未验证 提交 8a469799 编写于 作者: T Tingquan Gao 提交者: GitHub

support bs>1 (#651)

* support bs>1
上级 8832a3fa
include LICENSE.txt
include README.md
include docs/en/whl_en.md
recursive-include tools/infer utils.py predict.py
recursive-include ppcls/utils imagenet1k_label_list.txt
\ No newline at end of file
recursive-include ppcls/utils logger.py
recursive-include ppcls/utils imagenet1k_label_list.txt
......@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ import cv2
import numpy as np
import paddle.nn as nn
import tools.infer.predict as paddle_predict
from tools.infer.utils import Base64ToCV2, create_paddle_predictor
from tools.infer.predict import Predictor
from tools.infer.utils import b64_to_np, postprocess
from deploy.hubserving.clas.params import read_params
......@@ -62,65 +62,24 @@ class ClasSystem(nn.Layer):
print("Use CPU")
print("Enable MKL-DNN") if enable_mkldnn else None
self.predictor = create_paddle_predictor(self.args)
self.predictor = Predictor(self.args)
def read_images(self, paths=[]):
images = []
for img_path in paths:
assert os.path.isfile(
img_path), "The {} isn't a valid file.".format(img_path)
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
if img is None:
logger.info("error in loading image:{}".format(img_path))
img = img[:, :, ::-1]
return images
def predict(self, batch_input_data, top_k=1):
assert isinstance(
np.ndarray), "The input data is inconsistent with expectations."
def predict(self, images=[], paths=[], top_k=1):
images (list(numpy.ndarray)): images data, shape of each is [H, W, C]. If images not paths
paths (list[str]): The paths of images. If paths not images
res (list): The result of chinese texts and save path of images.
if images != [] and isinstance(images, list) and paths == []:
predicted_data = images
elif images == [] and isinstance(paths, list) and paths != []:
predicted_data = self.read_images(paths)
raise TypeError(
"The input data is inconsistent with expectations.")
assert predicted_data != [], "There is not any image to be predicted. Please check the input data."
all_results = []
for img in predicted_data:
if img is None:
logger.info("error in loading image")
self.args.image_file = img
self.args.top_k = top_k
starttime = time.time()
classes, scores = paddle_predict.predict(self.args, self.predictor)
elapse = time.time() - starttime
logger.info("Predict time: {}".format(elapse))
all_results.append([classes.tolist(), scores.tolist(), elapse])
return all_results
starttime = time.time()
batch_outputs = self.predictor.predict(batch_input_data)
elapse = time.time() - starttime
batch_result_list = postprocess(batch_outputs, top_k)
return {"prediction": batch_result_list, "elapse": elapse}
def serving_method(self, images, **kwargs):
def serving_method(self, images, revert_params, **kwargs):
Run as a service.
to_cv2 = Base64ToCV2()
images_decode = [to_cv2(image) for image in images]
results = self.predict(images_decode, **kwargs)
input_data = b64_to_np(images, revert_params)
results = self.predict(batch_input_data=input_data, **kwargs)
return results
......@@ -12,11 +12,24 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import sys
__dir__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__dir__, '../../../')))
import argparse
import numpy as np
import cv2
import paddlehub as hub
from tools.infer.utils import preprocess
args = argparse.Namespace(resize_short=256, resize=224, normalize=True)
img_path_list = ["./deploy/hubserving/ILSVRC2012_val_00006666.JPEG", ]
image_path = ["./deploy/hubserving/ILSVRC2012_val_00006666.JPEG", ]
top_k = 5
module = hub.Module(name="clas_system")
res = module.predict(paths=image_path, top_k=top_k)
for i, image in enumerate(image_path):
print("The returned result of {}: {}".format(image, res[i]))
for i, img_path in enumerate(img_path_list):
img = cv2.imread(img_path)[:, :, ::-1]
img = preprocess(img, args)
batch_input_data = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)
res = module.predict(batch_input_data)
print("The returned result of {}: {}".format(img_path, res))
......@@ -28,8 +28,10 @@ Paddle Lite是飞桨轻量化推理引擎,为手机、IOT端提供高效推理
|Android|[arm7](https://paddlelite-data.bj.bcebos.com/Release/2.6.1/Android/inference_lite_lib.android.armv7.gcc.c++_static.with_extra.CV_ON.tar.gz) / [arm8](https://paddlelite-data.bj.bcebos.com/Release/2.6.1/Android/inference_lite_lib.android.armv8.gcc.c++_static.with_extra.CV_ON.tar.gz)|
|iOS|[arm7](https://paddlelite-data.bj.bcebos.com/Release/2.6.1/iOS/inference_lite_lib.ios.armv7.with_extra.CV_ON.tar.gz) / [arm8](https://paddlelite-data.bj.bcebos.com/Release/2.6.1/iOS/inference_lite_lib.ios64.armv8.with_extra.CV_ON.tar.gz)|
注:1. 如果是从 Paddle-Lite [官方文档](https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/user_guides/release_lib.html#android-toolchain-gcc)下载的预测库,
注意选择`with_extra=ON,with_cv=ON`的下载链接。2. 如果使用量化的模型部署在端侧,建议使用Paddle-Lite develop分支编译预测库。
1. 如果是从 Paddle-Lite [官方文档](https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/quick_start/release_lib.html#android-toolchain-gcc)下载的预测库,
2. 如果使用量化的模型部署在端侧,建议使用Paddle-Lite develop分支编译预测库。
2. 编译Paddle-Lite得到预测库,Paddle-Lite的编译方式如下:
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ For the detailed compilation directions of different development environments, p
1. If you download the inference library from [Paddle-Lite official document](https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/user_guides/release_lib.html#android-toolchain-gcc), please choose `with_extra=ON` , `with_cv=ON` .
