使用Python API的时候出现问题
Created by: 606BlueStar
使用Python API对导出模型保存的inference_model进行预测时报错; 模型为yolov3_mobilenet,成功导出模型,但是使用的时候报如下错误:
Error Message Summary:
Error: An error occurred here. There is no accurate error hint for this error yet. We are continuously in the process of increasing hint for this kind of error check. It would be helpful if you could inform us of how this conversion went by opening a github issue. And we will resolve it with high priority.
- New issue link: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/new
- Recommended issue content: all error stack information [Hint: CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM] at (/paddle/paddle/fluid/operators/batch_norm_op.cu:166) [operator < batch_norm > error]
注: 已经尝试了不同的bn模式,bn和sync_bn; cuda版本为10.1,paddle版本1.7.2; 不用导出模型进行infer的时候也报相同的错误!!!