1. 09 5月, 2023 1 次提交
  2. 20 4月, 2023 1 次提交
  3. 14 4月, 2023 1 次提交
    • F
      1. modify set_value op, use Scalars to represent attr `values`, instead of a... · dd2a749a
      Feiyu Chan 提交于
      1. modify set_value op, use Scalars to represent attr `values`, instead of a bunch of attributs of various types; (#52408)
      2. add program converter and set_value op as an example, which provides the functionality to convert `paddle::framework::ProgramDesc` between old and new formats(the differences are mainly some operators with incompatible updates in the definition);
      3. program version and operator version map now are always saved when serializing `paddle::framework::ProgramDesc` to identify the version;
      3. provide an option `legacy_format=false` in  serialization of `paddle::framework::ProgramDesc`, it decided whether to convert ProgramDesc back to a legacy format, which is compatible for paddle 2.4.2 or earlier versions to load and execute;
      4. deserialization of `paddle::framework::ProgramDesc` is now automatically detecting whether the bytes it receives is in legacy format(contains any of the operators that has been incompatibly updated and have any attribute of type `Scalar`) and convert it to new format. But if you want a faithful deserialization without the automatic conversion, you can use protobuf's deserialization instead. Though it is not recommended, it can be used for the purpose of testing.
  4. 07 4月, 2023 1 次提交
  5. 28 3月, 2023 1 次提交
    • F
      Add basic functionalities to support Scalar & Scalars in op attr (#51984) · 2e9fd5e4
      Feiyu Chan 提交于
      Add basic functionalities to support Scalar & Scalars in operator attribute.
      1. extend allowed types in operator's attribute type, add `paddle::experimental::Scalar`, add corresponding protobuf Message types;
      2. Scalar enhancement, add formatting, equality;
      3. add code to handle Scalar & Scalars in opmaker, conversion from  paddle operator to phi kernel, opdesc construction and manipulation,  tensorrt converter, tracer, operator construction, etc;
      4. bind `paddle::experimental::Scalar` to python, as `libpaddle.Scalar`;
      5. add functionality to canonicalize attribute map according to OpProto(if the op the attribute map used for has an OpProto);
      6. add code to manipulate Scalar proto message via protobuffer python API;
      Add unittests.
      1. add test cases for formatting, equality for Scalars, and WrapAsScalars;
      2. add test cases for 'casting' between different morphs of attributes;
      3. add test cases for extracting scalar & scalars from attribute;
      4. add test cases for CanonicalizeScalarAttrs(and fix a bug in type index offset);
      5. fix gmock's library filename on windows platform.
      6. clean code: use canonicalize_attrs instead of inlining the function;
      7. add test cases for libpaddle.Scalar in python code.
      8. add test cases for `make_scalar_proto`, which manipulate proto message `Scalar` via protobuffer python API.
  6. 16 3月, 2023 1 次提交
    • H
      Update from_blob API (#51646) · c07c7712
      Huang Jiyi 提交于
      * remove contexts in tensor_utils
      * update from_blob
      * update from_blob
      * update from_blob
      * fix bug
      * fix bug
  7. 13 3月, 2023 1 次提交
  8. 10 3月, 2023 1 次提交
    • HappyHeavyRain's avatar
      [New features]Add function node in phi_kernel for MKLDNN (#51073) · a0a6dc6a
      HappyHeavyRain 提交于
      * Add function node in phi_kernel for MKLDNN
      * fix the bug in 'BuildInferVarKernelContext'
      * add infer_varkernel_utils.cc
      * fix the bug:the first two parametes of 'BuildInferVarKernelContext' can't be template variable
      * change the code according to first review
      * change the code according to first review
      * change the mode of paddle_build.sh
      * change 'infer_var_kernel_fn_' to 'get_kerneltype_forvar_fn_'
      * add the error information
      * fix NotFound infomation warning
      * fix NotFound infomation warning
      * fix NotFound infomation warning
  9. 23 2月, 2023 2 次提交
  10. 21 2月, 2023 1 次提交
    • HappyHeavyRain's avatar
      Support bw invoke fw (#50260) · d8845735
      HappyHeavyRain 提交于
      * support bw invoke fw
      * fix scale in static_backward.yaml
      * fix the bug in tensorrt/convert
      * move 'scale','sign' into ops.yaml
      * add scale_grad of scale in op_compat.yaml
