发方式,默认为单进程方式,推荐多核 CPU 机器使用此方式<br>*`Windows 操作系统只支持单进程方式`* |
| --workers | [**可选**] 在并发方式下指定的并发任务数,默认为 `2*cpu_count-1`,其中 `cpu_count` 为 CPU 核数 |
更多部署细节详见 [PaddleHub Serving模型一键服务部署](https://paddlehub.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/release-v2.1/tutorial/serving.html)
如按默认参数启动服务: ```hub serving start -m clas_system```
<a name="5.2"></a>
### 5.2 配置文件启动
该方式仅支持使用 CPU 或 GPU 预测。启动命令:
#### 方式2. 配置文件启动(支持CPU、GPU)
```hub serving start -c config.json```
hub serving start -c config.json
其中,`config.json` 格式如下:
"modules_info": {
......@@ -97,92 +131,109 @@ $ hub serving start --modules Module1==Version1 \
- `init_args`中的可配参数与`module.py`中的`_initialize`函数接口一致。其中,
- 当`use_gpu`为`true`时,表示使用GPU启动服务。
- 当`enable_mkldnn`为`true`时,表示使用MKL-DNN加速。
- `predict_args`中的可配参数与`module.py`中的`predict`函数接口一致。
* `init_args` 中的可配参数与 `module.py` 中的 `_initialize` 函数接口一致。其中,
- 当 `use_gpu` 为 `true` 时,表示使用 GPU 启动服务。
- 当 `enable_mkldnn` 为 `true` 时,表示使用 MKL-DNN 加速。
* `predict_args` 中的可配参数与 `module.py` 中的 `predict` 函数接口一致。
- 使用配置文件启动服务时,其他参数会被忽略。
- 如果使用GPU预测(即,`use_gpu`置为`true`),则需要在启动服务之前,设置CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES环境变量,如:```export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0```,否则不用设置。
- **`use_gpu`不可与`use_multiprocess`同时为`true`**。
- **`use_gpu`与`enable_mkldnn`同时为`true`时,将忽略`enable_mkldnn`,而使用GPU**。
* 使用配置文件启动服务时,将使用配置文件中的参数设置,其他命令行参数将被忽略;
* 如果使用 GPU 预测(即,`use_gpu` 置为 `true`),则需要在启动服务之前,设置 `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` 环境变量来指定所使用的 GPU 卡号,如:`export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0`;
* **`use_gpu` 不可与 `use_multiprocess` 同时为 `true`**;
* **`use_gpu` 与 `enable_mkldnn` 同时为 `true` 时,将忽略 `enable_mkldnn`,而使用 GPU**。
如使用 GPU 3 号卡启动服务:
如,使用GPU 3号卡启动串联服务:
cd PaddleClas/deploy
hub serving start -c hubserving/clas/config.json
## 发送预测请求
<a name="6"></a>
## 6. 发送预测请求
cd PaddleClas/deploy
python hubserving/test_hubserving.py server_url image_path
python3.7 hubserving/test_hubserving.py \
--server_url \
--image_file ./hubserving/ILSVRC2012_val_00006666.JPEG \
--batch_size 8
The result(s): class_ids: [57, 67, 68, 58, 65], label_names: ['garter snake, grass snake', 'diamondback, diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus adamanteus', 'sidewinder, horned rattlesnake, Crotalus cerastes', 'water snake', 'sea snake'], scores: [0.21915, 0.15631, 0.14794, 0.13177, 0.12285]
The average time of prediction cost: 2.970 s/image
The average time cost: 3.014 s/image
The average top-1 score: 0.110
- **server_url**:服务地址,格式为
- **image_path**:测试图像路径,可以是单张图片路径,也可以是图像集合目录路径。
- **batch_size**:[**可选**] 以`batch_size`大小为单位进行预测,默认为`1`。
- **resize_short**:[**可选**] 预处理时,按短边调整大小,默认为`256`。
- **crop_size**:[**可选**] 预处理时,居中裁剪的大小,默认为`224`。
- **normalize**:[**可选**] 预处理时,是否进行`normalize`,默认为`True`。
- **to_chw**:[**可选**] 预处理时,是否调整为`CHW`顺序,默认为`True`。
**注意**:如果使用`Transformer`系列模型,如`DeiT_***_384`, `ViT_***_384`等,请注意模型的输入数据尺寸,需要指定`--resize_short=384 --crop_size=384`。
* **server_url**:服务地址,格式为`http://[ip_address]:[port]/predict/[module_name]`。
