"cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors" problem brakes our validation process
Created by: ddokupil
System information -PaddlePaddle version: Latest Develop branch -CPU: MKLDNN, CLX -GPU: Irrelevant/not used -OS Platform: Ubuntu 18.04 -Python version: 2.7.12 -Install method: building from source, gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11) 5.4.0 20160609 To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DWITH_GPU=OFF -DWITH_MKLDNN=ON -DWITH_TESTING=ON -DWITH_PROFILER=ON -DWITH_STYLE_CHECK=OFF -DON_INFER=ON -DWITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST=ON Describe your current behavior During make: cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors (...) Makefile:138: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 2 Other info / logs make -j 20 [ 0%] Built target extern_pybind [ 0%] Built target extern_warpctc [ 0%] Built target extern_gflags [ 0%] Built target extern_dlpack [ 0%] Built target extern_xbyak [ 0%] Built target extern_zlib [ 0%] Built target extern_inference_download_pascalvoc_small_tar_gz [ 1%] Built target extern_eigen3 [ 1%] Built target extern_boost [ 1%] Built target extern_inference_download_bert_data_len20_txt_tar_gz [ 1%] Built target extern_inference_download_pascalvoc_val_head_300_tar_gz [ 1%] Built target extern_inference_download_word2vec_inference_model_tar_gz [ 1%] Built target framework_py_proto_init [ 2%] Built target extern_xxhash [ 2%] Built target extern_threadpool [ 2%] Built target extern_inference_download_ResNet50_qat_perf_int8_tar_gz [ 2%] Built target extern_mklml [ 2%] Built target extern_inference_download_Res101_int8_model_tar_gz [ 2%] Built target profiler_py_proto_init [ 2%] Built target extern_inference_download_GoogleNet_int8_model_tar_gz [ 2%] Built target extern_inference_download_resnet50_int8_model_tar_gz [ 2%] Built target extern_inference_download_temp_2Ftransformer_data_txt_tar_gz [ 2%] Built target extern_inference_download_mobilenet_v2_int8_model_tar_gz [ 2%] Built target extern_inference_download_lac_data_txt_tar_gz [ 2%] Built target extern_inference_download_chinese_ner_model_tar_gz [ 2%] Built target extern_inference_download_dam_small_data_txt_tar_gz [ 2%] Built target extern_inference_download_dam_small_model_tar_gz [ 3%] Built target extern_inference_download_Ernie_result_txt_tar_gz [ 3%] Built target extern_inference_download_chinese_ner_data_txt_tar_gz [ 3%] Built target extern_inference_download_lac_model_tar_gz [ 3%] Built target extern_inference_download_rnn1_2Fmodel_tar_gz [ 3%] Built target extern_inference_download_rnn1_2Fdata_txt_tar_gz [ 3%] Built target extern_inference_download_PyramidDNN_model_tar_gz [ 3%] Built target extern_inference_download_Ernie_model_tar_gz [ 3%] Built target extern_inference_download_VGG16_int8_model_tar_gz [ 3%] Built target extern_inference_download_seq_pool1_data_txt_tar_gz [ 3%] Built target extern_inference_download_DAM_data_txt_tar_gz [ 3%] Built target extern_inference_download_rnn2_model_tar_gz [ 3%] Built target extern_inference_download_DAM_model_tar_gz [ 3%] Built target extern_inference_download_PyramidDNN_data_txt_tar_gz [ 3%] Built target extern_inference_download_rnn2_data_txt_tar_gz [ 3%] Built target extern_inference_download_temp_2Ftransformer_model_tar_gz [ 4%] Built target extern_inference_download_resnet50_model_tar_gz [ 6%] Built target extern_inference_download_text_classification_Senta_tar_gz [ 6%] Built target extern_inference_download_Ernie_data_txt_tar_gz [ 7%] Built target extern_inference_download_seq_conv1_data_txt_tar_gz [ 7%] Built target extern_inference_download_inference_vis_demos_2Focr_tar_gz [ 7%] Built target extern_inference_download_mobilenetv1_int8_model_tar_gz [ 7%] Built target extern_inference_download_seq_pool1_model__tar_gz [ 7%] Built target extern_inference_download_seq_conv1_model_tar_gz [ 7%] Built target extern_inference_download_bert_emb128_model_tar_gz [ 8%] Built target extern_inference_download_inference_vis_demos_2Fmobilenet_tar_gz [ 8%] Built target extern_inference_download_text_classification_data_txt_tar_gz [ 9%] Built target extern_inference_download_mobilenet_ssd_int8_model_tar_gz [ 9%] Built target extern_inference_download_googlenet_tar_gz [ 9%] Built target extern_inference_download_ResNet50_qat_perf_tar_gz [ 9%] Built target extern_inference_download_mobilenet_model_tar_gz [ 9%] Built target extern_inference_download_VGG19_int8_model_tar_gz [ 9%] Built target extern_inference_download_imagenet_val_100_tail_tar_gz [ 10%] Built target extern_inference_download_MobileNetV1_qat_model_tar_gz [ 10%] Built target extern_inference_download_ResNet50_qat_model_tar_gz [ 10%] Built target extern_inference_download_MobileNetV2_qat_model_tar_gz [ 11%] Built target extern_inference_download_VGG16_qat_model_tar_gz [ 12%] Built target extern_inference_download_ResNet101_qat_model_tar_gz [ 12%] Built target extern_inference_download_VGG19_qat_model_tar_gz [ 12%] Built target extern_inference_download_GoogleNet_qat_model_tar_gz [ 12%] Built target extern_inference_download_MobileNet_qat_perf_tar_gz [ 13%] Built target extern_glog [ 13%] Built target extern_protobuf [ 13%] Built target extern_gtest [ 13%] Built target flags [ 13%] Built target extern_mkldnn Copy generated python proto into directory paddle/fluid/proto/profiler. Copy generated python proto into directory paddle/fluid/proto. [ 13%] Built target framework_proto [ 13%] Built target version [ 13%] Built target error_codes_proto [ 13%] Built target timer [ 13%] Built target imperative_flag [ 13%] Built target data_feed_proto [ 13%] Built target boost [ 13%] Built target activation_functions [ 13%] Built target paddle_pass_builder [ 13%] Built target imperative_profiler [ 13%] Built target trainer_py_proto [ 14%] Built target zero_copy_tensor_dummy [ 14%] Built target stringpiece [ 14%] Built target pretty_log [ 14%] Built target profiler_py_proto [ 14%] Built target framework_py_proto [ 15%] Built target mkldnn [ 15%] Built target third_party [ 15%] Built target profiler_proto [ 16%] Built target cudnn_workspace_helper [ 16%] Built target trainer_desc_proto [ 16%] Built target errors [ 16%] Built target string_helper [ 16%] Built target attribute [ 16%] Built target prune [ 16%] Built target enforce [ 16%] Built target device_tracer [ 16%] Built target fs [ 16%] Built target shell [ 16%] Built target cpu_info [ 16%] Built target dynamic_loader [ 16%] Built target op_proto_maker [ 16%] Built target ddim [ 16%] Built target threadpool [ 16%] Built target benchmark [ 16%] Built target place [ 16%] Built target profiler [ 16%] Built target dynload_mklml [ 16%] Built target dynload_warpctc [ 16%] Built target memory_block [ 16%] Built target op_call_stack [ 16%] Built target system_allocator [ 16%] Built target memcpy [ 16%] Built target allocator [ 16%] Built target device_memory_aligment [ 16%] Built target cblas [ 17%] Built target buddy_allocator [ 17%] Built target cpu_helper [ 17%] Built target aligned_allocator [ 17%] Built target retry_allocator [ 17%] Built target locked_allocator [ 17%] Built target cpu_allocator [ 17%] Built target buffered_allocator [ 17%] Built target best_fit_allocator [ 17%] Built target naive_best_fit_allocator [ 17%] Built target jit_kernel_base [ 17%] Built target auto_growth_best_fit_allocator [ 17%] Built target allocator_strategy [ 17%] Built target jit_kernel_refer [ 18%] Built target jit_kernel_mix [ 18%] Built target jit_kernel_mkl [ 18%] Built target jit_kernel_intrinsic [ 18%] Built target allocator_facade [ 18%] Built target jit_kernel_jitcode [ 18%] Built target malloc [ 18%] Built target jit_kernel_helper [ 18%] Built target memory [ 18%] Built target mask_util [ 18%] Built target device_context [ 18%] Built target sampler [ 18%] Built target data_type [ 18%] Built target garbage_collector [ 18%] Built target blas [ 18%] Built target op_kernel_type [ 18%] Built target device_code [ 18%] Built target vol2col [ 19%] Built target no_need_buffer_vars_inference [ 19%] Built target shape_inference [ 19%] Built target lstm_compute [ 19%] Built target sample_prob [ 19%] Built target unpooling [ 19%] Built target pooling [ 20%] Built target concat_and_split [ 20%] Built target maxouting [ 20%] Built target im2col [ 20%] Built target cross_entropy [ 20%] Built target nccl_context [ 20%] Built target sequence_scale [ 20%] Built target sequence_padding [ 20%] Built target sequence2batch [ 20%] Built target cos_sim_functor [ 20%] Built target paddle_gtest_main [ 20%] Built target op_info [ 20%] Built target matrix_bit_code [ 20%] Built target math_function [ 20%] Built target fc [ 21%] Built target unused_var_check [ 21%] Built target tensor [ 21%] Built target selected_rows [ 21%] Built target dlpack_tensor [ 21%] Built target data_device_transform [ 22%] Built target lod_tensor [ 22%] Built target data_type_transform [ 22%] Built target jit_kernel_benchmark [ 22%] Built target mkldnn_quantizer_config [ 22%] Built target buddy_allocator_test [ 23%] Built target system_allocator_test [ 23%] Built target buffered_allocator_test [ 23%] Built target reader [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/CMakeFiles/test_aligned_allocator.dir/test_aligned_allocator.cc.o [ 23%] Built target variable_visitor [ 23%] Built target var_type_traits [ 23%] Built target variable_helper [ 23%] Built target lod_rank_table Scanning dependencies of target softmax [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/CMakeFiles/best_fit_allocator_test.dir/best_fit_allocator_test.cc.o [ 23%] Built target box_wrapper [ 23%] Built target auto_growth_best_fit_allocator_facade_test Scanning dependencies of target beam_search [ 23%] Built target retry_allocator_test Scanning dependencies of target tree2col Scanning dependencies of target gru_compute Scanning dependencies of target context_project [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/platform/CMakeFiles/enforce_test.dir/enforce_test.cc.o Scanning dependencies of target sequence_pooling Scanning