未验证 提交 c8f5ee2f 编写于 作者: L littletomatodonkey 提交者: GitHub

fix en (#942)

* fix en quick start

* add en image
上级 8c8824d0
......@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ def draw_bbox_results(image,
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = result["bbox"]
text = "{}, {:.2f}".format(result["rec_docs"], result["rec_scores"])
th = font_size
tw = int(len(result["rec_docs"]) * font_size) + 60
tw = font.getsize(text)[0]
# tw = int(len(result["rec_docs"]) * font_size) + 60
start_y = max(0, ymin - th)
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ wget https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/models/infere
cd ..
# Download the demo data and unzip it
wget https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/data/recognition_demo_data_v1.0.tar && tar -xf recognition_demo_data_v1.0.tar
wget https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/data/recognition_demo_data_en_v1.0.tar && tar -xf recognition_demo_data_en_v1.0.tar
Once unpacked, the `recognition_demo_data_v1.0` folder should have the following file structure.
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Run the following command to identify and retrieve the image `./recognition_demo
# use the following command to predict using GPU.
python3.7 python/predict_system.py -c configs/inference_product.yaml
# use the following command to predict using CPU
python3.7 python/predict_system.py -c configs/inference_product.yaml
python3.7 python/predict_system.py -c configs/inference_product.yaml -o Global.use_gpu=False
**Note:** Program lib used to build index is compliled on our machine, if error occured because of the environment, you can refer to [vector search tutorial](../../../deploy/vector_search/README.md) to rebuild the lib.
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ The image to be retrieved is shown below.
The final output is shown below.
[{'bbox': [287, 129, 497, 326], 'rec_docs': '稻香村金猪饼', 'rec_scores': 0.8309420943260193}, {'bbox': [99, 242, 313, 426], 'rec_docs': '稻香村金猪饼', 'rec_scores': 0.7245652079582214}]
[{'bbox': [287, 129, 497, 326], 'rec_docs': 'Daoxaingcun Golden Piggie Cake', 'rec_scores': 0.8309420347213745}, {'bbox': [99, 242, 313, 426], 'rec_docs': 'Daoxaingcun Golden Piggie Cake', 'rec_scores': 0.7245651483535767}]
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ where bbox indicates the location of the detected object, rec_docs indicates the
The detection result is also saved in the folder `output`, for this image, the visualization result is as follows.
<div align="center">
<img src="../../images/recognition/product_demo/result/daoxiangcunjinzhubing_6.jpg" width = "400" />
<img src="../../images/recognition/product_demo/result/daoxiangcunjinzhubing_6_en.jpg" width = "400" />
......@@ -182,13 +182,12 @@ The results on the screen are shown as following.
[{'bbox': [37, 29, 123, 89], 'rec_docs': '香奈儿包', 'rec_scores': 0.6163763999938965}, {'bbox': [153, 96, 235, 175], 'rec_docs': '香奈儿包', 'rec_scores': 0.5279821157455444}]
[{'bbox': [735, 562, 1133, 851], 'rec_docs': '香奈儿包', 'rec_scores': 0.5588355660438538}]
[{'bbox': [124, 50, 230, 129], 'rec_docs': '香奈儿包', 'rec_scores': 0.6980369687080383}]
[{'bbox': [0, 0, 275, 183], 'rec_docs': '香奈儿包', 'rec_scores': 0.5818190574645996}]
[{'bbox': [400, 1179, 905, 1537], 'rec_docs': '香奈儿包', 'rec_scores': 0.9814301133155823}]
[{'bbox': [544, 4, 1482, 932], 'rec_docs': '香奈儿包', 'rec_scores': 0.5143815279006958}]
[{'bbox': [29, 42, 194, 183], 'rec_docs': '香奈儿包', 'rec_scores': 0.9543638229370117}]
[{'bbox': [37, 29, 123, 89], 'rec_docs': 'Chanel Handbag', 'rec_scores': 0.6163763999938965}, {'bbox': [153, 96, 235, 175], 'rec_docs': 'Chanel Handbag', 'rec_scores': 0.5279821157455444}]
[{'bbox': [735, 562, 1133, 851], 'rec_docs': 'Chanel Handbag', 'rec_scores': 0.5588355660438538}]
[{'bbox': [124, 50, 230, 129], 'rec_docs': 'Chanel Handbag', 'rec_scores': 0.6980369687080383}]
[{'bbox': [0, 0, 275, 183], 'rec_docs': 'Chanel Handbag', 'rec_scores': 0.5818190574645996}]
[{'bbox': [400, 1179, 905, 1537], 'rec_docs': 'Chanel Handbag', 'rec_scores': 0.9814301133155823}, {'bbox': [295, 713, 820, 1046], 'rec_docs': 'Chanel Handbag', 'rec_scores': 0.9496176242828369}, {'bbox': [153, 236, 694, 614], 'rec_docs': 'Chanel Handbag', 'rec_scores': 0.8395382761955261}]
[{'bbox': [544, 4, 1482, 932], 'rec_docs': 'Chanel Handbag', 'rec_scores': 0.5143815279006958}]
......@@ -238,12 +237,12 @@ cp recognition_demo_data_v1.0/gallery_product/data_file.txt recognition_demo_dat
Then add some new lines into the new label file, which is shown as follows.
gallery/anmuxi/001.jpg 安慕希酸奶
gallery/anmuxi/002.jpg 安慕希酸奶
gallery/anmuxi/003.jpg 安慕希酸奶
gallery/anmuxi/004.jpg 安慕希酸奶
gallery/anmuxi/005.jpg 安慕希酸奶
gallery/anmuxi/006.jpg 安慕希酸奶
gallery/anmuxi/001.jpg Anmuxi Ambrosial Yogurt
gallery/anmuxi/002.jpg Anmuxi Ambrosial Yogurt
gallery/anmuxi/003.jpg Anmuxi Ambrosial Yogurt
gallery/anmuxi/004.jpg Anmuxi Ambrosial Yogurt
gallery/anmuxi/005.jpg Anmuxi Ambrosial Yogurt
gallery/anmuxi/006.jpg Anmuxi Ambrosial Yogurt
Each line can be splited into two fields. The first field denotes the relative image path, and the second field denotes its label. The `delimiter` is `tab` here.
......@@ -274,11 +273,11 @@ python3.7 python/predict_system.py -c configs/inference_product.yaml -o Global.i
The output is as follows:
[{'bbox': [243, 80, 523, 522], 'rec_docs': '安慕希酸奶', 'rec_scores': 0.5570770502090454}]
[{'bbox': [243, 80, 523, 522], 'rec_docs': 'Anmuxi Ambrosial Yogurt', 'rec_scores': 0.5570770502090454}]
The final recognition result is `安慕希酸奶`, which is corrrect, the visualization result is as follows.
The final recognition result is `Anmuxi Ambrosial Yogurt`, which is corrrect, the visualization result is as follows.
<div align="center">
<img src="../../images/recognition/product_demo/result/anmuxi.jpg" width = "400" />
<img src="../../images/recognition/product_demo/result/anmuxi_en.jpg" width = "400" />
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