Created by: OliverLPH
- 标题:DockerFile里 提供的TRT lib文件可能有误
- 版本、环境信息: 1)PaddlePaddle版本: 2)CPU: 3)GPU:CUDA8, cuDNN 7 4)系统环境:ubuntu1604
- 安装方式信息: 1)pip安装/docker安装 2)本地编译:请提供cmake命令,编译命令 3)docker编译:请提供docker镜像,编译命令 特殊环境请注明:如离线安装等
- 复现信息:
- 问题描述:TensorRT 库文件
在bce里提供的下载文件 中 NvInfer.h 貌似有变动。
class IGpuAllocator
virtual ~IGpuAllocator() {}
* a callback implemented by the application to handle acquisition of GPU memory
* \param size the size of the memory required
* \param alignment the alignment of the memory required. Alignment will zero or be a power of 2 not greater than 256, and thus this allocator can be safely implemented with cudaMalloc/cudaFree. An alignment value of zero indicates any alignment is acceptable.
* \param flags reserved for future use. In the current release, 0 will be passed.
* If an allocation request of size 0 is made, nullptr should be returned.
* If an allocation request cannot be satisfied, nullptr should be returned.
virtual void* allocate(uint64_t size, uint64_t alignment, uint32_t flags) = 0;
* a callback implemented by the application to handle release of GPU memory.
* TensorRT may pass a nullptr to this function if it was previously returned by allocate()
* \param memory the acquired memory.
virtual void free(void* memory) = 0;
class IGpuAllocator
//! A callback implemented by the application to handle acquisition of GPU memory.
//! \param size The size of the memory required.
//! \param alignment The alignment of the memory required. Alignment will zero or be a power of 2 not greater than 256, and thus this allocator can be safely implemented with cudaMalloc/cudaFree. An alignment value of zero indicates any alignment is acceptable.
//! \param flags Reserved for future use. In the current release, 0 will be passed.
//! If an allocation request of size 0 is made, nullptr should be returned.
//! If an allocation request cannot be satisfied, nullptr should be returned.
virtual void* allocate(uint64_t size, uint64_t alignment, uint32_t flags) = 0;
//! A callback implemented by the application to handle release of GPU memory.
//! TensorRT may pass a nullptr to this function if it was previously returned by allocate().
//! \param memory The acquired memory.
virtual void free(void* memory) = 0;