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CMakeLists.txt Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:baidu/Paddle into feature/clean_sparse_row_matrix
OriginalOptimizerApi.h All file pass pre-commit hook
PerfUtils.h Change "Baidu, Inc" into "PaddlePaddle Authors"
TensorCheck.h Change "Baidu, Inc" into "PaddlePaddle Authors"
TestUtils.h All file pass pre-commit hook
test_Allocator.cpp move TestMain.cpp into utils and fix some tests for check
test_BaseMatrix.cpp Change Normalize layer to CrossChannelNorm layer
test_CpuGpuVector.cpp fix some tests which only need paddle::initMain in main
test_ExecViaCpu.cpp fix some tests which only need paddle::initMain in main
test_FPException.cpp Move Execepts into arch/osx dir
test_GpuProfiler.cpp add paddle_test_util static lib to simplify unit test.
test_Matrix.cpp clean unused code.
test_RowBuffer.cpp Update MultiGradientMachine::getLayerOutput
test_SIMDFunctions.cpp fix some tests which only need paddle::initMain in main
test_SparseMatrix.cpp rotate_layer and flip_layer * added getMin and getMax for GpuMatrix * gru_step_layer parameter name
test_Tensor.cu fix some tests which only need paddle::initMain in main
test_TrainingAlgorithm.cpp fix some tests which only need paddle::initMain in main
test_batchTranspose.cpp fix some tests which only need paddle::initMain in main
test_lazyAssign.cu fix some tests which only need paddle::initMain in main
test_matrixCompare.cpp Fix definition of hl_matrix_classification_error in hl_matrix_stub.h
test_matrixUtil.h Pass unit test for SparseCpuMatrix::mul(CpuMatrix, CpuMatrix),
test_perturbation.cpp All file pass pre-commit hook
test_sparseMatrixCompare.cpp fix some tests which only need paddle::initMain in main


PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)

:rocket: Github 镜像仓库 :rocket:

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发行版本 60

PaddlePaddle 2.5.0 Release Note


贡献者 246



  • C++ 49.8 %
  • Python 41.0 %
  • Cuda 7.0 %
  • CMake 1.1 %
  • Shell 0.6 %
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