      * change generated_static_op in CMakeLists.txt
  11. 20 2月, 2023 2 次提交
  12. 17 2月, 2023 1 次提交
  13. 16 2月, 2023 1 次提交
    • H
      [phi decoupling] remove variable.h in phi (#50407) · 905cefd4
      Huang Jiyi 提交于
      * move variable_utils from phi_api_utils to fluid
      * fix coment
      * update include
      * fix bugs
      * fix bugs
      * fix bugs
      * fix bugs
      * fix bugs
      * update
      * update
      * fix CI-Windows-OpenBLAS
      * fix bugs
      * fix bugs
      * fix bugs
      * update include
      * move variable_utils to phi_utils
      * fix namespace
  14. 15 2月, 2023 1 次提交
  15. 11 2月, 2023 1 次提交
    • H
      [Tensor Operator] Overload Tensor Operator (#50098) · 14e45f6b
      HongyuJia 提交于
      * init commit
      * fix tensor operator*
      * fix compile bug
      * bug reproduce
      * update commit
      * polish codes
      * fix compile bug
      * test begin
      * test begin
      * compile finish
      * restore origin composite_backward_api
      * pass local CI
      * fix merge error
      * fix merge error
      * change py_test from GPU->CPU, test custom op
      * polish codes, modify prim unittest
      * modify prim unittest
      * determine phi_tensor_operants location
      * polish codes
      * add header file
      * solve windows unresolved symbol
      * fix some CI error
      * add overload defination
      * fix CI inference and Windows
      * polish codes according to reviewers' opinion
      * polish codes according to reviewers' opinion
  16. 08 2月, 2023 1 次提交
  17. 30 1月, 2023 1 次提交
    • Z
      [Pglbox2.0] merge gpugraph to develop (#49946) · cb525d4e
      zmxdream 提交于
      * add set slot_num for psgpuwraper (#177)
      * add set slot_num_for_pull_feature for psgpuwarper
      * Add get_epoch_finish python interface (#182)
      * add get_epoch_finish interface
      * add return
      * delete return
      * add unzip op (#183)
      * fix miss key for error dataset (#186)
      * fix miss key for error dataset
      * fix miss key for error dataset
      Co-authored-by: Nyangjunchao <yangjunchao@baidu.com>
      * add excluded_train_pair and infer_node_type (#187)
      * support return of degree (#188)
      * fix task stuck in barrier (#189)
      Co-authored-by: Nyangjunchao <yangjunchao@baidu.com>
      * check node/feature format when loading (#190)
      * check node&feature format when loading
      * check node&feature format when loading (2£ (2)
      * degrade log (#191)
      * [PGLBOX]fix conflict
      * [PGLBOX]fix conflict
      * [PGLBOX]replace LodTensor with phi::DenseTensor
      * [PGLBOX]fix gpu_primitives.h include path
      * [PGLBOX]fix unzip example code
      * [PGLBOX]fix unzip example code
      * [PGLBOX]fix unzip example code
      * [PGLBOX]fix unzip example code
      * [PGLBOX]fix unzip ut
      * [PGLBOX]fix unzip ut
      * [PGLBOX]fix code style
      * [PGLBOX]fix code style
      * [PGLBOX]fix code style
      * fix code style
      * fix code style
      * fix unzip ut
      * fix unzip ut
      * fix unzip ut
      * fix unzip
      * fix code stype
      * add ut
      * add c++ ut & fix train_mode_ set
      * fix load into memory
      * fix c++ ut
      * fix c++ ut
      * fix c++ ut
      * fix c++ ut
      * fix code style
      * fix collective
      * fix unzip_op.cc
      * fix barrier
      * fix code style
      * fix barrier
      * fix barrier
      * fix code styple
      * fix unzip
      * add unzip.py
      * add unzip.py
      * fix unzip.py
      Co-authored-by: Nchao9527 <33347532+chao9527@users.noreply.github.com>
      Co-authored-by: NSiming Dai <908660116@qq.com>
      Co-authored-by: Nhuwei02 <53012141+huwei02@users.noreply.github.com>
      Co-authored-by: Nyangjunchao <yangjunchao@baidu.com>
  18. 29 1月, 2023 1 次提交
  19. 13 1月, 2023 1 次提交
  20. 12 12月, 2022 1 次提交
  21. 24 11月, 2022 2 次提交
    • T
      Delete fluid_convert_utils fix PR-CI-Build (#48347) · 1b59830b
      tianshuo78520a 提交于
    • H
      [PHI decoupling] simplify "convert_utils.h" in fluid (#48168) · de4310e6
      huangjiyi 提交于
      * rm dependence to "convert_utils.h" in some files
      * fix bugs
      * replace DataType2String with DataTypeToString
      * replace framework::DataTypeSize with phi::SizeOf
      * mv convert_function from fluid to phi and rm old map
      * recommit with pre-commit
      * repalce ProtoVarType with ProtoDataType and update comment.
