Created by: zhuyingjun-zyj
W0802 03:33:31.086237 12470 init.cc:216] Warning: PaddlePaddle catches a failure signal, it may not work properly W0802 03:33:31.086323 12470 init.cc:218] You could check whether you killed PaddlePaddle thread/process accidentally or report the case to PaddlePaddle W0802 03:33:31.086359 12470 init.cc:221] The detail failure signal is:
W0802 03:33:31.086382 12470 init.cc:224] *** Aborted at 1596310411 (unix time) try "date -d @1596310411" if you are using GNU date *** W0802 03:33:31.089992 12470 init.cc:224] PC: @ 0x0 (unknown) W0802 03:33:31.090488 12470 init.cc:224] *** SIGSEGV (@0x7f24f6206900) received by PID 12425 (TID 0x7f2464ece700) from PID 18446744073543903488; stack trace: *** W0802 03:33:31.093632 12470 init.cc:224] @ 0x7f24f5de25d0 (unknown) W0802 03:33:31.096148 12470 init.cc:224] @ 0x7f24e7e02810 (unknown) W0802 03:33:31.098834 12470 init.cc:224] @ 0x7f24e7a257b2 (unknown) W0802 03:33:31.101557 12470 init.cc:224] @ 0x7f24e7a2b7a2 (unknown) W0802 03:33:31.104245 12470 init.cc:224] @ 0x7f24e7ff8d92 (unknown) W0802 03:33:31.106792 12470 init.cc:224] @ 0x7f24e7e43832 (unknown) W0802 03:33:31.109863 12470 init.cc:224] @ 0x7f24f5ddadd5 start_thread W0802 03:33:31.113646 12470 init.cc:224] @ 0x7f24f53faead __clone W0802 03:33:31.116614 12470 init.cc:224] @ 0x0 (unknown)