Created by: qingqing01
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] ======================================================================
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] FAIL: test_resnet_cpu (__main__.TestImageClassification)
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] Traceback (most recent call last):
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] File "", line 277, in test_resnet_cpu
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] main('resnet', use_cuda=False)
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] File "", line 259, in main
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] infer(use_cuda, save_dirname)
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] File "", line 242, in infer
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] results[0][i], transpiler_results[0][i], decimal=5)
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/testing/nose_tools/", line 565, in assert_almost_equal
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] return assert_array_almost_equal(actual, desired, decimal, err_msg)
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/testing/nose_tools/", line 963, in assert_array_almost_equal
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] precision=decimal)
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/testing/nose_tools/", line 779, in assert_array_compare
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] raise AssertionError(msg)
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] AssertionError:
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] Arrays are not almost equal to 5 decimals
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1]
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] (mismatch 20.0%)
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] x: array([1.10425e-28, 1.10425e-28, 6.88516e-01, 3.11484e-01, 1.10425e-28,
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] 1.66894e-22, 1.10425e-28, 1.10425e-28, 1.10425e-28, 1.10425e-28],
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] dtype=float32)
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] y: array([1.10428e-28, 1.10428e-28, 6.88534e-01, 3.11466e-01, 1.10428e-28,
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] 1.66887e-22, 1.10428e-28, 1.10428e-28, 1.10428e-28, 1.10428e-28],
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] dtype=float32)
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1]
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[23:44:49] : [Step 1/1] Ran 4 tests in 77.308s
Adjusted the threshold for the fluid.transpiler.InferenceTranspiler testing in