* **image_path**:测试图像路径,可以是单张图片路径,也可以是图像集合目录路径。
* **batch_size**:[**可选**] 以 `batch_size` 大小为单位进行预测,默认为 `1`。
* **resize_short**:[**可选**] 预处理时,按短边调整大小,默认为 `256`。
* **crop_size**:[**可选**] 预处理时,居中裁剪的大小,默认为 `224`。
* **normalize**:[**可选**] 预处理时,是否进行 `normalize`,默认为 `True`。
* **to_chw**:[**可选**] 预处理时,是否调整为 `CHW` 顺序,默认为 `True`。
**注意**:如果使用 `Transformer` 系列模型,如 `DeiT_***_384`, `ViT_***_384` 等,请注意模型的输入数据尺寸,需要指定`--resize_short=384 --crop_size=384`。
返回结果为列表(list),包含 top-k 个分类结果,以及对应的得分,还有此图片预测耗时,具体如下:
python hubserving/test_hubserving.py --server_url --image_file ./hubserving/ILSVRC2012_val_00006666.JPEG --batch_size 8
### 返回结果格式说明
list: 返回结果
└─ list: 第一张图片结果
└─ list: 前k个分类结果,依score递减排序
└─ list: 前k个分类结果对应的score,依score递减排序
└─ float: 该图分类耗时,单位秒
└─list: 第一张图片结果
├── list: 前 k 个分类结果,依 score 递减排序
├── list: 前 k 个分类结果对应的 score,依 score 递减排序
└─ float: 该图分类耗时,单位秒
**说明:** 如果需要增加、删除、修改返回字段,可对相应模块进行修改,完整流程参考下一节自定义修改服务模块。
## 自定义修改服务模块
- 1、 停止服务
```hub serving stop --port/-p XXXX```
<a name="7"></a>
## 7. 自定义修改服务模块
- 2、 到相应的`module.py`和`params.py`等文件中根据实际需求修改代码。`module.py`修改后需要重新安装(`hub install hubserving/clas/`)并部署。在进行部署前,可通过`python hubserving/clas/module.py`测试已安装服务模块。
- 3、 卸载旧服务包
```hub uninstall clas_system```
1. 停止服务
hub serving stop --port/-p XXXX
- 4、 安装修改后的新服务包
```hub install hubserving/clas/```
2. 到相应的 `module.py` 和 `params.py` 等文件中根据实际需求修改代码。`module.py` 修改后需要重新安装(`hub install hubserving/clas/`)并部署。在进行部署前,可先通过 `python3.7 hubserving/clas/module.py` 命令来快速测试准备部署的代码。
- 5、重新启动服务
```hub serving start -m clas_system```
3. 卸载旧服务包
hub uninstall clas_system
4. 安装修改后的新服务包
hub install hubserving/clas/
5. 重新启动服务
hub serving start -m clas_system
常用参数可在 `PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/clas/params.py` 中修改:
* 更换模型,需要修改模型文件路径参数:
* 更改后处理时返回的`top-k`结果数量:
* 更改后处理时返回的 `top-k` 结果数量:
* 更改后处理时的lable与class id对应映射文件:
* 更改后处理时的 lable 与 class id 对应映射文件:
为了避免不必要的延时以及能够以 batch_size 进行预测,数据预处理逻辑(包括 `resize`、`crop` 等操作)均在客户端完成,因此需要在 [PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py#L41-L47](./test_hubserving.py#L41-L47) 以及 [PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py#L51-L76](./test_hubserving.py#L51-L76) 中修改数据预处理逻辑相关代码
......@@ -2,82 +2,115 @@ English | [简体中文](readme.md)
# Service deployment based on PaddleHub Serving
HubServing service pack contains 3 files, the directory is as follows:
└─ __init__.py Empty file, required
└─ config.json Configuration file, optional, passed in as a parameter when using configuration to start the service
└─ module.py Main module file, required, contains the complete logic of the service
└─ params.py Parameter file, required, including parameters such as model path, pre- and post-processing parameters
PaddleClas supports rapid service deployment through PaddleHub. Currently, the deployment of image classification is supported. Please look forward to the deployment of image recognition.
