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#copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve.
#Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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from .alexnet import AlexNet
from .mobilenet_v1 import MobileNetV1_x0_25, MobileNetV1_x0_5, MobileNetV1_x1_0, MobileNetV1_x0_75, MobileNetV1
from .mobilenet_v2 import MobileNetV2_x0_25, MobileNetV2_x0_5, MobileNetV2_x0_75, MobileNetV2_x1_0, MobileNetV2_x1_5, MobileNetV2_x2_0, MobileNetV2
from .mobilenet_v3 import MobileNetV3_small_x0_35, MobileNetV3_small_x0_5, MobileNetV3_small_x0_75, MobileNetV3_small_x1_0, MobileNetV3_small_x1_25, MobileNetV3_large_x0_35, MobileNetV3_large_x0_5, MobileNetV3_large_x0_75, MobileNetV3_large_x1_0, MobileNetV3_large_x1_25
from .googlenet import GoogLeNet
from .vgg import VGG11, VGG13, VGG16, VGG19
from .resnet import ResNet18, ResNet34, ResNet50, ResNet101, ResNet152
from .resnet_vc import ResNet50_vc, ResNet101_vc, ResNet152_vc
from .resnet_vd import ResNet18_vd, ResNet34_vd, ResNet50_vd, ResNet101_vd, ResNet152_vd, ResNet200_vd
from .resnext import ResNeXt50_64x4d, ResNeXt101_64x4d, ResNeXt152_64x4d, ResNeXt50_32x4d, ResNeXt101_32x4d, ResNeXt152_32x4d
from .resnext_vd import ResNeXt50_vd_64x4d, ResNeXt101_vd_64x4d, ResNeXt152_vd_64x4d, ResNeXt50_vd_32x4d, ResNeXt101_vd_32x4d, ResNeXt152_vd_32x4d
from .inception_v4 import InceptionV4
from .se_resnet_vd import SE_ResNet18_vd, SE_ResNet34_vd, SE_ResNet50_vd, SE_ResNet101_vd, SE_ResNet152_vd, SE_ResNet200_vd
from .se_resnext import SE_ResNeXt50_32x4d, SE_ResNeXt101_32x4d, SE_ResNeXt152_32x4d
from .se_resnext_vd import SE_ResNeXt50_vd_32x4d, SE_ResNeXt101_vd_32x4d, SENet154_vd
from .dpn import DPN68, DPN92, DPN98, DPN107, DPN131
from .shufflenet_v2_swish import ShuffleNetV2_swish, ShuffleNetV2_x0_5_swish, ShuffleNetV2_x1_0_swish, ShuffleNetV2_x1_5_swish, ShuffleNetV2_x2_0_swish
from .shufflenet_v2 import ShuffleNetV2_x0_25, ShuffleNetV2_x0_33, ShuffleNetV2_x0_5, ShuffleNetV2_x1_0, ShuffleNetV2_x1_5, ShuffleNetV2_x2_0, ShuffleNetV2
from .xception import Xception41, Xception65, Xception71
from .xception_deeplab import Xception41_deeplab, Xception65_deeplab, Xception71_deeplab
from .densenet import DenseNet121, DenseNet161, DenseNet169, DenseNet201, DenseNet264
from .squeezenet import SqueezeNet1_0, SqueezeNet1_1
from .darknet import DarkNet53
from .resnext101_wsl import ResNeXt101_32x8d_wsl, ResNeXt101_32x16d_wsl, ResNeXt101_32x32d_wsl, ResNeXt101_32x48d_wsl, Fix_ResNeXt101_32x48d_wsl
from .efficientnet import EfficientNet, EfficientNetB0, EfficientNetB1, EfficientNetB2, EfficientNetB3, EfficientNetB4, EfficientNetB5, EfficientNetB6, EfficientNetB7
from .res2net import Res2Net50_48w_2s, Res2Net50_26w_4s, Res2Net50_14w_8s, Res2Net50_26w_6s, Res2Net50_26w_8s, Res2Net101_26w_4s, Res2Net152_26w_4s
from .res2net_vd import Res2Net50_vd_48w_2s, Res2Net50_vd_26w_4s, Res2Net50_vd_14w_8s, Res2Net50_vd_26w_6s, Res2Net50_vd_26w_8s, Res2Net101_vd_26w_4s, Res2Net152_vd_26w_4s, Res2Net200_vd_26w_4s
from .hrnet import HRNet_W18_C, HRNet_W30_C, HRNet_W32_C, HRNet_W40_C, HRNet_W44_C, HRNet_W48_C, HRNet_W60_C, HRNet_W64_C, SE_HRNet_W18_C, SE_HRNet_W30_C, SE_HRNet_W32_C, SE_HRNet_W40_C, SE_HRNet_W44_C, SE_HRNet_W48_C, SE_HRNet_W60_C, SE_HRNet_W64_C
from .darts_gs import DARTS_GS_6M, DARTS_GS_4M
from .resnet_acnet import ResNet18_ACNet, ResNet34_ACNet, ResNet50_ACNet, ResNet101_ACNet, ResNet152_ACNet
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# distillation model
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from .distillation_models import ResNet50_vd_distill_MobileNetV3_large_x1_0, ResNeXt101_32x16d_wsl_distill_ResNet50_vd