1. If you download the inference library from [Paddle-Lite official document](https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/quick_start/release_lib.html#android-toolchain-gcc), please choose `with_extra=ON` , `with_cv=ON` .
2. It is recommended to build inference library using [Paddle-Lite](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite) develop branch if you want to deploy the [quantitative](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/blob/develop/deploy/slim/quantization/README_en.md) model to mobile phones. Please refer to the [link](https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/user_guides/Compile/Android.html#id2) for more detailed information about compiling.
......@@ -116,12 +116,7 @@ python3 tools/infer/infer.py \
The output is as follows. Top-5 class ids and their scores are printed.
Current image file: docs/images/quick_start/flowers102/image_06739.jpg
top1, class id: 0, probability: 0.5129
top2, class id: 50, probability: 0.0671
top3, class id: 18, probability: 0.0377
top4, class id: 82, probability: 0.0238
top5, class id: 54, probability: 0.0231
File:image_06739.jpg, Top-5 result: class id(s): [0, 96, 18, 50, 51], score(s): [0.79, 0.02, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
* Note: Results are different for different models, so you might get different results for the command.
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
install by pypi
pip install paddleclas==2.0.0rc2
pip install paddleclas==2.0.0rc3
build own whl package and install
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ pip3 install dist/paddleclas-x.x.x-py3-none-any.whl
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50',use_gpu=False,use_tensorrt=False)
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50', top_k=5)
......@@ -35,25 +35,28 @@ print(result)
>>> result
[{'filename': '/Users/mac/Downloads/PaddleClas/docs/images/whl/demo.jpg', 'class_ids': [8], 'scores': [0.9796774], 'label_names': ['hen']}]
[{'class_ids': array([ 8, 7, 86, 82, 80]), 'scores': array([9.7967714e-01, 2.0280687e-02, 2.7053760e-05, 6.1860351e-06,
2.6378802e-06], dtype=float32), 'label_names': ['hen', 'cock', 'partridge', 'ruffed grouse, partridge, Bonasa umbellus', 'black grouse'], 'filename': 'docs/images/whl/demo.jpg'}
* Using command line interactive programming
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='docs/images/whl/demo.jpg'
paddleclas --model_name=ResNet50 --top_k=5 --image_file='docs/images/whl/demo.jpg'
>>> result
[{'filename': '/Users/mac/Downloads/PaddleClas/docs/images/whl/demo.jpg', 'class_ids': [8], 'scores': [0.9796774], 'label_names': ['hen']}]
filename: docs/images/whl/demo.jpg; class id: 8, 7, 86, 82, 80; scores: 0.9797, 0.0203, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000; label: hen, cock, partridge, ruffed grouse, partridge, Bonasa umbellus, black grouse
Predict complete!
### 2. Definition of Parameters
* model_name(str): model's name. If not assigning `model_file`and`params_file`, you can assign this param. If using inference model based on ImageNet1k provided by Paddle, set as default='ResNet50'.
* image_file(str): image's path. Support assigning single local image, internet image and folder containing series of images. Also Support numpy.ndarray.
* image_file(str or numpy.ndarray): image's path. Support assigning single local image, internet image and folder containing series of images. Also Support numpy.ndarray, the channel order is [B, G, R].
* use_gpu(bool): Whether to use GPU or not, defalut=False。
* use_tensorrt(bool): whether to open tensorrt or not. Using it can greatly promote predict preformance, default=False.
* is_preprocessed(bool): Assign the image data has been preprocessed or not when the image_file is numpy.ndarray.
* resize_short(int): resize the minima between height and width into resize_short(int), default=256
* resize(int): resize image into resize(int), default=224.
* normalize(bool): whether normalize image or not, default=True.
......@@ -84,80 +87,75 @@ paddleclas -h
###### python
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_file='user-specified model path',
params_file='parmas path', use_gpu=False, use_tensorrt=False)
image_file = ''
clas = PaddleClas(model_file='the path of model file',
params_file='the path of params file')
image_file = 'docs/images/whl/demo.jpg'
###### bash
paddleclas --model_file='user-specified model path' --params_file='parmas path' --image_file='image path'
paddleclas --model_file='user-specified model path' --params_file='parmas path' --image_file='docs/images/whl/demo.jpg'
* Use inference model which PaddlePaddle provides to predict, you need to choose one of model when initializing PaddleClas to assign `model_name`. You may not assign `model_file` , and the model you chosen will be download in `BASE_INFERENCE_MODEL_DIR` ,which will be saved in folder named by `model_name`,avoiding overlay different inference model.
* Use inference model which PaddlePaddle provides to predict, you need to choose one of model proviede by PaddleClas to assign `model_name`. So there's no need to assign `model_file`. And the model you chosen will be download in `~/.paddleclas/`, which will be saved in folder named by `model_name`.
###### python
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50',use_gpu=False, use_tensorrt=False)
image_file = ''
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50')
image_file = 'docs/images/whl/demo.jpg'
###### bash
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='image path'
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='docs/images/whl/demo.jpg'
* You can assign input as format`np.ndarray` which has been preprocessed `--image_file=np.ndarray`.
* You can assign input as format `numpy.ndarray` which has been preprocessed `image_file=np.ndarray`. Note that the image data must be three channel. If need To preprocess the image, the image channels order must be [B, G, R].
###### python
import cv2
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50',use_gpu=False, use_tensorrt=False)
image_file =np.ndarray # image_file 可指定为前缀是https的网络图片,也可指定为本地图片
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50')
image_file = cv2.imread("docs/images/whl/demo.jpg")
###### bash
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file=np.ndarray
* You can assign `image_file` as a folder path containing series of images, also can assign `top_k`.
* You can assign `image_file` as a folder path containing series of images.