## Catalogue
- [1 Introduction](#1-introduction)
- [2. Prepare the environment](#2-prepare-the-environment)
- [3. Download the inference model](#3-download-the-inference-model)
- [4. Install the service module](#4-install-the-service-module)
- [5. Start service](#5-start-service)
- [5.1 Start with command line parameters](#51-start-with-command-line-parameters)
- [5.2 Start with configuration file](#52-start-with-configuration-file)
- [6. Send prediction requests](#6-send-prediction-requests)
- [7. User defined service module modification](#7-user-defined-service-module-modification)
<a name="1"></a>
## 1 Introduction
The hubserving service deployment configuration service package `clas` contains 3 required files, the directories are as follows:
├── __init__.py # Empty file, required
├── config.json # Configuration file, optional, passed in as a parameter when starting the service with configuration
├── module.py # The main module, required, contains the complete logic of the service
└── params.py # Parameter file, required, including model path, pre- and post-processing parameters and other parameters
## Quick start service
### 1. Prepare the environment
<a name="2"></a>
## 2. Prepare the environment
# Install version 2.0 of PaddleHub
pip3 install paddlehub==2.1.0 --upgrade -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
# Install paddlehub, version 2.1.0 is recommended
python3.7 -m pip install paddlehub==2.1.0 --upgrade -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
### 2. Download inference model
<a name="3"></a>
## 3. Download the inference model
Before installing the service module, you need to prepare the inference model and put it in the correct path. The default model path is:
Model structure file: PaddleClas/inference/inference.pdmodel
Model parameters file: PaddleClas/inference/inference.pdiparams
* Classification inference model structure file: `PaddleClas/inference/inference.pdmodel`
* Classification inference model weight file: `PaddleClas/inference/inference.pdiparams`
* Model file paths can be viewed and modified in `PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/clas/params.py`:
"inference_model_dir": "../inference/"
* Model files (including `.pdmodel` and `.pdiparams`) must be named `inference`.
* We provide a large number of pre-trained models based on the ImageNet-1k dataset. For the model list and download address, see [Model Library Overview](../../docs/en/algorithm_introduction/ImageNet_models_en.md), or you can use your own trained and converted models.
* The model file path can be viewed and modified in `PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/clas/params.py`.
It should be noted that the prefix of model structure file and model parameters file must be `inference`.
<a name="4"></a>
## 4. Install the service module
* More models provided by PaddleClas can be obtained from the [model library](../../docs/en/models/models_intro_en.md). You can also use models trained by yourself.
* In the Linux environment, the installation example is as follows:
cd PaddleClas/deploy
# Install the service module:
hub install hubserving/clas/
### 3. Install Service Module
* In the Windows environment (the folder separator is `\`), the installation example is as follows:
* On Linux platform, the examples are as follows.
cd PaddleClas/deploy
hub install hubserving/clas/
cd PaddleClas\deploy
# Install the service module:
hub install hubserving\clas\
* On Windows platform, the examples are as follows.
cd PaddleClas\deploy
hub install hubserving\clas\
### 4. Start service
#### Way 1. Start with command line parameters (CPU only)
<a name="5"></a>
## 5. Start service
**start command:**
$ hub serving start --modules Module1==Version1 \
--port XXXX \
--use_multiprocess \
--workers \
|--modules/-m|PaddleHub Serving pre-installed model, listed in the form of multiple Module==Version key-value pairs<br>*`When Version is not specified, the latest version is selected by default`*|
|--port/-p|Service port, default is 8866|
|--use_multiprocess|Enable concurrent mode, the default is single-process mode, this mode is recommended for multi-core CPU machines<br>*`Windows operating system only supports single-process mode`*|
|--workers|The number of concurrent tasks specified in concurrent mode, the default is `2*cpu_count-1`, where `cpu_count` is the number of CPU cores|
<a name="5.1"></a>
### 5.1 Start with command line parameters
This method only supports prediction using CPU. Start command:
For example, start the 2-stage series service:
hub serving start -m clas_system
hub serving start \
--modules clas_system
--port 8866
This completes the deployment of a serviced API, using the default port number 8866.
