Created by: JepsonWong
This PR support backward hook for dygraph.
The backward hook will be called every time a gradient will respect to the Variable is computed. The hook shold have the following signature:
- hook(grad) -> Variable or None The hook should not modify its param, but it can optionally return a new gradient which will change the Variable's value.
function will return a RemovablePyCallableObject object with method remove
that can remove the hook from the VarBase.
function will exectute the hook functions from the Variable.
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
def hook1(g):
g = 2 * g
print g
return g
def hook2(g):
g = 4 * g
print g
with fluid.dygraph.guard():
# var's type is VarBase
remove_hook1 = var.register_hook(hook1)
remove_hook2 = var.register_hook(hook2)