###### python
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50',use_gpu=False, use_tensorrt=False,top_k=5)
image_file = '' # it can be image_file folder path which contains all of images you want to predict.
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50')
image_file = 'docs/images/whl/' # it can be image_file folder path which contains all of images you want to predict.
###### bash
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='image path' --top_k=5
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='docs/images/whl/'
* You can assign `--pre_label_image=True`, `--pre_label_out_idr= './output_pre_label/'`.Then images will be copied into folder named by top-1 class_id.
* You can assign `--pre_label_image=True`, `--pre_label_out_idr= './output_pre_label/'`. Then images will be copied into folder named by top-1 class_id.
###### python
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50',use_gpu=False, use_tensorrt=False,top_k=5, pre_label_image=True,pre_label_out_idr='./output_pre_label/')
image_file = '' # it can be image_file folder path which contains all of images you want to predict.
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50', pre_label_image=True, pre_label_out_idr='./output_pre_label/')
image_file = 'docs/images/whl/' # it can be image_file folder path which contains all of images you want to predict.
###### bash
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='image path' --top_k=5 --pre_label_image=True --pre_label_out_idr='./output_pre_label/'
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='docs/images/whl/' --pre_label_image=True --pre_label_out_idr='./output_pre_label/'
* You can assign `--label_name_path` as your own label_dict_file, format should be as(class_id<space>class_name<\n>).
......@@ -169,32 +167,32 @@ paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='image path' --top_k=5 --pre_lab
* If you use inference model that Paddle provides, you do not need assign `label_name_path`. Program will take `ppcls/utils/imagenet1k_label_list.txt` as defaults. If you hope using your own training model, you can provide `label_name_path` outputing 'label_name' and scores, otherwise no 'label_name' in output information.
* If you use inference model that PaddleClas provides, you do not need assign `label_name_path`. Program will take `ppcls/utils/imagenet1k_label_list.txt` as defaults. If you hope using your own training model, you can provide `label_name_path` outputing 'label_name' and scores, otherwise no 'label_name' in output information.
###### python
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_file= './inference.pdmodel',params_file = './inference.pdiparams',label_name_path='./ppcls/utils/imagenet1k_label_list.txt',use_gpu=False)
image_file = '' # it can be image_file folder path which contains all of images you want to predict.
clas = PaddleClas(model_file= 'the path of model file', params_file = 'the path of params file', label_name_path='./ppcls/utils/imagenet1k_label_list.txt')
image_file = 'docs/images/whl/demo.jpg' # it can be image_file folder path which contains all of images you want to predict.
###### bash
paddleclas --model_file= './inference.pdmodel' --params_file = './inference.pdiparams' --image_file='image path' --label_name_path='./ppcls/utils/imagenet1k_label_list.txt'
paddleclas --model_file='the path of model file' --params_file='the path of params file' --image_file='docs/images/whl/demo.jpg' --label_name_path='./ppcls/utils/imagenet1k_label_list.txt'
###### python
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50',use_gpu=False)
image_file = '' # it can be image_file folder path which contains all of images you want to predict.
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50')
image_file = 'docs/images/whl/' # it can be directory which contains all of images you want to predict.
###### bash
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='image path'
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='docs/images/whl/'
......@@ -105,18 +105,14 @@ python3 tools/infer/infer.py \
-i docs/images/quick_start/flowers102/image_06739.jpg \
--model=ResNet50_vd \
--pretrained_model="output/ResNet50_vd/best_model/ppcls" \
--class_num=102 \
最终可以得到如下结果,打印出了Top-5对应的class id以及score。
Current image file: docs/images/quick_start/flowers102/image_06739.jpg
top1, class id: 0, probability: 0.5129
top2, class id: 50, probability: 0.0671
top3, class id: 18, probability: 0.0377
top4, class id: 82, probability: 0.0238
top5, class id: 54, probability: 0.0231
File:image_06739.jpg, Top-5 result: class id(s): [0, 96, 18, 50, 51], score(s): [0.79, 0.02, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
* 注意:这里每个模型的训练结果都不相同,因此结果可能稍有不同。
......@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
pip install paddleclas==2.0.0rc2
pip install paddleclas==2.0.0rc3
python3 setup.py bdist_wheel
pip3 install dist/paddleclas-x.x.x-py3-none-any.whl # x.x.x是paddleclas的版本号
pip3 install dist/paddleclas-x.x.x-py3-none-any.whl # x.x.x是paddleclas的版本号,默认为0.0.0
### 1. 快速开始
* 指定`image_file='docs/images/whl/demo.jpg'`,使用Paddle提供的inference model,`model_name='ResNet50'`, 使用图片`docs/images/whl/demo.jpg`
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ pip3 install dist/paddleclas-x.x.x-py3-none-any.whl # x.x.x是paddleclas的版
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50',use_gpu=False,use_tensorrt=False)
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50', top_k=5)
......@@ -33,35 +33,39 @@ print(result)
>>> result
[{'filename': '/Users/mac/Downloads/PaddleClas/docs/images/whl/demo.jpg', 'class_ids': [8], 'scores': [0.9796774], 'label_names': ['hen']}]
[{'class_ids': array([ 8, 7, 86, 82, 80]), 'scores': array([9.7967714e-01, 2.0280687e-02, 2.7053760e-05, 6.1860351e-06,
2.6378802e-06], dtype=float32), 'label_names': ['hen', 'cock', 'partridge', 'ruffed grouse, partridge, Bonasa umbellus', 'black grouse'], 'filename': 'docs/images/whl/demo.jpg'}]
* 使用命令行式交互方法。直接获得结果。
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='docs/images/whl/demo.jpg'
paddleclas --model_name=ResNet50 --top_k=5 --image_file='docs/images/whl/demo.jpg'
>>> result
[{'filename': '/Users/mac/Downloads/PaddleClas/docs/images/whl/demo.jpg', 'class_ids': [8], 'scores': [0.9796774], 'label_names': ['hen']}]
filename: docs/images/whl/demo.jpg; class id: 8, 7, 86, 82, 80; scores: 0.9797, 0.0203, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000; label: hen, cock, partridge, ruffed grouse, partridge, Bonasa umbellus, black grouse
Predict complete!