This completes the deployment of a service API, using the default port number 8866.
**Parameter Description**:
| parameters | uses |
| ------------------ | ------------------- |
| --modules/-m | [**required**] PaddleHub Serving pre-installed model, listed in the form of multiple Module==Version key-value pairs<br>*`When no Version is specified, the latest is selected by default version`* |
| --port/-p | [**OPTIONAL**] Service port, default is 8866 |
| --use_multiprocess | [**Optional**] Whether to enable the concurrent mode, the default is single-process mode, it is recommended to use this mode for multi-core CPU machines<br>*`Windows operating system only supports single-process mode`* |
| --workers | [**Optional**] The number of concurrent tasks specified in concurrent mode, the default is `2*cpu_count-1`, where `cpu_count` is the number of CPU cores |
For more deployment details, see [PaddleHub Serving Model One-Click Service Deployment](https://paddlehub.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/release-v2.1/tutorial/serving.html)
<a name="5.2"></a>
### 5.2 Start with configuration file
This method only supports prediction using CPU or GPU. Start command:
#### Way 2. Start with configuration file(CPU、GPU)
**start command:**
hub serving start --config/-c config.json
hub serving start -c config.json
Wherein, the format of `config.json` is as follows:
Among them, the format of `config.json` is as follows:
"modules_info": {
......@@ -96,104 +129,110 @@ Wherein, the format of `config.json` is as follows:
"workers": 2
- The configurable parameters in `init_args` are consistent with the `_initialize` function interface in `module.py`. Among them,
- when `use_gpu` is `true`, it means that the GPU is used to start the service.
- when `enable_mkldnn` is `true`, it means that use MKL-DNN to accelerate.
- The configurable parameters in `predict_args` are consistent with the `predict` function interface in `module.py`.
- When using the configuration file to start the service, other parameters will be ignored.
- If you use GPU prediction (that is, `use_gpu` is set to `true`), you need to set the environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES before starting the service, such as: ```export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0```, otherwise you do not need to set it.
- **`use_gpu` and `use_multiprocess` cannot be `true` at the same time.**
- **When both `use_gpu` and `enable_mkldnn` are set to `true` at the same time, GPU is used to run and `enable_mkldnn` will be ignored.**
For example, use GPU card No. 3 to start the 2-stage series service:
**Parameter Description**:
* The configurable parameters in `init_args` are consistent with the `_initialize` function interface in `module.py`. in,
- When `use_gpu` is `true`, it means to use GPU to start the service.
- When `enable_mkldnn` is `true`, it means to use MKL-DNN acceleration.
* The configurable parameters in `predict_args` are consistent with the `predict` function interface in `module.py`.
* When using the configuration file to start the service, the parameter settings in the configuration file will be used, and other command line parameters will be ignored;
* If you use GPU prediction (ie, `use_gpu` is set to `true`), you need to set the `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` environment variable to specify the GPU card number used before starting the service, such as: `export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0`;
* **`use_gpu` cannot be `true`** at the same time as `use_multiprocess`;
* ** When both `use_gpu` and `enable_mkldnn` are `true`, `enable_mkldnn` will be ignored and GPU** will be used.
If you use GPU No. 3 card to start the service:
cd PaddleClas/deploy
hub serving start -c hubserving/clas/config.json
## Send prediction requests
After the service starts, you can use the following command to send a prediction request to obtain the prediction result:
cd PaddleClas/deploy
python hubserving/test_hubserving.py server_url image_path
Two required parameters need to be passed to the script:
- **server_url**: service address,format of which is
- **image_path**: Test image path, can be a single image path or an image directory path
- **batch_size**: [**Optional**] batch_size. Default by `1`.