dependencies of target data_layout_transform [ 23%] Built target cpu_helper_test [ 23%] Built target allocator_facade_abs_flags_test [ 23%] Built target allocator_facade_frac_flags_test Scanning dependencies of target errors_test [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/operators/math/CMakeFiles/softmax.dir/softmax.cc.o [ 23%] Built target profiler_test Scanning dependencies of target cpu_info_test [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/operators/math/CMakeFiles/beam_search.dir/beam_search.cc.o [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/platform/CMakeFiles/errors_test.dir/errors_test.cc.o [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/operators/math/CMakeFiles/tree2col.dir/tree2col.cc.o [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/platform/CMakeFiles/cpu_info_test.dir/cpu_info_test.cc.o [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/operators/math/CMakeFiles/gru_compute.dir/gru_compute.cc.o [ 23%] Built target float16_test [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/operators/math/CMakeFiles/sequence_pooling.dir/sequence_pooling.cc.o [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/operators/math/CMakeFiles/context_project.dir/context_project.cc.o [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/framework/CMakeFiles/data_layout_transform.dir/data_layout_transform.cc.o Scanning dependencies of target timer_test Scanning dependencies of target cow_ptr_tests Scanning dependencies of target selected_rows_functor Scanning dependencies of target rw_lock_test Scanning dependencies of target inlined_vector_test [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/platform/CMakeFiles/timer_test.dir/timer_test.cc.o [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/framework/CMakeFiles/cow_ptr_tests.dir/details/cow_ptr_test.cc.o [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/framework/CMakeFiles/rw_lock_test.dir/rw_lock_test.cc.o Scanning dependencies of target place_test [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/framework/CMakeFiles/inlined_vector_test.dir/inlined_vector_test.cc.o [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/operators/math/CMakeFiles/selected_rows_functor.dir/selected_rows_functor.cc.o [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/platform/CMakeFiles/place_test.dir/place_test.cc.o Scanning dependencies of target init_test Scanning dependencies of target op_kernel_type_test [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/platform/CMakeFiles/init_test.dir/init_test.cc.o [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/framework/CMakeFiles/op_kernel_type_test.dir/op_kernel_type_test.cc.o [ 23%] Linking CXX executable timer_test [ 23%] Linking CXX executable cpu_info_test [ 23%] Linking CXX executable cow_ptr_tests [ 23%] Built target timer_test Scanning dependencies of target threadpool_test [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/framework/CMakeFiles/threadpool_test.dir/threadpool_test.cc.o [ 23%] Built target cpu_info_test Scanning dependencies of target op_proto_maker_test [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/framework/CMakeFiles/op_proto_maker_test.dir/op_proto_maker_test.cc.o [ 23%] Built target cow_ptr_tests [ 23%] Linking CXX executable inlined_vector_test Scanning dependencies of target copy_same_tensor_test [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/framework/CMakeFiles/copy_same_tensor_test.dir/copy_same_tensor_test.cc.o [ 23%] Built target inlined_vector_test In file included from /repos/paddle_paddle/paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/test_aligned_allocator.cc:15:0: /repos/paddle_paddle/build/third_party/install/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h: In instantiation of 'testing::AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperEQ(const char*, const char*, const T1&, const T2&) [with T1 = long unsigned int; T2 = int]': /repos/paddle_paddle/build/third_party/install/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h:1472:23: required from 'static testing::AssertionResult testing::internal::EqHelper<lhs_is_null_literal>::Compare(const char*, const char*, const T1&, const T2&) [with T1 = long unsigned int; T2 = int; bool lhs_is_null_literal = false]' /repos/paddle_paddle/paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/test_aligned_allocator.cc:23:266: required from here /repos/paddle_paddle/build/third_party/install/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h:1444:11: error: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Werror=sign-compare] if (lhs == rhs) { ^ cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/CMakeFiles/test_aligned_allocator.dir/build.make:62: recipe for target 'paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/CMakeFiles/test_aligned_allocator.dir/test_aligned_allocator.cc.o' failed make[2]: *** [paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/CMakeFiles/test_aligned_allocator.dir/test_aligned_allocator.cc.o] Error 