      * fix error about include "dnnl.hpp"
      * revert add dep mkldnn to convert_utils in phi
      * add mkldnn deps in convert_utils.h in phi
      * move deps to convert_utils.h in phi
  22. 21 11月, 2022 1 次提交
  23. 09 11月, 2022 1 次提交
  24. 03 11月, 2022 1 次提交
  25. 27 10月, 2022 1 次提交
    • L
      make all cpp tests dynamic linked to libpaddle.so [except windows] (#47088) · 2096448b
      Leo Chen 提交于
      * make all cpp tests dynamic linked to libpaddle.so
      * add comments
      * keep old cc_test for some tests
      * fix some ut
      * make some ut use cc_test_old
      * fix typos and fit for win32
      * fix lib path
      * fix some tests
      * skip lite test
      * fit for rocm
      * fit for cinn
      * fit for mac
      * fit for win32
      * skip inference ut
      * skip  windows
      * fix coverage
  26. 18 10月, 2022 1 次提交
    • Z
      [code-gen] Support code-gen for opmaker of sparse op (#46993) · bdd3dde3
      zyfncg 提交于
      * support generating code of opmaker for backward op invoke forward op
      * gsupport code-gen of opmaker for sparse op
      * refind logic of choose phi kernrel
      * fix complie budg
      * fix code_gen bug
      * fix bug
      * fix kernel signature code-gen
      * fix complie bug of VarType
      * fix complie bug of VarType
      * fix test_sparse_conv_op
      * fix test_sparse_norm_op
  27. 27 9月, 2022 1 次提交
  28. 22 9月, 2022 1 次提交
  29. 21 9月, 2022 1 次提交
    • Z
      Enable PaddleInference to use CINN. (#45009) · 3aa6bd57
      Zhen Wang 提交于
      * use cinn in the paddle inference
      * fix some cmake errors
      * Avoid division by zero in the arange_kernel.
      * Avoid dynamic ops.
      * Remove some useless codes.
      * Use OpTransInfo to encapsulate some codes used in the build_cinn_pass.
  30. 07 9月, 2022 1 次提交
  31. 06 9月, 2022 1 次提交
  32. 02 9月, 2022 1 次提交
  33. 01 9月, 2022 3 次提交
  34. 30 8月, 2022 1 次提交
    • Z
      Remove extra attribute in OpMaker (#44310) · fe321f9a
      zyfncg 提交于
      * add runtime config in phi
      * add runtime attr for op desc and op
      * fix no proto error
      * adjust opdesc set_attr impl
      * try to remove conv_op extra attrs
      * add init runtime attr map
      * change extra header path
      * fix runtime_attr
      * fix trace_op
      * fix bug of pass
      * fix merge conflict
      * fix dygraph attrs
      * fix bug of pass
      * fix dygraph bug
      * fix unittest module
      * delete extra attr default
      * fix dropout kernel
      * polish code
      * fix extra output of instance_norm
      * fix merge confilct
      * fix op_desc bug
      * add extra attr in yaml for conv3d_transpose
      * don't remove extra input and output
      * fix save_inference_model
      * fix bug of batch_norm
      * revert some change
      * polish log
      * polish code
      * add code comment
      Co-authored-by: NChen Weihang <chenweihang@baidu.com>
  35. 29 8月, 2022 1 次提交
    • Z
      [new_exe] Dy2Static support new_executor (#44450) · aba1295b
      zhangbo9674 提交于
      * add interpretercore
      * refine backward program id
      * add code
      * refine program
      * refine code
      * create forward/backward_program by prog2graph2prog method
      * test, do not care
      * refine code
      * refine code
      * refine code
      * test, do not care
      * add interpretorcore
      * add scope
      * refine scope create method
      * add jit for new_exe
      * solve conflict
      * delete unused code
      * polish code
      * polish code
      * refine scope in inplace
      * refine for datatransfer
      * refine _rebuild_from_desc
      * refine control eager deletion attr
      * refine used_for_jit
      * refine jit for infer
      * op size0 use ori program
      * polish code
      * refine jit
      * refine run_program_op ut
      * refine inplace
      * refine control
      * refine graph helper
      * refine control
      * refine inplace
      * refine buffer_share_inplace_pass
      * polish code
      * polish code
      * refine usage for compilerProgram
      * refine control
      * test
      * test core cache
      * refine code
      * refine io.py
      * increase test_seq2seq timeout
      * refine convert program
      * refine interpretercore_cache release
      * delete buildinplace
      * refine partial_program && io
      * refine code for io
      * test
      * test
      * test