nv_test could not add_dependencies of header-ONLY library
Created by: QiJune
eigen3 is a header only library and we take eigen3 as a cmake external library.
And in my device_context implementation #2709 , the device_context depends on eigen3.
So, we must have eigen3 download before device_context_test compiled.
However, if i write
nv_test(device_context_test SRCS device_context_test.cc DEPS place eigen3 glog gflags)
There will be such error:
CMake Error at cmake/generic.cmake:246 (target_link_libraries):
Target "eigen3" of type UTILITY may not be linked into another target. One
may link only to STATIC or SHARED libraries, or to executables with the
ENABLE_EXPORTS property set.
I just hack the nv_test in generic.cmake as follows:
function(nv_test TARGET_NAME)
set(options "")
set(oneValueArgs "")
set(multiValueArgs SRCS INCS DEPS)
cmake_parse_arguments(nv_test "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
cuda_add_executable(${TARGET_NAME} ${nv_test_SRCS})
target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} ${nv_test_DEPS} gtest gtest_main)
add_dependencies(${TARGET_NAME} ${nv_test_INCS} ${nv_test_DEPS} gtest gtest_main)
And change my compiling command to
nv_test(device_context_test SRCS device_context_test.cc INCS eigen3 DEPS place glog gflags)
And it works.
So, how can we handle this circumstance, and is the hacking way appropriate?