### 2. 参数解释
* model_name(str): 模型名称,没有指定自定义的model_file和params_file时,可以指定该参数,使用PaddleClas提供的基于ImageNet1k的inference model,默认值为ResNet50。
* image_file(str): 图像地址,支持指定单一图像的路径或图像的网址进行预测,支持指定包含图像的文件夹路径,支持经过预处理的np.ndarray形式输入
* image_file(str or numpy.ndarray): 图像地址,支持指定单一图像的路径或图像的网址进行预测,支持指定包含图像的文件夹路径,支持numpy.ndarray格式的三通道图像数据,且通道顺序为[B, G, R]
* use_gpu(bool): 是否使用GPU,如果使用,指定为True。默认为False。
* use_tensorrt(bool): 是否开启TensorRT预测,可提升GPU预测性能,需要使用带TensorRT的预测库。当使用TensorRT推理加速,指定为True。默认为False。
* is_preprocessed(bool): 当image_file为numpy.ndarray格式的图像数据时,图像数据是否已经过预处理。如果该参数为True,则不再对image_file数据进行预处理,否则将转换通道顺序后,按照resize_short,resize,normalize参数对图像进行预处理。默认值为False。
* resize_short(int): 将图像的高宽二者中小的值,调整到指定的resize_short值,大的值按比例放大。默认为256。
* resize(int): 将图像裁剪到指定的resize值大小,默认224。
* normalize(bool): 是否对图像数据归一化,默认True。
* batch_size(int): 预测时每个batch的样本数,默认为1。
* batch_size(int): 预测时每个batch的样本数,默认为1。
* model_file(str): 模型.pdmodel的路径,若不指定该参数,需要指定model_name,获得下载的模型。
* params_file(str): 模型参数.pdiparams的路径,若不与model_file指定,则需要指定model_name,以获得下载的模型。
* params_file(str): 模型参数.pdiparams的路径,若不指定,则需要指定model_name,以获得下载的模型。
* ir_optim(bool): 是否开启IR优化,默认为True。
* gpu_mem(int): 使用的GPU显存大小,默认为8000。
* enable_profile(bool): 是否开启profile功能,默认False。
* top_k(int): 指定的topk,预测的前k个类别和对应的分类概率,默认为1。
* top_k(int): 指定的topk,打印(返回)预测结果的前k个类别和对应的分类概率,默认为1。
* enable_mkldnn(bool): 是否开启MKLDNN,默认False。
* cpu_num_threads(int): 指定cpu线程数,默认设置为10。
* label_name_path(str): 指定一个表示所有的label name的文件路径。当用户使用自己训练的模型,可指定这一参数,打印结果时可以显示图像对应的类名称。若用户使用Paddle提供的inference model,则可不指定该参数,使用imagenet1k的label_name,默认为空字符串。
......@@ -84,84 +88,79 @@ paddleclas -h
###### python
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_file='user-specified model path',
params_file='parmas path', use_gpu=False, use_tensorrt=False)
image_file = '' # image_file 可指定为前缀是https的网络图片,也可指定为本地图片
clas = PaddleClas(model_file='the path of model file',
params_file='the path of params file')
image_file = 'docs/images/whl/demo.jpg' # image_file 可指定为前缀是https的网络图片,也可指定为本地图片
###### bash
paddleclas --model_file='user-specified model path' --params_file='parmas path' --image_file='image path'
paddleclas --model_file='user-specified model path' --params_file='parmas path' --image_file='docs/images/whl/demo.jpg'
* 用户使用PaddlePaddle训练好的inference model来预测,用户需要使用,初始化打印的模型的其中一个,并指定给`model_name`
* 用户使用PaddlePaddle训练好的inference model来预测,并通过参数`model_name`指定
###### python
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50',use_gpu=False, use_tensorrt=False)
image_file = '' # image_file 可指定为前缀是https的网络图片,也可指定为本地图片
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50')
image_file = 'docs/images/whl/demo.jpg' # image_file 可指定为前缀是https的网络图片,也可指定为本地图片
###### bash
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='image path'
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='docs/images/whl/demo.jpg'
* 用户可以使用经过预处理的np.ndarray格式`--image_file=np.ndarray`
* 用户可以使用numpy.ndarray格式的图像数据,并通过参数`image_file`指定。注意该图像数据必须为三通道图像数据。如需对图像进行预处理,则图像通道顺序必须为[B, G, R]
###### python
import cv2
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50',use_gpu=False, use_tensorrt=False)
image_file =np.ndarray # image_file 可指定为前缀是https的网络图片,也可指定为本地图片
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50')
image_file = cv2.imread("docs/images/whl/demo.jpg")
###### bash
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file=np.ndarray
* 用户可以将`image_file`指定为包含图片的文件夹路径,可以指定`top_k`参数
* 用户可以将`image_file`指定为包含图片的文件夹路径。
###### python
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50',use_gpu=False, use_tensorrt=False,top_k=5)
image_file = '' # it can be image_file folder path which contains all of images you want to predict.
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50')
image_file = 'docs/images/whl/' # it can be image_file folder path which contains all of images you want to predict.
