提交 20a08a41 编写于 作者: W wqz960

add en docs and fix format

上级 16984f5f
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ TRAIN:
- RandFlipImage:
flip_code: 1
- AutoAugment:
- RandomErasing:
- NormalizeImage:
scale: 1./255.
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
## Overview
The ResNeSt series was proposed in 2020. The original resnet network structure has been improved by introducing K groups and adding an attention module similar to SEBlock in different groups, the accuracy is greater than that of the basic model ResNet, but the parameter amount and flops are almost the same as the basic ResNet.
## Accuracy, FLOPs and Parameters
| Models | Top1 | Top5 | Reference<br>top1 | Reference<br>top5 | FLOPS<br>(G) | Parameters<br>(M) |
| ResNeSt50 | 0.8102 | 0.9542| 0.8113 | -|5.39 | 27.5 |
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ from .hrnet import HRNet_W18_C, HRNet_W30_C, HRNet_W32_C, HRNet_W40_C, HRNet_W44
from .darts_gs import DARTS_GS_6M, DARTS_GS_4M
from .resnet_acnet import ResNet18_ACNet, ResNet34_ACNet, ResNet50_ACNet, ResNet101_ACNet, ResNet152_ACNet
from .ghostnet import GhostNet_x0_5, GhostNet_x1_0, GhostNet_x1_3
from .resnest import ResNeSt50, ResNeSt101, ResNeSt200, ResNeSt269, ResNeSt50_fast_1s1x64d, ResNeSt50_fast_2s1x64d, ResNeSt50_fast_4s1x64d, ResNeSt50_fast_1s2x40d, ResNeSt50_fast_2s2x40d, ResNeSt50_fast_2s2x40d, ResNeSt50_fast_4s2x40d, ResNeSt50_fast_1s4x24d
# distillation model
from .distillation_models import ResNet50_vd_distill_MobileNetV3_large_x1_0, ResNeXt101_32x16d_wsl_distill_ResNet50_vd
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