进行fine tune时报错
Created by: tea321000
标题:简洁、精准描述您的问题,例如“ssd 模型前置lstm报错 ”
版本、环境信息: 1)PaddlePaddle版本:1.7.1 2)CPU:8核CPU 3)GPU:v100 4)系统环境:aistudio高级版
模型信息 1)模型名称:xception71_imagenet预训练模型 2)使用数据集名称:ADNI
问题描述:在调用run_states = task.finetune_and_eval()之后,读取了一个batch的数据之后报错: Exception in thread Thread-5: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner self.run() File "/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File "/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paddle/fluid/reader.py", line 806, in thread_main six.reraise(sys.exc_info()) File "/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/six.py", line 693, in reraise raise value File "/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paddle/fluid/reader.py", line 790, in thread_main self._check_input_array(item) File "/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paddle/fluid/reader.py", line 777, in _check_input_array "\n\tFaild to convert input data to a regular ndarray :\n\t Usually " TypeError: Faild to convert input data to a regular ndarray :
- Usually this means the input data contains nested lists with different lengths.
- Check the reader function passed to 'decorate_batch_generator' to locate the data causes this issue.
- Please consider using 'fluid.create_lod_tensor' to convert it to a LoD-Tensor.
查看check_input_array()中的变量,得到报错的数据格式如下,可以看到在array后面不知道为何多出了一个像是标签label的'1'符号导致无法通过check,但查看train_list.txt并没有发现文本格式的错误,不知道原因: (array([[[ 0.296308 , 0.25897488, 0.22164178, ..., 6.0301347 , 4.4905605 , 3.0255744 ], [ 2.0780523 , 1.1955202 , 0.79825604, ..., 34.152626 , 34.070496 , 33.98842 ], [33.90652 , 33.820316 , 33.72079 , ..., 37.73026 , 37.750618 , 37.769886 ], ..., [50.575066 , 50.578205 , 50.580597 , ..., 49.258797 , 49.291706 , 49.33335 ], [49.377808 , 49.42314 , 49.46876 , ..., 44.466885 , 44.732124 , 45.01983 ], [45.31055 , 45.581875 , 45.850407 , ..., 47.230377 , 40.347664 , 33.46495 ]],
[[ 0.296308 , 0.25897488, 0.22164178, ..., 6.0301347 ,
4.4905605 , 3.0255744 ],
[ 2.0780523 , 1.1955202 , 0.79825604, ..., 34.152626 ,
34.070496 , 33.98842 ],
[33.90652 , 33.820316 , 33.72079 , ..., 37.73026 ,
37.750618 , 37.769886 ],
[50.575066 , 50.578205 , 50.580597 , ..., 49.258797 ,
49.291706 , 49.33335 ],
[49.377808 , 49.42314 , 49.46876 , ..., 44.466885 ,
44.732124 , 45.01983 ],
[45.31055 , 45.581875 , 45.850407 , ..., 47.230377 ,
40.347664 , 33.46495 ]],
[[ 0.296308 , 0.25897488, 0.22164178, ..., 6.0301347 ,
4.4905605 , 3.0255744 ],
[ 2.0780523 , 1.1955202 , 0.79825604, ..., 34.152626 ,
34.070496 , 33.98842 ],
[33.90652 , 33.820316 , 33.72079 , ..., 37.73026 ,
37.750618 , 37.769886 ],
[50.575066 , 50.578205 , 50.580597 , ..., 49.258797 ,
49.291706 , 49.33335 ],
[49.377808 , 49.42314 , 49.46876 , ..., 44.466885 ,
44.732124 , 45.01983 ],
[45.31055 , 45.581875 , 45.850407 , ..., 47.230377 ,
40.347664 , 33.46495 ]]], dtype=float32), '1')
重写的部分(只改变了preprocess方法): class ImageClassificationReader(BaseReader): def init(self, image_width, image_height, dataset=None, channel_order="RGB", images_mean=None, images_std=None, data_augmentation=False, random_seed=None): super(ImageClassificationReader, self).init(dataset, random_seed) self.image_width = image_width self.image_height = image_height self.channel_order = channel_order self.data_augmentation = data_augmentation self.images_std = images_std self.images_mean = images_mean
if self.images_mean is None:
self.images_mean = self.dataset.images_mean
self.images_mean = [0, 0, 0]
self.images_mean = np.array(self.images_mean).reshape(3, 1, 1)
if self.images_std is None:
self.images_std = self.dataset.images_std
self.images_std = [1, 1, 1]
self.images_std = np.array(self.images_std).reshape(3, 1, 1)
if self.channel_order not in channel_order_dict:
raise ValueError(
"The channel_order should in %s." % channel_order_dict.keys())
if self.image_width <= 0 or self.image_height <= 0:
raise ValueError("Image width and height should not be negative.")
def data_generator(self,
if phase != 'predict' and not self.dataset:
raise ValueError("The dataset is none and it's not allowed!")
if phase == "train":
shuffle = True
if hasattr(self.dataset, "train_data"):
# Compatible with ImageClassificationDataset which has done shuffle
shuffle = False
data = self.get_train_examples()
self.num_examples['train'] = len(data)
elif phase == "val" or phase == "dev":
shuffle = False
if hasattr(self.dataset, "validate_data"):
# Compatible with ImageClassificationDataset
shuffle = False
data = self.get_dev_examples()
self.num_examples['dev'] = len(data)
elif phase == "test":
shuffle = False
if hasattr(self.dataset, "test_data"):
# Compatible with ImageClassificationDataset
data = self.dataset.test_data()
shuffle = False
data = self.get_test_examples()
self.num_examples['test'] = len(data)
elif phase == "predict":
shuffle = False
data = data
def preprocess(image_path):
image = np.resize(image, (self.image_width, self.image_height))
image=np.stack((image,)*3, axis=0)
# image = Image.open(image_path)
# image = image_augmentation.image_resize(image, self.image_width,
# self.image_height)
# if self.data_augmentation:
# image = image_augmentation.image_random_process(
# image, enable_resize=False, enable_crop=False)
# # only support RGB
# image = image.convert('RGB')
# # HWC to CHW
# image = np.array(image).astype('float32')
# if len(image.shape) == 3:
# image = np.swapaxes(image, 1, 2)
# image = np.swapaxes(image, 1, 0)
# # standardization
# image /= 255
# image -= self.images_mean
# image /= self.images_std
# image = image[channel_order_dict[self.channel_order], :, :]
return image
def _data_reader():
if shuffle:
if phase == "predict":
for image_path in data:
image = preprocess(image_path)
yield (image, )
for image_path, label in data:
image = preprocess(image_path)
yield (image, label)
return paddle.batch(_data_reader, batch_size=batch_size)