###### bash
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='image path' --top_k=5
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='docs/images/whl/'
* 用户可以指定`--pre_label_image=True`, `--pre_label_out_idr= './output_pre_label/'`,将图片复制到,以其top1对应的类别命名的文件夹中。
* 用户可以指定`pre_label_image=True`, `pre_label_out_idr='./output_pre_label/'`,将图片按其top1预测结果保存到`pre_label_out_dir`目录下对应类别的文件夹中。
###### python
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50',use_gpu=False, use_tensorrt=False,top_k=5, pre_label_image=True,pre_label_out_idr='./output_pre_label/')
image_file = '' # it can be image_file folder path which contains all of images you want to predict.
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50', pre_label_image=True,pre_label_out_idr='./output_pre_label/')
image_file = 'docs/images/whl/' # it can be image_file folder path which contains all of images you want to predict.
###### bash
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='image path' --top_k=5 --pre_label_image=True --pre_label_out_idr='./output_pre_label/'
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='docs/images/whl/' --pre_label_image=True --pre_label_out_idr='./output_pre_label/'
* 用户可以指定`--label_name_path`,作为用户自己训练模型的`label_dict_file`,格式应为(class_id<space>class_name<\n>)
* 用户可以通过参数`label_name_path`指定模型的`label_dict_file`文件路径,文件内容格式应为(class_id<space>class_name<\n>),例如:
0 tench, Tinca tinca
......@@ -177,27 +176,27 @@ paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='image path' --top_k=5 --pre_lab
###### python
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_file= './inference.pdmodel',params_file = './inference.pdiparams',label_name_path='./ppcls/utils/imagenet1k_label_list.txt',use_gpu=False)
image_file = '' # it can be image_file folder path which contains all of images you want to predict.
clas = PaddleClas(model_file='the path of model file', params_file ='the path of params file', label_name_path='./ppcls/utils/imagenet1k_label_list.txt')
image_file = 'docs/images/whl/demo.jpg' # it can be image_file folder path which contains all of images you want to predict.
###### bash
paddleclas --model_file= './inference.pdmodel' --params_file = './inference.pdiparams' --image_file='image path' --label_name_path='./ppcls/utils/imagenet1k_label_list.txt'
paddleclas --model_file='the path of model file' --params_file='the path of params file' --image_file='docs/images/whl/demo.jpg' --label_name_path='./ppcls/utils/imagenet1k_label_list.txt'
###### python
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50',use_gpu=False)
image_file = '' # it can be image_file folder path which contains all of images you want to predict.
clas = PaddleClas(model_name='ResNet50')
image_file = 'docs/images/whl/' # it can be image_file folder path which contains all of images you want to predict.
###### bash
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='image path'
paddleclas --model_name='ResNet50' --image_file='docs/images/whl/'
......@@ -30,14 +30,17 @@ import os
import sys
__dir__ = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.append(os.path.join(__dir__, ''))
import argparse
import shutil
import cv2
import numpy as np
import tarfile
import requests
from tqdm import tqdm
import tools.infer.utils as utils
import shutil
from tools.infer.utils import get_image_list, preprocess, save_prelabel_results
from tools.infer.predict import Predictor
__all__ = ['PaddleClas']
BASE_DIR = os.path.expanduser("~/.paddleclas/")
BASE_INFERENCE_MODEL_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'inference_model')
......@@ -98,7 +101,9 @@ def download_with_progressbar(url, save_path):
if total_size_in_bytes == 0 or progress_bar.n != total_size_in_bytes:
raise Exception("Something went wrong while downloading models")
raise Exception(
"Something went wrong while downloading model/image from {}".
def maybe_download(model_storage_directory, url):
......@@ -130,20 +135,14 @@ def maybe_download(model_storage_directory, url):
def save_prelabel_results(class_id, input_filepath, output_idr):
output_dir = os.path.join(output_idr, str(class_id))
if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
shutil.copy(input_filepath, output_dir)
def load_label_name_dict(path):
result = {}
if not os.path.exists(path):
'Warning: If want to use your own label_dict, please input legal path!\nOtherwise label_names will be empty!'
"Warning: If want to use your own label_dict, please input legal path!\nOtherwise label_names will be empty!"
return None
result = {}
for line in open(path, 'r'):
partition = line.split('\n')[0].partition(' ')
......@@ -155,8 +154,6 @@ def load_label_name_dict(path):
def parse_args(mMain=True, add_help=True):
import argparse
def str2bool(v):
return v.lower() in ("true", "t", "1")
......@@ -186,9 +183,7 @@ def parse_args(mMain=True, add_help=True):
parser.add_argument("--enable_profile", type=str2bool, default=False)
parser.add_argument("--top_k", type=int, default=1)
parser.add_argument("--enable_mkldnn", type=str2bool, default=False)
parser.add_argument("--enable_benchmark", type=str2bool, default=False)
parser.add_argument("--cpu_num_threads", type=int, default=10)
parser.add_argument("--hubserving", type=str2bool, default=False)
# parameters for pre-label the images
parser.add_argument("--label_name_path", type=str, default='')
......@@ -207,6 +202,7 @@ def parse_args(mMain=True, add_help=True):
......@@ -218,9 +214,7 @@ def parse_args(mMain=True, add_help=True):
......@@ -231,7 +225,6 @@ class PaddleClas(object):
format(model_names), '\n')
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
process_params = parse_args(mMain=False, add_help=False)
......@@ -270,76 +263,96 @@ class PaddleClas(object):
self.args = process_params
self.predictor = utils.create_paddle_predictor(process_params)
def predict(self, img):
self.predictor = Predictor(process_params)
def postprocess(self, output):
output = output.flatten()
classes = np.argpartition(output, -self.args.top_k)[-self.args.top_k:]
class_ids = classes[np.argsort(-output[classes])]
scores = output[class_ids]
label_names = [self.label_name_dict[c]
for c in class_ids] if self.label_name_dict else []
return {
"class_ids": class_ids,
"scores": scores,
"label_names": label_names
def predict(self, input_data):
predict label of img with paddleclas
img: input image for clas, support single image , internet url, folder path containing series of images
input_data(string, NumPy.ndarray): image to be classified, support:
string: local path of image file, internet URL, directory containing series of images;
NumPy.ndarray: preprocessed image data that has 3 channels and accords with [C, H, W], or raw image data that has 3 channels and accords with [H, W, C]
dict{image_name: "", class_id: [], scores: [], label_names: []},if label name path == None,label_names will be empty.
