need to add a data member to represent the Layout of a Tensor
Created by: QiJune
Actually, a Tensor is a view of a block of memory. Besides a pointer to the memory, we also have to get some other descriptions of this block of memory, such as shape(ddim), stride, and layout.
Different layout leads to different implementation of operator kernel. There are mainly 4 principles we have to follow to support layout in our fluid framework.
We take layout as a data member of Tensor. Layout is actually a enum variable. If fluid is built with MKLDNN, then, the memory format in MKLDNN will be added into this enum variable too.
Users have to set layout for input data. And some operators like fill_constant/random, also have to set layout of generating data. Of course, we can have some default layout, like NCHW.
The inference of Layout is at run-time, not compile-time.
Every operator have to implement different kernels for different layouts. Let's take MKLDNN as an example, if we want to implement a MKLDNN convolution operator, we have to realize all the kernels for different layout, list at here. And we will have a special macro to do registering kernels for MKLDNN operators.