PaddleClas is an image classification and image recognition toolset for industry and academia, helping users train better computer vision models and apply them in real scenarios.
- 🔥️ Release [PP-ShiTuV2](./docs/en/PPShiTu/, recall1 is improved by nearly 8 points, covering 20+ recognition scenarios, with [index management tool](./deploy/shitu_index_manager/ and [Android Demo](./docs/en/quick_start/ for better experience.
- 2022.6.15 Release [**P**ractical **U**ltra **L**ight-weight image **C**lassification solutions](./docs/en/PULC/ PULC models inference within 3ms on CPU devices, with accuracy on par with SwinTransformer. We also release 9 practical classification models covering pedestrian, vehicle and OCR scenario.
- 2022.4.21 Added the related [code]( of the CVPR2022 oral paper [MixFormer](
Image recognition can be divided into three steps:
- (1)Identify region proposal for target objects through a detection model;
- (2)Extract features for each region proposal;
- (3)Search features in the retrieval database and output results;
PP-ShiTuV2 is a practical lightweight general image recognition system, which is mainly composed of three modules: mainbody detection model, feature extraction model and vector search tool. The system adopts a variety of strategies including backbone network, loss function, data augmentations, optimal hyperparameters, pre-training model, model pruning and quantization. Compared to V1, PP-ShiTuV2, Recall1 is improved by nearly 8 points. For more details, please refer to [PP-ShiTuV2 introduction](./docs/en/PPShiTu/
For a new unknown category, there is no need to retrain the model, just prepare images of new category, extract features and update retrieval database and the category can be recognised.
PP-ShiTuV2 is a practical lightweight general image recognition system based on PP-ShiTuV1. Compared with PP-ShiTuV1, it has higher recognition accuracy, stronger generalization ability and similar inference speed<sup>*</sup>. The system is mainly optimized for training data set and feature extraction, with a better backbone, loss function and training strategy. The retrieval performance of PP-ShiTuV2 in multiple practical application scenarios is significantly improved.
### Dataset
We remove some uncommon datasets add more common datasets in training stage. For more details, please refer to [PP-ShiTuV2 dataset](../image_recognition_pipeline/实验部分).
The following takes the dataset of [PP-ShiTuV2](../image_recognition_pipeline/实验部分) as an example to introduce the training, evaluation and inference process of the PP-ShiTuV2 model.
### Model Training
Download the 17 datasets in [PP-ShiTuV2 dataset](../image_recognition_pipeline/实验部分) and merge them manually, then generate the annotation text file `train_reg_all_data_v2.txt`, and finally place them in `dataset` directory.
The merged 17 datasets structure is as follows:
├──Aliproduct/# Aliproduct dataset folder
├──SOP/# SOPt dataset folder
├──Products-10k/# Products-10k dataset folder
└──train_reg_all_data_v2.txt# Annotation text file
The content of the generated `train_reg_all_data_v2.txt` is as follows:
**Note:**`eval_during_train` will be enabled by default during training. After each `eval_interval` epoch, the model will be evaluated on the data set specified by `Eval` in the configuration file (the default is Aliproduct) and calculated for reference. index.
Refer to [Python Model Reasoning](../quick_start/ Recognition Experience) and [C++ Model Reasoning](../../../deploy/cpp_shitu/
The main body detection model uses `PicoDet-LCNet_x2_5`, for details refer to: [picodet_lcnet_x2_5_640_mainbody](../image_recognition_pipeline/
### Feature Extraction
#### Dataset
On the basis of the training data set used in PP-ShiTuV1, we removed the iCartoonFace data set, and added more widely used data sets, such as bird400, Cars, Products-10k, fruits- 262.
#### Backbone
We replaced the backbone network from `PPLCNet_x2_5` to [`PPLCNetV2_base`](../models/ Compared with `PPLCNet_x2_5`, `PPLCNetV2_base` basically maintains a higher classification accuracy and reduces the 40% of inference time <sup>*</sup>.
**Note:**<sup>*</sup>The inference environment is based on Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6271C CPU @ 2.60GHz hardware platform, OpenVINO inference platform.
#### Network Structure
We adjust the `PPLCNetV2_base` structure, and added more general and effective optimizations for retrieval tasks such as pedestrian re-detection, landmark retrieval, and face recognition. It mainly includes the following points:
1.`PPLCNetV2_base` structure adjustment: The experiment found that [`ReLU`](../../../ppcls/arch/backbone/legendary_models/ at the end of the network has a great impact on the retrieval performance, [`FC`](../../../ppcls/arch/backbone/legendary_models/ also causes a slight drop in retrieval performance, so we removed `ReLU` and `FC` at the end of BackBone.
2.`last stride=1`: No downsampling is performed at last stage, so as to increase the semantic information of the final output feature map, without having much more computational cost.
3.`BN Neck`: Add a `BatchNorm1D` layer after `BackBone` to normalize each dimension of the feature vector, bringing faster convergence.
4.`TripletAngularMarginLoss`: We improved on the original `TripletLoss` (difficult triplet loss), changed the optimization objective from L2 Euclidean space to cosine space, and added an additional space between anchor and positive/negtive The hard distance constraint makes the training and testing goals closer and improves the generalization ability of the model.
The target object may rotate to a certain extent and may not maintain an upright state when the actual camera is shot, so we add [random rotation augmentation](../../../ppcls/configs/GeneralRecognitionV2/GeneralRecognitionV2_PPLCNetV2_base.yaml#L117) in the data augmentation to make retrieval more robust in real scenes.
Combining the above strategies, the final experimental results on multiple data sets are as follows:
**Note:** The product dataset is made to verify the generalization performance of PP-ShiTu, and all the data are not present in the training and testing sets. The data contains 7 categories ( cosmetics, landmarks, wine, watches, cars, sports shoes, beverages) and 250 sub-categories. When testing, use the labels of 250 small classes for testing; the sop dataset comes from [GPR1200: A Benchmark for General-Purpose Content-Based Image Retrieval](, which can be regarded as " SOP" dataset.
## references
1. Schall, Konstantin, et al. "GPR1200: A Benchmark for General-Purpose Content-Based Image Retrieval." International Conference on Multimedia Modeling. Springer, Cham, 2022.
2. Luo, Hao, et al. "A strong baseline and batch normalization neck for deep person re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 22.10 (2019): 2597-2609.