dict: {image_name: "", class_id: [], scores: [], label_names: []},if label name path == None,label_names will be empty.
assert isinstance(img, (str, np.ndarray))
input_names = self.predictor.get_input_names()
input_tensor = self.predictor.get_input_handle(input_names[0])
output_names = self.predictor.get_output_names()
output_tensor = self.predictor.get_output_handle(output_names[0])
if isinstance(img, str):
if isinstance(input_data, np.ndarray):
if not self.args.is_preprocessed:
input_data = input_data[:, :, ::-1]
input_data = preprocess(input_data, self.args)
input_data = np.expand_dims(input_data, axis=0)
batch_outputs = self.predictor.predict(input_data)
result = {"filename": "image"}
return result
elif isinstance(input_data, str):
input_path = input_data
# download internet image
if img.startswith('http'):
if input_path.startswith('http'):
if not os.path.exists(BASE_IMAGES_DIR):
image_path = os.path.join(BASE_IMAGES_DIR, 'tmp.jpg')
download_with_progressbar(img, image_path)
file_path = os.path.join(BASE_IMAGES_DIR, 'tmp.jpg')
download_with_progressbar(input_path, file_path)
print("Current using image from Internet:{}, renamed as: {}".
format(img, image_path))
img = image_path
image_list = utils.get_image_list(img)
format(input_path, file_path))
input_path = file_path
image_list = get_image_list(input_path)
total_result = []
batch_input_list = []
img_path_list = []
cnt = 0
for idx, img_path in enumerate(image_list):
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
if img is None:
"Warning: Image file failed to read and has been skipped. The path: {}".
img = img[:, :, ::-1]
data = preprocess(img, self.args)
cnt += 1
if cnt % self.args.batch_size == 0 or (idx + 1
) == len(image_list):
batch_outputs = self.predictor.predict(
for number, output in enumerate(batch_outputs):
result = {"filename": img_path_list[number]}
result_str = "top-{} result: {}".format(
self.args.top_k, result)
if self.args.pre_label_image:
batch_input_list = []
img_path_list = []
return total_result
if isinstance(img, np.ndarray):
image_list = [img]
print('Please input legal image!')
total_result = []
for filename in image_list:
if isinstance(filename, str):
image = cv2.imread(filename)[:, :, ::-1]
assert image is not None, "Error in loading image: {}".format(
inputs = utils.preprocess(image, self.args)
inputs = np.expand_dims(
inputs, axis=0).repeat(
1, axis=0).copy()
inputs = filename
outputs = output_tensor.copy_to_cpu()
classes, scores = utils.postprocess(outputs, self.args)
label_names = []
if len(self.label_name_dict) != 0:
label_names = [self.label_name_dict[c] for c in classes]
result = {
"filename": filename if isinstance(filename, str) else 'image',
"class_ids": classes.tolist(),
"scores": scores.tolist(),
"label_names": label_names,
if self.args.pre_label_image:
save_prelabel_results(classes[0], filename,
print("\tSaving prelabel results in {}".format(
os.path.join(self.args.pre_label_out_idr, str(classes[
return total_result
"Error: Please input legal image! The type of image supported by PaddleClas are: NumPy.ndarray and string of local path or Ineternet URL"
return []
def main():
......@@ -347,9 +360,9 @@ def main():
args = parse_args(mMain=True)
clas_engine = PaddleClas(**(args.__dict__))
print('{}{}{}'.format('*' * 10, args.image_file, '*' * 10))
result = clas_engine.predict(args.image_file)
if result is not None:
total_result = clas_engine.predict(args.image_file)
print("Predict complete!")
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
import numpy as np
import cv2
import shutil
import os
import sys
......@@ -26,61 +25,60 @@ sys.path.append(__dir__)
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__dir__, '../..')))
from ppcls.utils.save_load import load_dygraph_pretrain
from ppcls.utils import logger
from ppcls.modeling import architectures
import utils
from utils import get_image_list
def postprocess(outputs, topk=5):
output = outputs[0]
prob = np.array(output).flatten()
index = prob.argsort(axis=0)[-topk:][::-1].astype('int32')
return zip(index, prob[index])
def save_prelabel_results(class_id, input_filepath, output_idr):
output_dir = os.path.join(output_idr, str(class_id))
if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
shutil.copy(input_filepath, output_dir)
from utils import parse_args, get_image_list, preprocess, postprocess, save_prelabel_results
def main():
args = utils.parse_args()
args = parse_args()
# assign the place
place = paddle.set_device('gpu' if args.use_gpu else 'cpu')
net = architectures.__dict__[args.model](class_dim=args.class_num)
load_dygraph_pretrain(net, args.pretrained_model, args.load_static_weights)
image_list = get_image_list(args.image_file)
for idx, filename in enumerate(image_list):
img = cv2.imread(filename)[:, :, ::-1]
data = utils.preprocess(img, args)
data = np.expand_dims(data, axis=0)
data = paddle.to_tensor(data)
outputs = net(data)
if args.model == "GoogLeNet":
outputs = outputs[0]
outputs = F.softmax(outputs)
outputs = outputs.numpy()
probs = postprocess(outputs)
top1_class_id = 0
rank = 1
print("Current image file: {}".format(filename))
for idx, prob in probs:
print("\ttop{:d}, class id: {:d}, probability: {:.4f}".format(
rank, idx, prob))
if rank == 1:
top1_class_id = idx
rank += 1
if args.pre_label_image:
save_prelabel_results(top1_class_id, filename,
batch_input_list = []
img_path_list = []
cnt = 0
for idx, img_path in enumerate(image_list):
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
if img is None:
"Image file failed to read and has been skipped. The path: {}".
