Created by: baojun-nervana
This PR includes the implementation of ngraph engine. Each function's role in the NgraphOperator class:
- GetNgInputShape : this uses the infershape to get the output shape as ngraph needs to know this info to define tensor;
- BuildNgIO : this is to get the input and output var list;
- BuildNgNode: this function call ngraph bridge function BuildNgGraph to translate ops and build the computation graph.
- BuildNgFunction : this is to build the function for ngraph as ngraph use a function call to execute the computation.
- GetNgFunction : ngraph function can be cached, so this api will check if a function is already available or otherwise it will call BuildNgFunction to build a new ngraph function; GetCacheKey is to generate the key to map the function;
- Run : will set the input and output tensor and call the function to execute. Input and output tensors were shared with paddle to save IO cost;
- The api VarIsTensor and class RuntimeInferShapeContex were promoted from and operator.h, so it is accessible for ngraph_operator;
- I added ngraph object dependency in cmake to ensure ngraph is available before build ngraph_bridge and ngraph_operator (can be an issue to build in large system and the orders can be guaranteed this way);
- I added Relu and Tanh as examples in the bridge to show how the bridge works. More ops can be seen from (I have all resnet50 ops there, so you can run resnet to check performance).
CC: @luotao1 @panyx0718 @jianhang-liu