Created by: yuanzhenbd
- 版本、环境信息: 1)PaddlePaddle版本:1.5.1 2)CPU:i5, MacBook Pro 4)Mac OS 10.14,Python3.7.1
- 模型信息
def lac_split(self, post): self.lac = hub.Module(name="lac") inputs = {"text": [post]} results = self.lac.lexical_analysis(data=inputs) return results
报错日志 [2019-08-22 20:35:39,706] [ DEBUG] - Prefix dict has been built succesfully. init black words succ, count is:10 init white words succ, count is:20 [2019-08-22 20:35:43,137] [ INFO] - 20 pretrained paramaters loaded by PaddleHub Floating point exception: 8 然后整个python进程直接崩溃
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