img = img[:, :, ::-1]
data = preprocess(img, args)
cnt += 1
if cnt % args.batch_size == 0 or (idx + 1) == len(image_list):
batch_tensor = paddle.to_tensor(batch_input_list)
batch_outputs = net(batch_tensor)
if args.model == "GoogLeNet":
batch_outputs = batch_outputs[0]
batch_outputs = F.softmax(batch_outputs)
batch_outputs = batch_outputs.numpy()
batch_result_list = postprocess(batch_outputs, args.top_k)
for number, result_dict in enumerate(batch_result_list):
filename = img_path_list[number].split("/")[-1]
clas_ids = result_dict["clas_ids"]
scores_str = "[{}]".format(", ".join("{:.2f}".format(
r) for r in result_dict["scores"]))
print("File:{}, Top-{} result: class id(s): {}, score(s): {}".
format(filename, args.top_k, clas_ids, scores_str))
if args.pre_label_image:
save_prelabel_results(clas_ids[0], img_path_list[number],
batch_input_list = []
img_path_list = []
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -18,60 +18,76 @@ import time
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, ".")
import tools.infer.utils as utils
from tools.infer.utils import get_image_list
def predict(args, predictor):
input_names = predictor.get_input_names()
input_tensor = predictor.get_input_handle(input_names[0])
output_names = predictor.get_output_names()
output_tensor = predictor.get_output_handle(output_names[0])
test_num = 500
test_time = 0.0
if not args.enable_benchmark:
# for PaddleHubServing
if args.hubserving:
img_list = [args.image_file]
# for predict only
img_list = get_image_list(args.image_file)
for idx, img_name in enumerate(img_list):
if not args.hubserving:
img = cv2.imread(img_name)[:, :, ::-1]
assert img is not None, "Error in loading image: {}".format(
from ppcls.utils import logger
from tools.infer.utils import parse_args, get_image_list, create_paddle_predictor, preprocess, postprocess
class Predictor(object):
def __init__(self, args):
# HALF precission predict only work when using tensorrt
if args.use_fp16 is True:
assert args.use_tensorrt is True
self.args = args
self.paddle_predictor = create_paddle_predictor(args)
input_names = self.paddle_predictor.get_input_names()
self.input_tensor = self.paddle_predictor.get_input_handle(input_names[
output_names = self.paddle_predictor.get_output_names()
self.output_tensor = self.paddle_predictor.get_output_handle(
def predict(self, batch_input):
batch_output = self.output_tensor.copy_to_cpu()
return batch_output
def normal_predict(self):
image_list = get_image_list(self.args.image_file)
batch_input_list = []
img_name_list = []
cnt = 0
for idx, img_path in enumerate(image_list):
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
if img is None:
"Image file failed to read and has been skipped. The path: {}".
img = img_name
inputs = utils.preprocess(img, args)
inputs = np.expand_dims(
inputs, axis=0).repeat(
args.batch_size, axis=0).copy()
output = output_tensor.copy_to_cpu()
classes, scores = utils.postprocess(output, args)
if args.hubserving:
return classes, scores
print("Current image file: {}".format(img_name))
print("\ttop-1 class: {0}".format(classes[0]))
print("\ttop-1 score: {0}".format(scores[0]))
img = img[:, :, ::-1]
img = preprocess(img, args)
img_name = img_path.split("/")[-1]
cnt += 1
if cnt % args.batch_size == 0 or (idx + 1) == len(image_list):
batch_outputs = self.predict(np.array(batch_input_list))
batch_result_list = postprocess(batch_outputs, self.args.top_k)
for number, result_dict in enumerate(batch_result_list):
filename = img_name_list[number]
clas_ids = result_dict["clas_ids"]
scores_str = "[{}]".format(", ".join("{:.2f}".format(
r) for r in result_dict["scores"]))
"File:{}, Top-{} result: class id(s): {}, score(s): {}".