1 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:2105: recipe for target 'paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/CMakeFiles/test_aligned_allocator.dir/all' failed make[1]: *** [paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/CMakeFiles/test_aligned_allocator.dir/all] Error 2 make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... Scanning dependencies of target tuple_test [ 23%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/framework/CMakeFiles/tuple_test.dir/tuple_test.cc.o [ 23%] Linking CXX executable place_test [ 23%] Built target place_test In file included from /repos/paddle_paddle/paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/best_fit_allocator_test.cc:21:0: /repos/paddle_paddle/build/third_party/install/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h: In instantiation of 'testing::AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperEQ(const char*, const char*, const T1&, const T2&) [with T1 = long unsigned int; T2 = int]': /repos/paddle_paddle/build/third_party/install/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h:1472:23: required from 'static testing::AssertionResult testing::internal::EqHelper<lhs_is_null_literal>::Compare(const char*, const char*, const T1&, const T2&) [with T1 = long unsigned int; T2 = int; bool lhs_is_null_literal = false]' /repos/paddle_paddle/paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/best_fit_allocator_test.cc:48:330: required from here /repos/paddle_paddle/build/third_party/install/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h:1444:11: error: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Werror=sign-compare] if (lhs == rhs) { ^ cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/CMakeFiles/best_fit_allocator_test.dir/build.make:62: recipe for target 'paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/CMakeFiles/best_fit_allocator_test.dir/best_fit_allocator_test.cc.o' failed make[2]: *** [paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/CMakeFiles/best_fit_allocator_test.dir/best_fit_allocator_test.cc.o] Error 1 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1743: recipe for target 'paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/CMakeFiles/best_fit_allocator_test.dir/all' failed make[1]: *** [paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/CMakeFiles/best_fit_allocator_test.dir/all] Error 2 [ 23%] Linking CXX executable rw_lock_test In file included from /repos/paddle_paddle/paddle/fluid/platform/enforce_test.cc:18:0: /repos/paddle_paddle/build/third_party/install/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h: In instantiation of 'testing::AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperNE(const char*, const char*, const T1&, const T2&) [with T1 = long unsigned int; T2 = int]': /repos/paddle_paddle/paddle/fluid/platform/enforce_test.cc:55:207: required from here /repos/paddle_paddle/build/third_party/install/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h:1573:145: error: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Werror=sign-compare] cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors paddle/fluid/platform/CMakeFiles/enforce_test.dir/build.make:62: recipe for target 'paddle/fluid/platform/CMakeFiles/enforce_test.dir/enforce_test.cc.o' failed make[2]: *** [paddle/fluid/platform/CMakeFiles/enforce_test.dir/enforce_test.cc.o] Error 1 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:3103: recipe for target 'paddle/fluid/platform/CMakeFiles/enforce_test.dir/all' failed make[1]: *** [paddle/fluid/platform/CMakeFiles/enforce_test.dir/all] Error 2 [ 23%] Linking CXX executable errors_test [ 23%] Built target rw_lock_test [ 23%] Built target errors_test [ 23%] Linking CXX executable init_test [ 23%] Built target init_test [ 23%] Linking CXX executable op_kernel_type_test [ 23%] Built target op_kernel_type_test [ 23%] Linking CXX executable threadpool_test [ 23%] Linking CXX static library libgru_compute.a [ 23%] Built target gru_compute [ 23%] Built target threadpool_test [ 23%] Linking CXX static library libcontext_project.a [ 23%] Built target context_project [ 23%] Linking CXX executable op_proto_maker_test [ 23%] Linking CXX static library libbeam_search.a [ 23%] Built target beam_search [ 23%] Built target op_proto_maker_test [ 23%] Linking CXX static library libtree2col.a [ 23%] Built target tree2col [ 24%] Linking CXX executable copy_same_tensor_test [ 24%] Linking CXX static library libdata_layout_transform.a [ 24%] Built target data_layout_transform [ 24%] Built target copy_same_tensor_test [ 24%] Linking CXX executable tuple_test [ 24%] Linking CXX static library libsoftmax.a [ 24%] Built target softmax [ 24%] Built target tuple_test [ 24%] Linking CXX static library libselected_rows_functor.a [ 24%] Built target selected_rows_functor [ 24%] Linking CXX static library libsequence_pooling.a [ 24%] Built target sequence_pooling Makefile:138: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 2