1. 29 3月, 2023 35 次提交
  2. 28 3月, 2023 5 次提交
    • F
      Add basic functionalities to support Scalar & Scalars in op attr (#51984) · 2e9fd5e4
      Feiyu Chan 提交于
      Add basic functionalities to support Scalar & Scalars in operator attribute.
      1. extend allowed types in operator's attribute type, add `paddle::experimental::Scalar`, add corresponding protobuf Message types;
      2. Scalar enhancement, add formatting, equality;
      3. add code to handle Scalar & Scalars in opmaker, conversion from  paddle operator to phi kernel, opdesc construction and manipulation,  tensorrt converter, tracer, operator construction, etc;
      4. bind `paddle::experimental::Scalar` to python, as `libpaddle.Scalar`;
      5. add functionality to canonicalize attribute map according to OpProto(if the op the attribute map used for has an OpProto);
      6. add code to manipulate Scalar proto message via protobuffer python API;
      Add unittests.
      1. add test cases for formatting, equality for Scalars, and WrapAsScalars;
      2. add test cases for 'casting' between different morphs of attributes;
      3. add test cases for extracting scalar & scalars from attribute;
      4. add test cases for CanonicalizeScalarAttrs(and fix a bug in type index offset);
      5. fix gmock's library filename on windows platform.
      6. clean code: use canonicalize_attrs instead of inlining the function;
      7. add test cases for libpaddle.Scalar in python code.
      8. add test cases for `make_scalar_proto`, which manipulate proto message `Scalar` via protobuffer python API.
    • Z
      [inference] Remove log about fluid and fix uninitialization warning (#51558) · e91a7896
      Zhang Jun 提交于
      * Remove log about fluid
      * Remove useless forward declarations
      * Fix uninitialization warning (trt onehot)
    • K
      [Executor] remove api `paddle.static.ParallelExecutor` (#51701) · e9c3da9e
      kangguangli 提交于
      * remove api `class ParallelExecutor`
      * remove other references
    • C
      support auto generate for kldiv_loss (#51886) · cdba7e36
      cyberslack_lee 提交于
    • support auto generate for cumprod (#52047) · a2d3c335
      张春乔 提交于
      * mv cumprod
      * add attrs
      * Update backward.yaml
      * Update backward.yaml