format(filename, self.args.top_k, clas_ids,
batch_input_list = []
img_name_list = []
def benchmark_predict(self):
test_num = 500
test_time = 0.0
for i in range(0, test_num + 10):
inputs = np.random.rand(args.batch_size, 3, 224,
start_time = time.time()
output = output_tensor.copy_to_cpu()
output = output.flatten()
batch_output = self.predict(inputs).flatten()
if i >= 10:
test_time += time.time() - start_time
time.sleep(0.01) # sleep for T4 GPU
......@@ -83,19 +99,11 @@ def predict(args, predictor):
/ test_num))
def main(args):
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parse_args()
predictor = Predictor(args)
if not args.enable_benchmark:
assert args.batch_size == 1
assert args.model is not None
# HALF precission predict only work when using tensorrt
if args.use_fp16 is True:
assert args.use_tensorrt is True
predictor = utils.create_paddle_predictor(args)
predict(args, predictor)
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = utils.parse_args()
......@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
import os
import argparse
import base64
import shutil
import cv2
import numpy as np
......@@ -68,6 +70,9 @@ def parse_args():
help="Whether to pre-label the images using the loaded weights")
parser.add_argument("--pre_label_out_idr", type=str, default=None)
# parameters for test hubserving
parser.add_argument("--server_url", type=str)
return parser.parse_args()
......@@ -119,12 +124,18 @@ def preprocess(img, args):
return img
def postprocess(output, args):
output = output.flatten()
classes = np.argpartition(output, -args.top_k)[-args.top_k:]
classes = classes[np.argsort(-output[classes])]
scores = output[classes]
return classes, scores
def postprocess(batch_outputs, topk=5):
batch_results = []
for probs in batch_outputs:
results = []
index = probs.argsort(axis=0)[-topk:][::-1].astype("int32")
clas_id_list = []
score_list = []
for i in index:
batch_results.append({"clas_ids": clas_id_list, "scores": score_list})
return batch_results
def get_image_list(img_file):
......@@ -144,6 +155,13 @@ def get_image_list(img_file):
return imgs_lists
def save_prelabel_results(class_id, input_file_path, output_dir):
output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, str(class_id))
if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
shutil.copy(input_file_path, output_dir)
class ResizeImage(object):
def __init__(self, resize_short=None):
self.resize_short = resize_short
......@@ -197,13 +215,15 @@ class ToTensor(object):
return img
class Base64ToCV2(object):
def __init__(self):
def b64_to_np(b64str, revert_params):
shape = revert_params["shape"]
dtype = revert_params["dtype"]
dtype = getattr(np, dtype) if isinstance(str, type(dtype)) else dtype
data = base64.b64decode(b64str.encode('utf8'))
data = np.fromstring(data, dtype).reshape(shape)
return data
def __call__(self, b64str):
import base64
data = base64.b64decode(b64str.encode('utf8'))
data = np.fromstring(data, np.uint8)
data = cv2.imdecode(data, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)[:, :, ::-1]
return data
def np_to_b64(images):
img_str = base64.b64encode(images).decode('utf8')
return img_str, images.shape
......@@ -18,85 +18,95 @@ __dir__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__dir__, '..')))
from tools.infer.utils import parse_args, get_image_list, preprocess, np_to_b64
from ppcls.utils import logger
import numpy as np
import cv2
import time
import requests
import json
import base64
import imghdr
def get_image_file_list(img_file):
imgs_lists = []
if img_file is None or not os.path.exists(img_file):
raise Exception("not found any img file in {}".format(img_file))
img_end = {'jpg', 'bmp', 'png', 'jpeg', 'rgb', 'tif', 'tiff', 'gif', 'GIF'}
if os.path.isfile(img_file) and imghdr.what(img_file) in img_end:
elif os.path.isdir(img_file):
for single_file in os.listdir(img_file):
file_path = os.path.join(img_file, single_file)
if imghdr.what(file_path) in img_end:
if len(imgs_lists) == 0:
raise Exception("not found any img file in {}".format(img_file))
return imgs_lists
def cv2_to_base64(image):
return base64.b64encode(image).decode('utf8')
def main(url, image_path, top_k=1):
image_file_list = get_image_file_list(image_path)
def main(args):
image_path_list = get_image_list(args.image_file)
headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
cnt = 0
total_time = 0
all_acc = 0.0
predict_time = 0
all_score = 0.0
start_time = time.time()
for image_file in image_file_list:
file_str = image_file.split('/')[-1]
img = open(image_file, 'rb').read()
batch_input_list = []
img_name_list = []
cnt = 0
for idx, img_path in enumerate(image_path_list):
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
if img is None:
logger.error("Loading image:{} failed".format(image_file))
"Image file failed to read and has been skipped. The path: {}".
data = {'images': [cv2_to_base64(img)], 'top_k': top_k}
r = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
except Exception as e:
logger.error("File:{}, {}".format(file_str, e))
if r.json()['status'] != '000':
"File:{}, The parameters returned by the server are: {}".
format(file_str, r.json()['msg']))
res = r.json()["results"][0]
classes, scores, elapse = res
all_acc += scores[0]
total_time += elapse
cnt += 1
scores = map(lambda x: round(x, 5), scores)
results = dict(zip(classes, scores))
message = "No.{}, File:{}, The top-{} result(s):{}, Time cost:{:.3f}".format(
cnt, file_str, top_k, results, elapse)
logger.info("The average time cost: {}".format(float(total_time) / cnt))
logger.info("The average top-1 score: {}".format(float(all_acc) / cnt))
img = img[:, :, ::-1]
data = preprocess(img, args)
img_name = img_path.split('/')[-1]
cnt += 1
if cnt % args.batch_size == 0 or (idx + 1) == len(image_path_list):
batch_input = np.array(batch_input_list)
b64str, revert_shape = np_to_b64(batch_input)
data = {
"images": b64str,
"revert_params": {
"shape": revert_shape,
"dtype": str(batch_input.dtype)
"top_k": args.top_k
r = requests.post(
if r.json()["status"] != "000":
msg = r.json()["msg"]
raise Exception(msg)
except Exception as e:
logger.error("{}, in file(s): {} etc.".format(e, img_name_list[
results = r.json()["results"]
batch_result_list = results["prediction"]
elapse = results["elapse"]
cnt += len(batch_result_list)
predict_time += elapse
for number, result_list in enumerate(batch_result_list):
all_score += result_list[0]["score"]
result_str = ", ".join([
"{}: {:.2f}".format(r["cls_id"], r["score"])
for r in result_list
logger.info("File:{}, The top-{} result(s): {}".format(
img_name_list[number], args.top_k, result_str))
batch_input_list = []
img_name_list = []
total_time = time.time() - start_time
logger.info("The average time of prediction cost: {:.3f} s/image".format(
predict_time / cnt))
logger.info("The average time cost: {:.3f} s/image".format(total_time /
logger.info("The average top-1 score: {:.3f}".format(all_score / cnt))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 3 and len(sys.argv) != 4:
logger.info("Usage: %s server_url image_path" % sys.argv[0])
server_url = sys.argv[1]
image_path = sys.argv[2]
top_k = int(sys.argv[3]) if len(sys.argv) == 4 else 1
main(server_url, image_path, top_k)
args = parse_args()
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