名称 最后提交 最后更新
api Fix gcc4.9 (#6442)
capi Add extern "C" to paddle_error_string (#6611)
cuda Fix errors of GPU AvgPooling with the excludeMode argument
framework Feature/add shared layout (#7233)
function Follow comments.
gserver "fix frigled test gradient of rnn" (#7166)
inference Modify inference.cc to run example without pickletools (#7262)
math Fix compile on CUDA9.1 & MacOS (#6642)
memory unify the indentation of license
operators cpu gpu transform function (#7191)
optimizer unify the indentation of license
parameter unify MKL macro definition
platform fix compile error in profiler.cc
pserver Fix the compiling error when seting WITH_C_API=ON and WITH_PYTHON=ON.
py_paddle fix typo
pybind Feature/use cudnn (#7141)
scripts package right mkldnn and mklml libs if enabled in capi
string unify the indentation of license
testing GPUPlace to CUDAPlace (#6960)
trainer add flag use_mkl_packed
utils default disable use_mkl_packed
.common_test_util.sh Change "Baidu, Inc" into "PaddlePaddle Authors"
.gitignore Fix bug in NO_AVX when using lstm
.set_port.sh Change "Baidu, Inc" into "PaddlePaddle Authors"
.set_python_path.sh Update set python path
CMakeLists.txt Add a simple example for fluid to do inference in C++ code.


PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)

:rocket: Github 镜像仓库 :rocket:

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发行版本 60

PaddlePaddle 2.5.0 Release Note


贡献者 246



  • C++ 49.8 %
  • Python 41.0 %
  • Cuda 7.0 %
  • CMake 1.1 %
  • Shell 0.6 %
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