when i ran the demo Sentiment Analysis,error happened
Created by: hdulbj
I install the paddlepaddle successfully which is built from the source after that i wanted to run the demo Sentiment Analysis,and i did as the Tutorial said but when i run ./train.sh,the error happened
[lbj@gpu001 data]$ ls aclImdb aclImdb_v1.tar.gz get_imdb.sh get_imdb.sh_bak imdb master mosesdecoder-master pre-imdb [lbj@gpu001 data]$ cd .. [lbj@gpu001 sentiment]$ ls data predict.py preprocess.py sentiment_net.py test.sh train.log dataprovider.py predict.sh preprocess.sh sentiment_net.pyc trainer_config.py train.sh [lbj@gpu001 sentiment]$ ./train.sh I1022 01:20:25.624637 4116 Util.cpp:155] commandline: /home/lbj/paddle/bin/../opt/paddle/bin/paddle_trainer --config=trainer_config.py --save_dir=./model_output --job=train --use_gpu=false --trainer_count=4 --num_passes=10 --log_period=10 --dot_period=20 --show_parameter_stats_period=100 --test_all_data_in_one_period=1 I1022 01:20:25.624955 4116 Util.cpp:130] Calling runInitFunctions I1022 01:20:25.625247 4116 Util.cpp:143] Call runInitFunctions done. [INFO 2016-10-22 01:20:25,950 networks.py:1145] The input order is [word, label] [INFO 2016-10-22 01:20:25,951 networks.py:1152] The output order is [cost_0] I1022 01:20:25.954066 4116 Trainer.cpp:170] trainer mode: Normal *** Aborted at 1477070425 (unix time) try "date -d @1477070425" if you are using GNU date *** PC: @ 0x761fb2 paddle::Weight::Weight() *** SIGSEGV (@0xe8) received by PID 4116 (TID 0x7f89114cf740) from PID 232; stack trace: *** @ 0x32aba0f520 (unknown) @ 0x761fb2 paddle::Weight::Weight() @ 0x5ca099 paddle::TableProjection::TableProjection() @ 0x5cae83 _ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFPN6paddle10ProjectionENS0_16ProjectionConfigESt10shared_ptrINS0_9ParameterEEbEZNS0_14ClassRegistrarIS1_JS3_S6_bEE13registerClassINS0_15TableProjectionEEEvRKSsEUlS3_S6_bE_E9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_dataS3_S6_b @ 0x5c9254 paddle::Projection::create() @ 0x5e4a3a paddle::MixedLayer::init() @ 0x53792f paddle::NeuralNetwork::init() @ 0x519f38 paddle::MultiGradientMachine::MultiGradientMachine() @ 0x51325e paddle::GradientMachine::create() @ 0x668b75 paddle::TrainerInternal::init() @ 0x664457 paddle::Trainer::init() @ 0x5121d5 main @ 0x32ab61f84d (unknown) @ 0x510c19 (unknown) /home/lbj/paddle/bin/paddle: line 81: 4116 段错误 (core dumped) ${DEBUGGER} $MYDIR/../opt/paddle/bin/paddle_trainer ${@:2}
So what's wrong with it?