- **resize_short**: [**Optional**] In preprocessing, resize according to short size. Default by `256`
- **crop_size**: [**Optional**] In preprocessing, centor crop size. Default by `224`
- **normalize**: [**Optional**] In preprocessing, whether to do `normalize`. Default by `True`
- **to_chw**: [**Optional**] In preprocessing, whether to transpose to `CHW`. Default by `True`
<a name="6"></a>
## 6. Send prediction requests
If you want to use `Transformer series models`, such as `DeiT_***_384`, `ViT_***_384`, etc., please pay attention to the input size of model, and need to set `--resize_short=384`, `--crop_size=384`.
After configuring the server, you can use the following command to send a prediction request to get the prediction result:
python hubserving/test_hubserving.py --server_url --image_file ./hubserving/ILSVRC2012_val_00006666.JPEG --batch_size 8
### Returned result format
The returned result is a list, including the `top_k`'s classification results, corresponding scores and the time cost of prediction, details as follows.
list: The returned results
└─ list: The result of first picture
└─ list: The top-k classification results, sorted in descending order of score
└─ list: The scores corresponding to the top-k classification results, sorted in descending order of score
└─ float: The time cost of predicting the picture, unit second
cd PaddleClas/deploy
python3.7 hubserving/test_hubserving.py \
--server_url \
--image_file ./hubserving/ILSVRC2012_val_00006666.JPEG \
--batch_size 8
**Predicted output**
The result(s): class_ids: [57, 67, 68, 58, 65], label_names: ['garter snake, grass snake', 'diamondback, diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus adamanteus', 'sidewinder, horned rattlesnake, Crotalus cerastes' , 'water snake', 'sea snake'], scores: [0.21915, 0.15631, 0.14794, 0.13177, 0.12285]
The average time of prediction cost: 2.970 s/image
The average time cost: 3.014 s/image
The average top-1 score: 0.110
**Script parameter description**:
* **server_url**: Service address, the format is `http://[ip_address]:[port]/predict/[module_name]`.
* **image_path**: The test image path, which can be a single image path or an image collection directory path.
* **batch_size**: [**OPTIONAL**] Make predictions in `batch_size` size, default is `1`.
* **resize_short**: [**optional**] When preprocessing, resize by short edge, default is `256`.
* **crop_size**: [**Optional**] The size of the center crop during preprocessing, the default is `224`.
* **normalize**: [**Optional**] Whether to perform `normalize` during preprocessing, the default is `True`.
* **to_chw**: [**Optional**] Whether to adjust to `CHW` order when preprocessing, the default is `True`.
**Note**: If you use `Transformer` series models, such as `DeiT_***_384`, `ViT_***_384`, etc., please pay attention to the input data size of the model, you need to specify `--resize_short=384 -- crop_size=384`.
**Return result format description**:
The returned result is a list (list), including the top-k classification results, the corresponding scores, and the time-consuming prediction of this image, as follows:
list: return result
└──list: first image result
├── list: the top k classification results, sorted in descending order of score
├── list: the scores corresponding to the first k classification results, sorted in descending order of score
└── float: The image classification time, in seconds
**Note:** If you need to add, delete or modify the returned fields, you can modify the corresponding module. For the details, refer to the user-defined modification service module in the next section.
## User defined service module modification
If you need to modify the service logic, the following steps are generally required:
1. Stop service
hub serving stop --port/-p XXXX
<a name="7"></a>
## 7. User defined service module modification
2. Modify the code in the corresponding files, like `module.py` and `params.py`, according to the actual needs. You need re-install(hub install hubserving/clas/) and re-deploy after modifing `module.py`.
After modifying and installing and before deploying, you can use `python hubserving/clas/module.py` to test the installed service module.
If you need to modify the service logic, you need to do the following:
For example, if you need to replace the model used by the deployed service, you need to modify model path parameters `cfg.model_file` and `cfg.params_file` in `params.py`. Of course, other related parameters may need to be modified at the same time. Please modify and debug according to the actual situation.
