Created by: GaoWei8
concat 增强输入类型检查 【仅C++端】
注:concat python端检查已经很完整,本次仅修复C++端
concat(input, axis=0, name=None)
- 使用OP_INOUT_CHECK,增加输入、输出是否设置的检查。
NotFoundError: No Input(X) found for Concat operator.
NotFoundError: No Output(Out) found for Concat operator.
- 错误类型有误 修改前报错:
Error: ShapeError: Input tensors count should > 0. But recevied inputs' length is 0.
InvalidArgumentError: The number of input tensors in concat op should > 0. But received inputs' length is 0.
- 错误类型有误,报错内容需改 修改前报错:
Error: ShapeError: Dimension 1 in inputs' shapes must be equal. But recevied input[0]'s shape = [2, 3], input[1]'s shape = [2, 2].
InvalidArgumentError: The shape of input[1] must be equal to input[0]. But received input[0]'s shape = [2, 3], input[1]'s shape = [2, 2].
- 错误类型有误,报错内容需改 修改前报错:
Error: The input should not be null.
NotFoundError: The first input of concat should not be null.