This operator can be, for given the GenerateProposalOp output bounding boxes and groundtruth,
to sample foreground boxes and background boxes, and compute loss target.
RpnRois is the output boxes of RPN and was processed by generate_proposal_op, these boxes
were combined with groundtruth boxes and sampled according to batch_size_per_im and fg_fraction,
If an instance with a groundtruth overlap greater than fg_thresh, then it was considered as a foreground sample.
If an instance with a groundtruth overlap greater than bg_thresh_lo and lower than bg_thresh_hi,
then it was considered as a background sample.
After all foreground and background boxes are chosen (so called Rois),
then we apply random sampling to make sure
the number of foreground boxes is no more than batch_size_per_im * fg_fraction.
For each box in Rois, we assign the classification (class label) and regression targets (box label) to it.
Finally BboxInsideWeights and BboxOutsideWeights are used to specify whether it would contribute to training loss.
rpn_rois(Variable): A 2-D LoDTensor with shape [N, 4]. N is the number of the GenerateProposalOp's output, each element is a bounding box with [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] format.
gt_classes(Variable): A 2-D LoDTensor with shape [M, 1]. M is the number of groundtruth, each element is a class label of groundtruth.
is_crowd(Variable): A 2-D LoDTensor with shape [M, 1]. M is the number of groundtruth, each element is a flag indicates whether a groundtruth is crowd.
gt_boxes(Variable): A 2-D LoDTensor with shape [M, 4]. M is the number of groundtruth, each element is a bounding box with [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] format.
im_info(Variable): A 2-D LoDTensor with shape [B, 3]. B is the number of input images, each element consists of im_height, im_width, im_scale.
batch_size_per_im(int): Batch size of rois per images.
fg_fraction(float): Foreground fraction in total batch_size_per_im.
fg_thresh(float): Overlap threshold which is used to chose foreground sample.
bg_thresh_hi(float): Overlap threshold upper bound which is used to chose background sample.
bg_thresh_lo(float): Overlap threshold lower bound which is used to chose background sample.