Created by: 1224wxwx
版本、环境信息: 1)PaddlePaddle版本:PaddlePaddle版本v1.6.3,PaddleDetection版本0.1 2)CPU: 3)GPU:K80,CUDA 9.0,CUDNN7.6.5 4)系统环境:官方docker ubuntu16.04,使用其中的python3进行paddleDetection的安装,GCC5.4
安装方式信息: 3)docker编译:请提供docker镜像,编译命令 docker pull hub.baidubce.com/paddlepaddle/paddle:1.6.3-gpu-cuda9.0-cudnn7
安装cmake随后再官方docker里根据 https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/release/0.1/inference/docs/linux_build.md 里的描述一步步操作,只是在cmake opencv的时候,把-DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib64这个参数去掉,否则会导致make预测库的时候报错缺失libopencv_imgcodes.a这个文件。随后一切按照文档里的步骤执行到make预测库会报错如下:
Thank you for contributing to PaddlePaddle. Before submitting the issue, you could search issue in Github in case that there was a similar issue submitted or resolved before. If there is no solution,please make sure that this is an installation issue including the following details: System information -PaddlePaddle version (eg.1.1)or CommitID -CPU: including CPUMKL/OpenBlas/MKLDNN version -GPU: including CUDA/CUDNN version -OS Platform (eg. Mac OS 10.14) -Python version
- Install method: pip install/install with docker/build from source(without docker)/build within docker
- Other special cases that you think may be related to this problem, eg. offline install, special internet condition To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior Describe your current behavior Code to reproduce the issue Other info / logs