1. Stop the service
hub serving stop --port/-p XXXX
3. Uninstall old service module
hub uninstall clas_system
2. Go to the corresponding `module.py` and `params.py` and other files to modify the code according to actual needs. `module.py` needs to be reinstalled after modification (`hub install hubserving/clas/`) and deployed. Before deploying, you can use the `python3.7 hubserving/clas/module.py` command to quickly test the code ready for deployment.
4. Install modified service module
hub install hubserving/clas/
3. Uninstall the old service pack
hub uninstall clas_system
5. Restart service
hub serving start -m clas_system
4. Install the new modified service pack
hub install hubserving/clas/
5. Restart the service
hub serving start -m clas_system
Common parameters can be modified in params.py:
* Directory of model files(include model structure file and model parameters file):
Common parameters can be modified in `PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/clas/params.py`:
* To replace the model, you need to modify the model file path parameters:
* The number of Top-k results returned during post-processing:
* Change the number of `top-k` results returned when postprocessing:
* Mapping file corresponding to label and class ID during post-processing:
* The mapping file corresponding to the lable and class id when changing the post-processing:
In order to avoid unnecessary delay and be able to predict in batch, the preprocessing (include resize, crop and other) is completed in the client, so modify [test_hubserving.py](./test_hubserving.py#L35-L52) if necessary.
In order to avoid unnecessary delay and be able to predict with batch_size, data preprocessing logic (including `resize`, `crop` and other operations) is completed on the client side, so it needs to modify data preprocessing logic related code in [PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py# L41-L47](./test_hubserving.py#L41-L47) and [PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py#L51-L76](./test_hubserving.py#L51-L76).
English | [简体中文](../../zh_CN/inference_deployment/paddle_hub_serving_deploy.md)
# Service deployment based on PaddleHub Serving
PaddleClas supports rapid service deployment through PaddleHub. Currently, the deployment of image classification is supported. Please look forward to the deployment of image recognition.
## Catalogue
- [1. Introduction](#1)
- [2. Prepare the environment](#2)
......@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ deploy/hubserving/clas/
<a name="2"></a>
## 2. Prepare the environment
# Install paddlehub, please install version 2.0
# Install paddlehub, version 2.1.0 is recommended
python3.7 -m pip install paddlehub==2.1.0 --upgrade -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
......@@ -236,4 +235,4 @@ Common parameters can be modified in `PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/clas/params.p
In order to avoid unnecessary delay and be able to predict with batch_size, data preprocessing logic (including `resize`, `crop` and other operations) is completed on the client side, so it needs to be in [PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py# Modify the code related to data preprocessing logic in L35-L52](../../../deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py).
In order to avoid unnecessary delay and be able to predict with batch_size, data preprocessing logic (including `resize`, `crop` and other operations) is completed on the client side, so it needs to be in [PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py# L41-L47](../../../deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py#L41-L47) and [PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py#L51-L76](../../../deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py#L51-L76) Modify the data preprocessing logic related code.
简体中文 | [English](../../en/inference_deployment/paddle_hub_serving_deploy_en.md)
# 基于 PaddleHub Serving 的服务部署
PaddleClas 支持通过 PaddleHub 快速进行服务化部署。目前支持图像分类的部署,图像识别的部署敬请期待。
## 目录
- [1. 简介](#1)
......@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ deploy/hubserving/clas/
<a name="2"></a>
## 2. 准备环境
# 安装 paddlehub,请安装 2.0 版本
# 安装 paddlehub,建议安装 2.1.0 版本
python3.7 -m pip install paddlehub==2.1.0 --upgrade -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
......@@ -237,4 +236,4 @@ list: 返回结果
为了避免不必要的延时以及能够以 batch_size 进行预测,数据预处理逻辑(包括 `resize`、`crop` 等操作)均在客户端完成,因此需要在 [PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py#L35-L52](../../../deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py) 中修改数据预处理逻辑相关代码。
为了避免不必要的延时以及能够以 batch_size 进行预测,数据预处理逻辑(包括 `resize`、`crop` 等操作)均在客户端完成,因此需要在 [PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py#L41-L47](../../../deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py#L41-L47) 以及 [PaddleClas/deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py#L51-L76](../../../deploy/hubserving/test_hubserving.py#L51-L76) 中修改数据预处理逻辑相关代码。
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